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Billiam Clinton

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Everything posted by Billiam Clinton

  1. Welcome to the Staff team! If you have any questions feel free to contact an Overseer. Use your abilities wisely and with restraint.
  2. It's only temporary. Let's just hope they can actually deliver on their promised custom map/drop deadline (2-4 months)
  3. I think everyone should be given a chance. But I also think we need to fix the current Game Makers and the quality of events before we start accepting more.
  4. Exact same resignation as Ryan's.. amazing lmao. Honestly, Pyle, you were one of my top friends on here. We ranted about a ton of shit together, shut a ton of kids down, and fucking dominated the trainer system when it was us and Buzz. You were easily the best Obi-Wan 212th has ever had, and probably will ever have. Hopefully you still pop in TS from time to time.
  5. Changelog (8/5/17) [UTC -6 22:23] Completed chat tags for donator and staff ranks Completed spelling fix of [VIP Operator to [VIP] Operator Completed colored TAB menu to help differentiate battalion
  6. First things that came to my head Like I said, though, no particular order. Yeah, we know Joah mentioned this, however after discussing it quite a bit with the other Overseers+ we just don't think that's practical. There are way too many staff members for us to honestly watch all of them enough for it to be fair. It's not that we're trying to be lazy and get out of extra work, we just want it to be fair for everyone. It's very likely under the current system that the staff members that associate themselves the most with the Overseers will get promoted even if their quality is mediocre, while those that work their asses off won't be recognized if they don't necessarily talk to the Overseers.
  7. Changelog (8/5/17) [UTC -6 15:15] +Better 91st models +More Jedi models
  8. I believe those suggestions have already been made. This list is for suggestions to make in the future when the suggestions space isn't quite so clogged.
  9. Changelog (8/5/17) [UTC -6] 05:47 +Remove LUA injection permissions for everyone so people can't use external code to spawn themselves guns (credit, Jimbo/Bear)
  10. I'm going to write a list of anything that I recognize or is brought to me as needing attention, polishing, or additional development on the server. This will just help to keep all of my thoughts truncated in one place, and act as a laundry list of items to suggest as the server progresses. Please do not view this as nitpicking. I'm simply making this as a list of items that, if the server were to be perfect, could be looked at. These are in no particular order. Skill system 2ndAC models 2ndAC medic has wrong DC-15a Additional 2ndAC jobs 212th Major class/model Fixed rank permissions Includes prop protection Utilities access Overseer can't admin clean for example Toolgun access Vet Admin probably doesn't need rope for example Chat tags Staff ranks Donator ranks Fix "[VIP Operator" to "[VIP] Operator" in TAB More event jobs More vehicles Better owners Event server Staff training program Staff supervision program (SMod doc? No. Vet Admin doc? Maybe.) Staff rank hierarchy revision (is New Admin -> Admin -> Vet Admin practical?) Game Maker for any staff rank Improved ticket GUI graphic/utility (smaller, less noisy/obnoxious, fits all text in the box) Fix bug in which tickets do not appear for specific users New whitelist system Current one lacks a needed search function Remove ability to join any job as staff Possibly a consequence of the current whitelist tool New TAB menu Current one makes it difficult to quickly differentiate battalion/see number of active people in a batt. Unnecessary functions on the left side Maybe provide more information when you click a name? I think this was already promised? Collapsible F4 menu Too much scrolling Remove Jek Possibly a new admin tool? ULX is good, but not great Could be better and more applicable to SWRP/DarkRP functionality Command echos are also an issue (either on for all or off for all) More guns in the gun shop! SWEPs? Sound/voice SWEPs DEFCON and comms status on HUD! More NCPs! Custom map Work in progress? Admin mode rip my immersion with ULX New clone cadet model Currently being commissioned The young Yularen model He's not that old, guys More snow trooper skins A lot of jobs/battalions don't have them Female clones Duh Fix Teamspeak permissions I can see Joah's IP DDOS inbound (he's probably using a VPN) DMCA Icefuse Regimental and Senior CMD models that don't look like they're part of a batt. Find some, I guess Remove LUA injection permissions for everyone so people can't use external code to spawn themselves guns Better 91st models More Jedi models We have a lot already, though I will be adding from this list as more things come to me. I'll treat it as a changelog and post changes in the thread below to help myself keep track of things. If you have something you'd like to see in the future, but don't want to suggest now feel free to comment it and I'll add it so we can remember. If something is suggested I'll cross it out and color it green or red for accepted and denied respectively.
  11. +1 : We could use more cancer events.
  12. I don't think there has ever been a 101st/CT Commander that has served a full term without resigning. You were definitely one of the better ones, though. P.S.: Why is your profile pic a Rainbow Dash gif lol
  13. Any roleplay position given to a staff member and not applied for and/or earned through the full ranking system of the respective hierarchy is interim. I believe the only exceptions are the Directors being Marshals. And even so, the earned Marshal commander outranks a Director Marshal Commander in-game.
  14. Didn't go full roast like Ryan, just called out the people he thought deserved that. I can respect that. Going out with dignity. Enjoy real life, man. You were a pretty decent Ponds, bad Senior
  15. +1 Could be useful. Or at least for "Roleplay Discussion" or something.
  16. Welcome to the staff team! If you have any questions feel free to message myself or any other Overseer. Be wise and courteous with your abilities.
  17. Congratulations! Your application for staff has been accepted for interview. Please contact an Overseer+ by August 10th to conduct your interview. If you fail to do so your application will be automatically denied. Best of luck!
  18. Congratulations! Your application for staff has been accepted for interview. Please contact an Overseer+ by August 10th to conduct your interview. If you fail to do so your application will be automatically denied. Best of luck!
  19. Unfortunately at this time we have decided to deny your application for staff due to poor community feedback. You may reapply for the position in 30 days, on September 2nd. Use this time to improve yourself as an applicant.
  20. Does it count if all 300 of your posts are meaningless?
  21. Congratulations! Your application has been accepted for interview. Please contact an Overseer+ by August 10th to conduct your interview. If you fail to do this, your application will be automatically denied. Best of luck!
  22. Congratulations! Your application has been accepted for an interview. Please contact an Overseer+ by August 10th. If you fail to do this you will be automatically denied for staff. Best of luck! Personal note: I held off on accepting this due to the -1's, however because all of the -1's are from the same battalion and no other -1's have been posted for a few days I am now accepting this.
  23. Billiam Clinton

    Cmo's App

    Welcome to the staff team! You will receive your training shortly. Be wise and courteous with your powers, and you'll go far.
  24. Welcome to the staff team! You will receive your training shortly. Be wise and courteous with your powers, and you'll go far.
  25. Congratulations! Your application has been accepted for interview. Please contact an Overseer+ to conduct your interview by August 9th. If you fail to contact a staff member, your application will be denied. Best of luck. I hope to see you on the staff team.
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