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Posts posted by Paladin_

  1. 9/10. amazingly planned and executed. And I loved to play Jesse!..... but with the first part kind of sucked cause of the map choice being too close quartered and rockets being thrown everywhere

  2. -1. I just don't see the need for it in RP. And like Naffen said, Wolffe had a Commodore Suit cause he was Navy, and when he wore the bodygroupr it basically made his job different. With Rex........ he basically serves the same job as a Clone but looking like a knock off naval.

  3. Bug Type (CWRP): Map

    Severity level (1-3): 1

    Evidence (if you can): https://imgur.com/a/QSjIP3b

    Description of the bug: One of the doors to the kitchen in Messhall doors seems to open when you walk into it and always closes even when you interact with the button. It's not anything big, but it really messes with me when I walk by the Messhall and notice one of the doors is closed and the other is open

    How can we recreate it: Walk into the Doors, the one on the right will open and close like an automatic door

  4. +1, but I would rather make it so we can add it in to relevant jobs cause it would be interesting for events if we could have people like ARF/ARC with the SWEP to scale a wall and take out the rayshield so HVYs, MED and PLT can swarm in. Just my own nitpick but it would be pretty cool

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  5. 1/10, where do I start with this encounter, it was actually awful:
    1. The "Story" for the encounter was the dumbest reason, constantly trying to kill Mas Amedda for.... "Reasons?". It would be better to create a reason for an attack like a bounty on his head or something
    2. FailRP on mutliple accounts, You were constantly firing rockets at your feet and they're were 90% of the time the weapon you were using which made it unfair, it would have been fine if you didn't keep throwing yourselves at the base and placing tacs in base (Look at reason 3). You also proceeded to fire a flamethrower through windows which in no world should work in RP.
    3. You placed tacs in spots that were not in allowed. I had to drag one of the EJs back to the CQC sim room because they had their Tac placed in that room. Then you moved your tacs to the hill North of Base which isn't allowed.
    4. You killed 5 people while walking around in Staff mode which made it unfair.

    • Informative 1
  6. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

    For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or a Head Admin.

    You may re-apply for a staff position after 30 DAYS from this post.

    // LOCKED

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