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Posts posted by A-a-ron

  1. 42 minutes ago, Nescoh said:

    Wish Granted but the upsetting truth is that the map is just a black void due to server issues.

    I wish my dead homies were alive.

    Wish granted but now they gay and don't remember you.

    I wish Guac would resign.

    • Winner 2
    • Bruh 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, Finn said:

    I'm all for adding the event server back, but idk why there's such an upheaval about it rn. Xaze said months ago what the timeline was to add the ES back, and the community hasn't hit the 70 person average player count, so we aren't getting the ES back. It's a really simple concept guys, get your battalion/faction active, promote positive RP or some other reason for people to get on and stay on the server, and you'll get the ES back in action. As easy as it is to try and blame anyone other than yourselves, this really comes down to the community not pulling it's own weight. Xaze and dev team do far more than they should be doing in order to keep the server running, and the community pushing in a forward direction, the least we can do as a community is try and pull our own weight.

    Yes king! punish the current player base because the player count isnt high enough!

    • Agree 3
    • Funny 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Woeny said:

    Now normally im down for a good discussion no reason not to have them, and its nice to hear everyone's points and view, but this crossed the line calling the dev team lazy. That  is  absolutely mind blowing to me because it just shows really how clueless you truly are. Lemme throw some things out to educate you.
    Now mind you when it comes to suggestions they do stock pile i wont disagree with you on that, but to expect them to constantly be cleared out is an expectation that is just way to high, as @Xaze  and @Jad are the main people that go over them as they just sit there bashing there head into the addons tools etc to find whats the issue with them or if they are good, as you might know this takes alot of time sinces its not a simple log in click the tool use once, No they run through scenario after scenario and even after they have! they go to @Baron to triple check them! Now we just recently had a server suggestion update in late march! so its crazy to me that a little over a month is too long for you. baffling honestly

    Now for that whole laziness part had me dying that you think that, maybe i can interest you in on a cool thing that @Xaze went out of his way to add for the players to see! Go ahead and head to https://discord.gg/synrgg there is a channel in there labeled #github looks like this  now crazy idea here! Xaze himself is throwing in there what hes working on so that you guys can see. a lot of it is reworking/fixing the major contracting and clans system for the Civilian faction. A lot of the bugs that your pointing out are minor or model changes. 
    Server suggestions like i said were literally just done in march, they are done in phases which was announced a while back so of course they are gonna stock up, but I wouldn't even say that late FEB is stocked up. Anytime they are about to go through server suggestions they announce it either through community meetings or discord pings, anything after that point of when they review them gets pushed to the next round of server suggestions. As stated above its not just something simple of hurr durr i click link drag to folder. (as stated above) @Baron @Jad and @Xaze go through them and test each one since 99% of the time things go over peoples heads when they suggest it since they wouldn't look at it from the same view Management + would 

    Now talking about the event server, i spoke a little in the commander chat about this but the standard has been set for when the server would return an average of 70 players over a decent span of time. This is why the suggestion was denied because the standard has been stated many many time. whats that time? why 70? what led us to these numbers etc etc.
    Now when we were talking about this, this conversation spanned about 2-3 weeks because its a pretty massive thing, none of us (none being Management +) want to shut the event server since that's where a lot of cool things take place, but it kills main server massively.
    For proof 104th had there BOTM of the month event server deployment today, now context going into this everyday this week weve sat around 60+ throughout the day 
    now when that deployment occurred this is what main was looking like noted HERE  we dropped.

    Now for why 70? 
    We had a discussion taking a look at the entirety of the community and how our approach on it, as you guys have said we are no longer a "massive large" community and we needed to change our approach on it. We decided to take a step back and approach it from a smaller community stand point thinking whats best to boost main so that we can bring in new faces and new life to the server. Thinking to watch attracts people to join, theres quite a few things, Population being #1, systems or unique things the server might have and how the community interacts.
    Population: People are always gonna stray towards the higher number when it comes to games, much like streamers they have more viewers so obviously they are doing something right, same goes for products your gonna lean towards the one with better and more reviews. So we wanted to bring the focus back onto main, since we took this new community, we wanted to bring the focus to main in which ES was hurting main proof above

