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Posts posted by NootNoot


    RP Name:Delta Oh-Seven "Sev" l TG KA Jeanne d'Arc l Romeo "Vadam" Agu 

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:160681576

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age:16(17 soon)


    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):So i was a staff few months back i never made it pass NA mainly due to school suddenly destroying my time to focus on staff etc etc.I want to be an administrator as i enjoy doing staff work and helping people out.I also want to start working up my way to become a GM so i can build dupes for events make fun SIMS heck even PVP and PVE dupes.Becoming a staff also will help me grow even more on the server learning new things that i haven't learnt and working with people and making new friends on the staff team.Adding my Timezone gives me the chance to help people when their are no staffs on because im 13 hour ahead of EST.I do know some people might have some qualms with me but i will try my upmost best to fix issues i create.I dislike having enemies instead i want to be friends to everyone i meet i try my best to be as friendly as i can some people might meet me ingame and how i act but that's mainly because im trying to roleplay as my Character "Sev".

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):Im 16 soon to be 17 I've been playing on synergy before SLG.Im asian(Don't worry i ain't gonna infect you) and from Malaysia.I've been playing GMOD for about 4.9k Hours soon to be 5k.Some of the Old 501st might remember me as a mute mostly Omalic but i kinda just started using my mic.As said in the paragraph above i like being friendly i want to help out as much as possible to whoever who needs it doesn't matter how bad it is Ill sit down talk with you if you need to if your feeling down ill tell ya some jokes.Im currently Learning 3D Modelling and Graphics Design and i make cursed images I.E Trap Fixer

    Past Achievements because i did it in my last app:
    Consular Manager
    ST TKO Hound
    2LT ARCO Barr

    ARFX SGM Boomer
    21st ARFO 1SG NootNoot
    ST TKO SGM NootNoot

    Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished:Previous NA that didn't do anything because of School and finals i was  a Moderator on a UK Milrp server / Admin for a SCP server which got shutdowned

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:1666:58:36
    (Sorry if the app burns your eyes)

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