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Posts posted by Alec

  1. Question: With the health being lowered to 300 and armor to 100, and the shield apparently getting buffed to 300?? damage.
    So can the shield potentially one shot people?

    Comments/Concerns: I might be completely wrong here but this is my understanding of what I read on the meeting notes 

    Staff Member you're asking: @ Joah @ Ron

    Additional info: "Health will be changed to 300" "DU- Shield buff! Stun for 3 seconds and 300 damage "

  2. 5 minutes ago, Lens said:

    Should likely rephrase a bit, but, it's not always FailRp, but shouldn't be expected to use anywhere, everywhere, all the time.People Paid for Jedi when they get VIP, but, doesnt mean you can just do whatever you want on your Jedi. But, it shouldn't be an AOSble matter imo. Maybe PT, if you do it to the wrong person. If you punch someone three times, it's Attempted Murder, but, I've had a Brawl with a fellow BH, when I got close to death, I put away my fists. It's up to Staff though.

    If I get arrested or even PTd for flipping someone off, im boutta clap some cheeks

  3. Just now, Lens said:

    I Didnt cry stop making fun of me!!

    In all seriousness, I get why it's supposed to be in OOC, but I think it's one of those situations in Gmod, like sitting down. Why does everyone always stand? Because they dont get tired. Can they sit down anywhere? Technically yes, but really no. Would you sit anywhere? Well, Mav might because he's a fucking Mad Lad, but, Lancer wont because he's more of a Straight Shooter. 

    Context is important, and that's the issue that Staff seems to be having. They dont want it to be a Situation where everyone is constantly using it nonstop in situations they wouldn't, to people they wouldn't. The Moment Nightmare got it, he flipped off the entire server base individually at least once. Jocasta flipped off the entire 501st Legion one by one during a Jedi Ceremony. Synergy is weird because it tries it's hardest to be a Serious Roleplay server but it's often not serious with Roleplay. Maybe they want to change that? Especially with Elements of the server that are more RP focused. 

    Does it kind of suck? Yeah, but it's also Failrp at it's finest. 

    If a SWEP I paid for counts as FailRP, I damn sure want a refund. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Ron said:

    People should not be getting AOS’d for a donation SWEP, it’s not a weapon and does not have any ability to damage/assault, especially if there are no server rules against it’s use.

    Can you look into the above please? I don’t think CG should be arresting for the use of a hand swep; but I digress and will let the above make an official statement.

    Not only is CG doing it, jedi order got the same rule

    Grand Master Of The Order YodaYesterday at 5:17 AM

     Alright everyone please stop putting up the middle finger swep on jedi, it causes problems with people  you can do it in ooc
  5. 19 minutes ago, Dennis said:

    I’m probably speaking for a large number of players when I say this, but the current attitude that CG/Shock carry among themselves is quite toxic and ruins the RP experience on a daily basis. Quoting non-existant server rules, claiming its within their SOPs, using metagaming methods to enforce arrests, lack of respect for superior officers/ranks by not saluting, referring to them as sir, and quickly baton smashing them at their first opportunity.

    I honestly don't care who has priority in arrests, but adding to this, most CG seem to have a god complex and act superior to most people

  6. 9 hours ago, Lens said:

    I think its a Ripped version of the Alderan Guard from my First Server actually XD I do hope they'll be able to help BO as well. They're always getting into trouble. Also, Middle finger is by far my favorite swep!

    They were on the server before and got removed for a good reason, I would be more than glad to keep them as event jobs, but dont like them being almost public access

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