    So then why 70?
    70 gave us that comfort where we can have a good enough population on main to still give that feel to new players and returning players so they are not missing out on alot. This giving that larger community feel and its where WE as management+ would feel comfortable to go back to that larger community view.
    Going off your point of people leave after main deployments, of course thats always going to happen the same thing happens with ES so your point doesnt really ad up to me as those people are on main making it more likely for others to join compared to them being on ES and not returning.
    Deployments feel like a repeat?  hate to break it to you almost all ES Deployments are similiar since the same tools are provided to them, they just tend to have a little more since its less people. Majorityt of the ES are still just shoot emups since finding people who wish to be an EJ isnt the easiest but i implore you to apply for the gamemaster team since its not linked with staff you ccan focus on designing and creating new creative events, heres the link to the apps create those events!


    I understand the whole wanting enough players so Main keeps high numbers but main server events are the worst thing ever, 10-25fps Max and ping is always terrible and it leaves a bad taste in alot of peoples' mouths. I got on for one Main server deployment and that was the last time since it was a terrible experience, the best part was asking people if they were lagging

    • Agree 2
    • Funny 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Bacta said:

    Hi! I wanna use your -1 as a jumping off point of reasons why I was fine being a bit more goofy in discords


    Part of the reason is that I see discords as that, a discord to hang out and joke, I also try my best to use me joking in discords to have a jumping off point to meet people, when I first came into the position i didnt know 3/4 of the people I was under, a perfect example was actually CG, I didn't really talk to knight, I didnt really talk to knight/clutch and other people that I needed to, from TZ issues its hard to establish that communication so messing around in a discord to me was a good alternative,as Marshal I want to have a friendly/healthy relationship with my BCMDS,  I only messed around discords that i felt were fine, and didnt for battalions that requested they didnt want to (SOBDE is a example of a battalion that didnt, 212th/CG were most of the time chill) . 

    I prided myself to use discords as a way to talk, and I have stuck to my word with that in 10 fold, I was always frustrated that Marshal Commanders never spoke in any discords unless they were pinged


    Due to seeing 2 people already be frustrated with this reaction towards this if rewarded a 2nd term I plan on not messing around discords, I serve the community and seeing more then 1 person frustrated, I will fix it as I respect and honor all above the table criticism towards me.

    Stop messing with discords, final warning 

    • Funny 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Dennis said:

    -1 I respectfully disagree with your performance as the Marshal commander. As a dedicated member of the community, I have observed several areas that could use improvement since my return, leading to my negative assessment. I would like to share some of these observations to provide context for my perspective.


    1. The Targeting of myself and my friends


    Rohan also has a video (will edit and post here later) of him openly admitting to having my personal discord leaked to him.

    I would like to bring to your attention a concerning matter regarding the behavior of Bacta, which has come to light recently. In various conversations held through Discord and voice channels in TS, Bacta has openly admitted to sending individuals to try and access my personal Discord or convince my friends to share it with him. This behavior is unacceptable, particularly considering his position within the community.

    It is worth noting that I, along with several others, did not participate in the server during his half-term. However, upon my return, Bacta showed a keen interest in gaining information on our reasons for coming back. This is not the first time such actions have been taken, and it is concerning to think that they may be repeated in the future.

    I believe this to be a significant concern for everyone, and I have video evidence of his admission to back up my claim. I urge you to consider the seriousness of this issue and take appropriate action to ensure that such behavior is not tolerated within the community.


    1. Unprofessionalism & Lack of Care for the Rules

      1. fVTkR8YDs-6tIgL7AORO5loIawmV-uDgassWN_yydwXYeQAnULU7uKch1qa_HA7tWwGX8B-9kdmmb90f1JtPuy-_nM3XuSzYSeRciV3nWSvim1aOooQ-t1FQpxXojy92iYZWy64LF9wBm5TvnU0estg

        1. Here bacta/Mazen is clearly breaking server rules by ERP’ing in an Incharacter chat in the Civilian discord, 

        2. tkaaZfE-0PQVBJ7Xk_RGvbQJ8aYzbhz3hHIroscGuOvJsh6WbdjYY2fasX9NxYSyo0lzLj9LPAwLSZMmJw8k5Ki-z--oB0txpsvJFIWiGbo0tcqOO4k0AFqooJFPWOTQCg4pHMyiutpWqVV9E2te-Rc I would like to draw attention to a significant issue that has arisen concerning Bacta's conduct on the server. It has become evident that he holds a clear disregard for the established rules, and this behavior has gone unpunished for an extended period.

