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Posts posted by Paladin_

  1. 10 minutes ago, Dono said:

    I have no idea what you mean by this... are you saying to stop running battalion / regiment specific events on main server?

    I'm not saying that..... I mean more as of recent there has been more for certain battalions, like I mean they stop us from participating. But this is a talk for another time

  2. -1. Sometimes people don't want to partake in events.
    Also maybe stop hosting events/CIS Ops on Main for certain battalions first before you request us to stop watching stuff on the mediaplayer

  3. I never really pay attention to Video game soundtracks except for one

    I fuckin love the Undertale Soundtrack. It can go from being a calm ass music to making you rock out. Don't judge me, I fucking love this games Soundtrack!

    Full Soundtrack: 

    Best Calm music: 

    Undertale - 

    Best Rock out music: 
    Hopes & Dreams -  

    Finale - 


    • Disagree 1
  4. Steam Name: [SR] Paladin

    RP Name: Warthog|Paladin

    RP Rank: Commander

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52905577

    Battalion or squad you are applying for: 104th BCMD

    [Doom’s Unit] PVT-CMD | Intel Deputy Director, ARFL
    Doom’s Unit was the first battalion I joined when I joined the server back in December of 2018, Immediately I joined ARF at the Rank of CPL, as soon as I joined ARF the current ARFL resigned from ARF and I was offered the position of ARFL where I actually secured proper duties and meanings for the ARF branch within Doom’s Unit. I assisted in building up the numbers of the Doom’s Unit to as much that I got around 3 recruits a day. Although I go for the position of Regimental Lead I still assisted branches such as ARC & Medic with their activities and how they could improve themselves and make themselves more noticeable. While in DU I found that the best way to command was to be strict but not be “Too much of a hard-ass”, meaning that people were allowed to have fun on the server since it was a game as long as they weren’t breaking rules or annoying people, but I at least knew that breaking said rules was not something that DU wanted. I stuck with the battalion all through my time on the server as ARFL & Intel Deputy Director, and I later left the server due to IRL issues I was having.

    [21st Nova Corps->Galactic Marines->Spec-Ops] PVT - CPT | Intel, ARFL, Spec Ops
    When I returned to the server in November 2020 I decided to join the 21st and help them out, the branch I ended up joining was Spec-Ops and assisting them with revamping their Spec-Ops Trainings, Tryouts, and overall attitude, as well as the development of the UT-AT Training documents. With the work I completed within the 21st I managed to show my work and the rest of the battalions work in a way that a few other battalions noticed my Leadership skills, but due to the management of the battalion at the time, there were some hurdles I had to overcome but attempted to fix these issues as they came along. Due to situations like this once the High Command at the time had left I was left to run the battalion with the Highest ranking members of Galactic Marines & Keller’s Unit.

    [212th->2ndAC->Parjai] 2ndLT-CPT | SUPO, 2ndACS
    After I left 21st I moved from battalion to battalion for a bit until I eventually moved onto the 212th where I joined 2ndAC & later joined Parjai. During that time I assisted in the development of the Support Corps in 2ndAC & 212th by offering Engineer & Pilot trainings to people within the battalion and outwith. Down the line, I joined Parjai where I helped as much as possible as a 2ndAC Sergeant to recruit people into 2ndAC & Parjai Squad.

    [104th->Wolfpack] 2ndLT-CMD | SUPL, Intel Manager
    I left the 212th to help the 104th as they had no Support troopers (Which seemed odd to me in a battalion about vehicles), Once I joined I immediately joined the Support Branch and got the position of Warthog after a while, as soon as I had the position I began work on revamping the Support Corps as they still referred to their documents as Engineer & Pilot being separate jobs. Although I joined the 104th to assist the Support I still took some of my time to help Leaders of the other branches better their regiments and bring up activity within those branches. I’ve also assisted in updating the TX-130/AT-TE training documents slightly but I believe they still require a bit more information to be added.

    Other Positions Held
    Trainer Manager, Head Admin, Jedi Knight V Brute Manager

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 
    I have lots of experience being in command of Regiments and Battalion actions, I have managed to build many solid relationships with the members within the battalion and outside the battalion. I am probably also one of the only people who is actually scared to really break the rules, which is highly important in a battalion that centralizes around Discipline. I’ve always tried to push quality work over quantity as quality is always important within Battalions & the server as a whole, if any battalion were to fall to low-quality work it would die and that just isn’t something I can allow, I care about the battalion and want to help it flourish as it did ages ago.

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes

    All times listed are in EST Time
    Monday - Friday: 6 am-7 pm (Excluding Thursdays)
    Saturday & Sunday:6am-8pmEST

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 
    December 2018 - September 2019 & November 2020 - [Current]
    2795 hours in total

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
    Overall I am wanting the battalion to uphold prior standards, traditions and keep our focus on the future of the battalion, but below are some things I either want to focus on keeping at top-quality or push past its current point:
    Activity - Activity as of recent in the 104th has been great, the only problem with the activity is that the only people that are active are the Officers, I almost never see an NCO on, I want to improve around this as NCOs as they should be the ones hosting Trainings & Tryouts but as it stands all of that work is being pushed to the Officers alone.

    Training - One of the key aspects of the 104th is drills or otherwise known as Training. As of recent Training within the 104th have been on the decline due to the reasoning that people find them “boring”, “mundane” or “uninspired”, I want to change this outlook and show that 104th that it’s so easy to make an entertaining Training and reward those that actually bother doing stuff like this.

    Documents - This more relates to the Vehicle Documents the 104th has, the current TX-130/AT-TE Training documents are of good quality but if you give it a close read it highly refers to the old Star Wars Vehicles System the server used to have, I want to update these documents to reflect the LFS system instead, as well as highlighting rules such as scaling mountains with the vehicles and sections for Admin Use.

    Regiments - I want to further develop the 104th’s Regiment system cause as of right now the Regiments are focusing on 1 aspect they can use, I want to utilize all parts of the 104th to their fullest potential. As of right now Regiments like Heavy only focus on using big guns, rather I believe Heavy could partake in other actions such as protecting Hostages after extraction, partaking in frontline defensive trainings, or establishing connections for them to work with the other regiments, these are however just ideas but have been stuff I have attempted to push on the other regiments for a while.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

    Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

    • Winner 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Bacta said:

    1: The event job spawned at aurek as the CIS were occupried there

    2: I shoot turbo lasters from the lander excat positions

    I don't want to start an argument but.......

    I was hidden in a tower, he still has to follow NLR unless he sees me or sees me attacking

    And there was turbolasers fired in courtyard when there were no Landers in the sky 

    • Informative 1
  6. 2/10 for a number of reasons

    • One of the event jobs broke NLR when I flanked before they could see me, I hid in the NE tower of Aurek and he proceeded to immediately shoot a wrist rocket
    • Turbo Lasers were being shot from point blank range
    • Droids were being spawned on top of us.
    • The same event job that broke NLR ran up to troopers and shot a rocket at their feet.
    • The RP made no sense, where did the ball come from!?
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