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Posts posted by Gaster

  1. Name: Gaster

    Staff Rank: VA


    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 2 weeks

    Reason: Really haven't been feeling the server for a while gonna take a step back

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes

  2. Name: Gaster

    Who helped (If applicable): Xander, Gadegt, Stix

    Event Name: Retaking the frontline

    Summary of Event: A Outpost was attacked by CIS forces, the Commanding officer of the base sent out a distress call. Anaxes base head the call and deployed troops to retake the outpost. After a tough battle they managed to rescue the only remaining survivor and cleared the area


  3. Being a game master itself isn't to hard. The hard part is being the person who makes high quality events constantly. Anyone can do a simple "CIS goes brrr" event. It takes time to learn what people like and what works. You also have to be able to boss around people since some won't listen. But the main struggle is getting quality events that everyone like.

    Just do what seems like a good idea, no one cares if you have 1-2 bad events. As long as you learn from what made it bad you can be a good GM.

  4. -1, I've seen every battalion that gets added die. There hype around it for about a month then no one cares. Some battalion aren't doing so good now so adding a completely new one would just hurt the server more than help it. Maybe we could add a battalion once the current ones are stable were getting numbers like we used to. But as of now adding it wouldn't help anyone.

  5. Name: Gaster

    Who helped (If applicable): Luther, Soccer, Winters, Shark

    Event Name: The Ritual

    Summary of Event: Sith shamans took up residents in the cave, summoning a storm to protect them. After sensing a dark presence the Jedi went to investigate. Seeing the sith they tried to negotiate ultimately failing. The Sith turned hostile. But up against the republic forces soon perished


  6. Name: Gaster

    Who helped (If applicable): Zen

    Event Name: Lieutenant Rescue

    Summary of Event: A LAAT Transport was shot down and the Naval that was on it got captured. He managed to get his hands on some comms and requested help. After getting rescued and brought back to base the CIs launched an attack to try and get him back. The attack failed and the Lieutenant delivered the information that the CIS was after. Then got transported back to the Fleet


  7. Name: Gaster

    Who helped (If applicable): Pog, Gadget, Spaghetti

    Event Name: The Hunt

    Summary of Event: 2 Trandosians released some Wookie's for a hunt. The Wookie's managed to get into contact with the Republic and went inside. The republic had left their SHB open so the Trandos managed to get inside. Once they saw the Wookie's they opened fire. They were then announced hostile to the republic and called for reinforcements. One of the original hunters had died and the other was captured. The captured on then told the rest to back off. The Wookie's were then transported back to Kashyyyk once it was safe.


  8. 1 minute ago, Deku said:

    For the products you mentioned, do you have any like, Amazon links to them? I’m in Canada so preferably something that actually ships here.

    First one is the keyboard
    Second the mouse
    and the third well any headphones from them are good just do a bit of research before picking one

    • Friendly 1
  9. I have the G910 for keyboard and the G402 for my mouse. They work well and I've had them for a few years. Great quality. Though they are a bit more on the expensive side with the keyboard costing 100+ and the mouse 60+. well those are my prices dunno what they are in US. For headphones HyperX has some really good options, any of the headphones are a good choice just some have better sound quality than others. Logitech always has good options for keyboards and mice. But for headphones would recommend going for HyperX

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