        3. Of greater concern is the fact that, despite his numerous infractions, Bacta appears to continue his rule-breaking activities without any consequences due to his position of authority on the server. This presents a troubling situation where a member of the community, responsible for enforcing the very rules he breaks, claims to do so without any bias or prejudice towards those who hold a differing opinion or do not agree with his approach.

    As a member of the community, it is my hope that the leadership takes swift and appropriate action to address this issue and ensure that the community's rules and regulations are enforced without exception. Failure to do so may result in irreparable harm to the community's integrity and its members' trust in the leadership.


    1. Someone who is the marshal commander no matter what should in no way shape or form be talking like this in server, discord, or TS. 

    1. d2ovl23Ks5cuyUnMFycy-IxR9Vwes2RTC2UKhHCf-SnDuVTE2ZmeiABSIvU67Reht9Xi32eWpUEq7ykef5-aDjMavbs_Z60AcS64ZKhBrP4efuIl5dFzEc62eTK9aW5ixPQ85ST1IXL2n3SGrRmnq1Y

      1.  It is concerning to note the evident unprofessionalism and disregard for the community's welfare and rules exhibited by Bacta. Particularly given the emphasis on maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all age groups on the server, it is unacceptable that someone responsible for enforcing these rules shows a clear lack of concern for their wellbeing. Bacta's claim of being someone who upholds the rules, while continuing to flout them, is a worrying sign that the community's leadership needs to take seriously. Failing to address this issue appropriately risks damaging the community's reputation and creating an unsafe and unwelcoming environment for its members.

      2. It is concerning to note that there have been numerous instances of Mazen engaging in questionable conduct in various Discord servers. Furthermore, there have been instances of Mazen engaging in similar behavior in the chat box on the community forums. Given Mazen's position as a leader and the face of the clones on the Clone Wars server, these actions are deeply concerning. It is essential that leaders on the server uphold the highest standards of professionalism and respect for all members of the community. If Mazen's behavior continues to go unchecked, it could have serious implications for the community's integrity and the trust that members place in its leadership. Therefore, it is crucial that the community's leadership takes appropriate action to address these concerns and ensure that all members feel safe and respected on the server.


    1. His overstep into the factions 

      1. It is interesting to note that despite your claims of being the "Defacto-Palpatine," upon speaking with the faction leaders in Teamspeak, many have voiced concerns about your overstepping in various aspects, including high council meetings, guild affairs, and even pushing out individuals who are actively working to assist the navy. Although some may perceive these concerns as mere speculation or hearsay, it is important to note that some faction leaders may be hesitant to voice their opinions due to their reputation on the server. Regardless of how they may publicly vote on this matter, it is crucial that their true feelings are known, as it could have significant implications for the community's future. As a leader, it is essential to take into account the perspectives and concerns of all members of the community, regardless of their reputation or position. Failing to do so could result in a loss of trust and respect from the community, ultimately harming the longevity and growth of the server. Therefore, it is crucial to address these concerns and work towards finding solutions that prioritize the well-being and growth of the community.

      2. 9MVhl1F-iyXAN6MHmYJHZ5-apIxAR_hUh_aT31BIGYRKQSbll9-83Bx4HQ9z4WKeQJSCHBjzhYUZi9RYN-6i2WohBT29uu5lWnEz6j42KVScDFt-Wzb3BCe7iJPQnHH1w9Rqe4Srz6EaVEdRY0FKBPQ

        1. Upon applying for the positions of Guild LT and Marshal, I had a conversation with a member of the guild's leadership who informed me that external factors had interfered with my chances of obtaining these roles. Despite receiving a statement from the current governor indicating that I was the most qualified candidate for the position of Guild Leader, I was ultimately denied the opportunity. This suggests that the decision was not made by the faction's leadership, but rather by an individual with a personal grudge who had intruded into the faction's affairs.

