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VIP - Carvis
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Everything posted by Carvis

  1. Question Answered. //moved to answered
  2. Extended to 2/8/2020 due to time zone difficulties.
  3. Carvis

    Ban Appeal

    Reason: NITRP, RDM, warned multiple times| Appeal @Synergyforums.com SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149417608 Length: 43200 Reason: L2AP SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149417608 Length: 259200 Reason: NITRP, 4 arrests today, 10 arrests in the past 3 days. [email protected] SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149417608 Length: 604800 Reason: L2AP, FailRP SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149417608 Length: 259200 Reason: arrest 5 times today SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149417608 Length: 345600 -1
  4. You have been accepted into the staff team!! //moved to accepted
  5. You have been accepted for interview! Please contact myself or another HA for your interview Failure to do so by 2/9/2020 will result in a denial //locked //moved to pending
  6. You have been accepted for interview! Please contact myself OR another HA to do your interview. Failure to do so by 2/9/2020 will result in a denial. //locked //moved to pending
  7. Carvis


    Player has voided their application. This is your only void allowed for 30 days. //locked //moved to denied
  8. This staff application is being denied for multiple reasons: Player does not meet required age (Close or not, you are still not the proper age) Application does not meet format requirements Negative community feedback You may not reapply within the next 30 days. Please feel free to reapply when you meet the proper age and have put more effort into the application. //locked //moved to denied
  9. You have been accepted to the staff team! //moved to accepted
  10. His LOA has been logged Please respond here and @ me once he has returned
  11. Your resignation has been logged. <3
  12. Fairly certain this ban was from ban was from @ Joah since 1 week bans are kinda his specialty when he’s on the server. The decision would be up to him to revert if he so chooses.
  13. [02/01/2020] PRESENT for the High Staff Meeting: Trad, Craig, Carvis, Forseen (late) Absent: Neptune, Foxey, Mangement+ High Ranks Staff PTS Jackson: Square: Chamber/Carter: Dragon: Sanchez: Trad: No. Forseen: Starting to look at quality over quantity for staff work. Foxey: Neptune: Carvis: Changes with TFA means that people need to sell weapons ASAP. They could be happening anytime so please for the love of god sell your perma weapons as they will not be refunded after the switch. Also, if you get any LUA errors after the switch please copy and paste them and send them to an HA! Craig: - Take Tickets. GM is applicable to senior admins who are currently GH. Be sure to get updated with the new rule document (Updated). If you go on LOA/Roa be sure to meet the parameters and fill it out on the forums. Don’t spawn in sweps 4head. (or anything that isn’t apart of your kit outside of events :) Staff of the Week/Month - Carvis Bud - Staff of the week! Kurt - Staff of the month! Private Hours/Steam Format: Noble- Hours Omami- Hours Nomad- Hours Staff Promotions Admin to SA - Carvis Enzyme SA to VA Craig Aust Matra Duck Hero VA to HA - Trad & Forseen Jagger Tyennoch
  14. first of all, that @ was rude :( but I'll miss you man :( <3
  15. Thank you! owo //locked //moved to completed
  16. Welcome back! //locked //moved to completed
  17. Your LOA has been logged Please respond here and @ me when you have returned
  18. Your LOA has been logged Please respond here and @ me when you have returned
  19. Your LOA has been logged! Please respond here and @ me when you have returned!
  20. You have been accepted into the staff team! //moved to accepted
  21. You've been reaccepted into the staff team! //moved to accepted
  22. Your resignation has been logged Thank you for your service
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