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Everything posted by Venom

  1. From what Ive read they were supposed to have more screentime in season 7? But oh well. The cameo was still very nice, too bad noone can recreate the badass look of that armor in gmod.
  2. Dude take a look at the GM ARCs loadout sometime and tell me that RC are the op ones right now.
  3. HMMMM 212th ISSUES PRETTY HIGH UP I SENSE BIAS :^) jk tho good list +1
  4. Take all the time you need dude, no sane person would blame you.
  5. +1 I believe this will be his third time being Niner? Its just his destiny at this point.
  6. +1 will actually make Naval into something great, and not fill it with people that make me want to kill myself
  7. Its multiple choice, but for your case I would vote whoever gave you the most unpleasant experience.
  8. It would be much appreciated if you spread it to your battalion mates then, but still thank you for not voting blindly.
  9. Hey guys, unfriendly neighborhood Jaing here. After a long talk with a bunch of other people on the topic of the public image of Null, the idea of making a thread asking about it came up. So please answer truthfully and dont meme.
  10. oof my dude, love you. I owe you a bit longer, thanks for fucking letting me have the priveledge of being your Trace at the very start and not blacklisting me for starting the RC RUNSPEED meme. You're a great guy and you always speak the truth.
  11. I would like a Battlefront type event honestly, where we have a ground campaign on the event server, while having a space battle on main.
  12. +1 gene is a really good gamemaster
  13. Im not gonna waste my time giving you examples, because you know what you did.
  14. -1 you constantly do nothing but start drama, rage when you get killed in sims, and disrespect players/the server. Nice tags by the way, but the guy who banned you probably has more staff experience in his fucking pinky then you have in your entire body.
  15. +1 while beb events might be memes, they are actually well made memes. Never had to -1 a beb event
  16. yo +1 mocaris events are always LIT
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