      3. Your Kill On Sight (KOS) policy towards hunters highlights your approach to complex situations, wherein you opt for the simplest solution by choosing to avoid any form of interaction with them if they are unable to role-play in close proximity to you.

        1. The indiscriminate nature of the KOS order placed on all civilians is concerning and can be considered a violation of international law as it goes against the principle that civilians are non-combatants. Engaging in combat with an irregular force such as my Clan or others should only be in self-defense when there is an imminent threat, not simply because they are carrying a weapon. It is important to adhere to these principles and maintain the dignity and rights of all individuals involved in the conflict, regardless of their status or affiliation.

        2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp23-_OMkfw 

          1. You simply cant handle certain situations which shows your unprofessionalism and inability to be a solid leader.

    2. Your accomplishments

      1. Let's go through each one you claim is an “accomplishment” and go over them.

        1. New PTL rules

          1. During a commander meeting, changes were proposed to the PTL rules, which seemed like a straightforward decision. However, some individuals are concerned that this may be viewed as a significant accomplishment for your term, despite the fact that the previous PTL rules were not seen as problematic by many.

        2.  -Subunit Tryout Restriction

          1. Can you provide more content for this? I think everyone who isn't exactly familiar with this would like to know more. 

        3.  -Pushed for the Command Discord to be merged with the Synergy discord

          1. Congratulations on successfully reducing your involvement in another Discord server. It is worth noting that this outcome was planned since the time we were both part of the HA/VA community and HA had a more significant role to play. However, despite the delay in implementing this plan, I appreciate your efforts to achieve it.

        4.  -Legacy Changes SGM+

          1. I believe this decision exhibits a certain disregard towards the veteran members of the community. Although I acknowledge that the rank cap was initially set at LT and that some modifications may have been necessary for light of the rank restructure, it raises the question of whether it was necessary to make any adjustments at all. Was this issue having such a negative impact on the server that it required immediate attention?

        5.  -Helped Jedi/BH implant Rahm Kota Militia

          1. Now to this, I can speak, I can clearly recall Kiara telling me “Mazen just threw this at us and told us to figure it out I'm busy with naval” So why when others did do the groundwork do you claim this as a win for you? 

          2. image.png i dont see how you helped at all.

        6.  -Increase Standards and upheld standards (Removed/demoted around 5+ people in either applicable positions or high leadership positions without a leader)

          1. Congrats you removed an inactive Captain of the Navy, however, refer to my previous statements and I find it comical that you claim to enforce and uphold when you fail to. 

        7.  -Enforced stricter DB etiquette

          1. Anyone who has half a brain sees you run around in DB and not stand still so I dont know why this is here but honestly that aside why is this an accomplishment?




    -Helped Brak revive 501st by sending BB 

    -Rank Limits

    -Guild Marshal get base passes lol

    -(In Process)-Battalion backup emails under 1 synergy email 

    -Commanders+ can put people up for Role-player of the week

    -Reorganized Trainings in the server

    -Bring Back Office of HC semi Bi Weekly

    -Fixed small commander application rule updates 

    -Talked to every Intel Director and suggested they added Looker Studio a cool ass fucking intel


    All of these I can't speak to as either I dont see them as accomplishments or they are alleged or things that honestly dont impact the server and shouldn't be used on this application. 


     In summary, your tenure as Marshal commander has been lackluster, to say the least. Your actions have caused immeasurable harm to the server, leading to a decrease in player count, and your reluctance to let bygones be bygones is further exacerbating the situation. It is evident that you target and harass individuals who disagree with your ideas, indicating a troubling pattern of behavior. Anyone who values the server's success must acknowledge the evidence presented and take a stand against this tyrannical form of leadership. Failure to do so will result in the server's downfall.

