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Everything posted by Casanova

  3. Bug Type (Server:): Weapons Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High Evidence (if you can): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1STw4MvQ-Ff0yY/d1337FNAR5fr?invite=cr-MSw4VkYsMTk4NTIwNDMyLA Description of the bug: Weapons on any vehicles do no damage to NPC, rockets dont damage ships. This is not the only instance of it. How can we recreate it: Spawn a ship and some npcs and look for yourselves
  4. Bug Type (Server:): Server Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High Evidence (if you can): N/A Description of the bug: Lost like 10-15 mil after creating a new character How can we recreate it: Make someone delete your whitelist while you are disconnected, once you spawn as a CT in the CC room, delete the character and create a new one, thats what happened to me atleast
  5. Name: Casanova RP Rank: SGM Suggestion: As the title suggests Implementation: Make a google sheets document Description: Back on endor we had a rotation schedule for which each battaltion had an assigned time to be at an outpost and be stationed there. I think we should add this for Onderon at outpost Thesh becuase it gives each battalion an oppurtunity to both train as a team and give the staff members of each battalion a chance to do fun things for their battaltions. A 30-60 min for one battalion at a time with different kinds of RP and "mini-encounters" it could be everything from boxrp to a shootemup. This would also give server wide events a chance to happen in a cool way, for example thesh is attacked when 21st is stationed there, they radio for backup and the rest of the base can partake. For this to work, communication is key. If a GM wants to do an event starting at thesh, talk to the battalion stationed there, tell them their comms are being jammed if the GM doesnt want the base to know yet, or tell them to radio in for backup if they see enemies if they want the base to get there. There are all kinds of things you could do with this, with the only thing stopping you being your imagination! f Other: Old schedule for Anaxes. We'd do something similar to this but obviously with Thesh and maybe even some area in sector 2 if we want to extend it https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y3EEbYqnS9WtsyjthLOqM36UTUlg8YGuNvamKJNRzvs/edit#gid=0
  6. While being a Ghost Company pilot is awesome, the benefit of Foxtrot for the battalion as a whole is a lot more valuable. I hope this gets added back under 212th +1
  7. 5 very planned out lore and plot, I especially like the character development, you really get to know the CIS and get a deeper connection to them, very well planned strategies etc
  8. Legit question why does everyone hate Dennis I really don't get what he did that's so horrible
  9. Well, you see, I didnt see that How are people so fast at editing I dont get it
  10. It was a legit question Dennis
  11. 9/10 Great idea, had a lot of fun, not enough microtransactions though
  12. 6, it was good for being made so quick and for just 3 people partaking in it
  13. Please close this thread as I have made a new suggestion
  14. Name: Casanova | Asac | Avon RP Rank: Specialist Everything below is to apply for people with a whitelist for the 104th pilot Suggestion: Add the regular helmet as bodygroupers for the pilot job/s Implementation: Add the regular phase 2 helmet to the bodygroupers for the 104th pilot job like 104th Wolfpack Warthog has Lore: In the clone wars series you never see any pilots running around on the base unless they are doing anything vehicle related. They were not in combat or anything like that. To make it lore friendly I think Pilots should have the regular helmet as a bodygrouper. It looks odd to see a pilot engaging droids on the battlefield unless they are in a vehicle Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") *Require Develpoment* (I guess?)
  15. But its not about collecting the whitelist. How many airforce pilots have you seen fighting in like Bagdahd and Afghanistan? It just makes sense for Pilots not to be in active ground combat unless theyve crashed or are heading to a ship,
  16. Name: Casanova | Asac | Avon RP Rank: Specialist Everything below is to apply for people with a whitelist for any pilot job. (Hawk, Oddball, Warthog, Tracer, Locke, 104th Pilot) Suggestion: Allow pilots, (mainly for the 104th) to use both the trooper and the actual pilot whitelist) Implementation: Allow players with the pilot job 2 whitelists Lore: In the clone wars series you never see any pilots running around on the base unless they are doing anything vehicle related. They were not in combat or anything like that. To make it lore friendly I think Pilots should be allowed a whitelist for the standard trooper and their pilot jobs. It looks odd to see a pilot engaging droids on the battlefield unless they are in a vehicle Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  17. Bug Type (Server:): CWRP Severity level (1-3): 1 Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: So I bought the LL-30 today by misstake when I was scrolling throught the permweapons menu but it turned out to be pretty dope. About 20 minutes later when I died it was gone and the quartermaster clone told me to buy it again lioke I never had it How can we recreate it: No clue
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