    Synergy is currently at a crossroads, and the direction we take from here will determine its longevity. It is with great sadness that I say this, but if you were to regain this position, it would be the last straw, resulting in the permanent alienation of the community. I have been an active player on Synergy since 2018, and I have witnessed the server's highs and lows. As someone who has invested so much in it, I cannot sit back and watch one individual's unchecked power destroy everything that the development team and others have worked so hard to create.

    I implore you to reflect on your actions and the impact they have had on the server. It is only through humility and a willingness to listen to others that true change can occur. It is not too late to make things right, and I urge you to consider the repercussions of your behavior on the community as a whole. Only by working together can we ensure the server's success and growth for years to come.



    • Funny 3
    • Winner 3
    • Dumb 1
  6. 29 minutes ago, Bacta said:

    this is illegal to do, the government cant do a unreasonable fine for the general population, like most things i think people are going a bit insane over it, do you remember net neutrality, like most things in congress it will be debated and most likely thrown or nerfed

    This just in, mazen finds out the government breaks the law.

    • Winner 2
    • Bruh 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Ccmonty said:

    interpersonal communications


    If I get caught using that I get an automatic 0 for the class and my parents will kill me

    what makes you think the person u "hire" wont use chatgpt


    • Winner 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

    I'd like to clarify something before y'all go bananas with the map suggestions

    I wanted to add a citadel, believe me, but theres a reason it didn't make it:
    The map has currently hit a very very fine line on its brush limit? What does this mean? Think of maps like legos. You build the walls, the floors, the ceilings out of blocks and other shapes. Source has a hard cap on the limit of these legos (brushes) you can use to build your map.
    We're not quite there yet, but we're something 40-80 brushes away from being there, which is not a lot of wiggle room at all!

    Soltuion? If we want new rooms/areas, something will have to be downsized or removed.
    It's inconvenient, but its just how source is. I've been bashing my head at a recent map project because I've hit the brush limit there too. It's annoying, and I wish gmod was on source 2 because of it

    Proof I was in fact about to add it before it hit the brush limit. This was the anaxes one btw, I just cleaned up the textures to fit the base

    Erm just add more brushes, ez


    +1 if possible but as Jayarr said doesn’t seem very possible right now

  9. 9 minutes ago, SeabassAppeal said:

    Origionally I wasn't going to mention any of this because I know some people will push it off as me trying to gain sympathy, so I'll try to say this the best I can but this is the exact opposite of a "sob story" after I stopped alting, I went to a camp for general improvement in december until early feburary, I got therapy, I actually did change and the reason you can't see it is because I know you as well as many others, cant forgive me and see anything other than the immature child that I was. I honestly don't blame you. My question is how did I never give a damn over this community, I played for a full year, spent money, and genuinley enjoyed playing, only reason I did what I did was I felt alone, I was weak, and I've admitted it and continue to grow from it. Also, if i didn't care, Why would I appeal?


    This is true, like I said I did get therapy and apologize to many people I hurt.

    I would like to adress this, I did do many terrible things, and Im still ashamed of it and cringe whenever i think about it. I'm not trying to dance around any of what I did when I say this, In all honesty I could've sworn I adressed this with the homophobic post portion but I guess I didn't specifically mention it, I did say slurs and many inaproiate things to people in dm's after my ban. what I did was no better than what others did, I had nothing to lose, the reason I stopped was because of genuine change, I was messed up in the head, itll never happen again and for that i am sorry to you and everyone Who i did such things to.

    I would never do this again because I've changed, I didn't make changes to who I am to just appeal and return and continue, I genuinley have changed since december, I know it looks like it's a group appealing, it's just me, I dont know of anybody else appealing besides those who already have. I just want a chance to fix things i've broken, because before I did what i did i believe I genuinley was a positive on the community.

    To make it short, I did these things. I have received help for the things i've done and apologized, I dont expect all to be forgive, but this is not me trying to avoid anything, its the opposite.

    Don’t care! Fuck off go change somewhere else.


    • Winner 2
    • Dumb 7
  10. 3 hours ago, Hanz said:

    Woeny is giving me a false sense of hope to return to the chatbox

    Just become VA and volunteer full time hours for the privilege to type in the chatbox when u did nothing wrong in the first place

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