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Posts posted by Trixx

  1. -1 lmao he made good points against me on his post at the start and i made good points against him we left it at that and it was respectful. 


    However his reaction to things and responses later in the post were childish and wrong. There is a way to do things and handle things and that wasn't it. Hearing about his previous history that wasn't that long ago about being a toxic individual brings me to my vote. My advice is to give it time before an appeal goes up and grow and learn from mistakes. We all make mistakes we are all humans.


    Btw that includes Zim, Joah, Jackson. I know it's fucking crazy to think about but they are humans too and make mistakes.

    • Agree 1
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    • Winner 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

    You said something to a single one of my points. If you believe they're wrong tell me how.

    -Regarding the content, yes I know its coming slow and there were talks of monthly updates but life happens and we only have 1 developer I believe with a shit ton of suggestions.

    -Whens the last time a staff member had to kick AFKs so people could join? Last weekend when events were popping.

    -I cannot verify the reason that a BCMD stepped down so I cannot comment on that.

    -High staff don't seem to care about the server dying? That's interesting because I have had lengthy conversations with different people in High Staff even above Directors and they sure do care and are still passionate about Synergy and the playerbase.

    -SeriousRP doesn't exist? If you think that then either you are not helping enforce it or the people you were around didn't enforce it to which you contact staff about, I enforce seriousRP as many other high ranking people do and I do not let people get away with messing about.

    -People have their own reasons for resigning and it may be because they think the way you do and that is sad because we have lost some really cool people but we will move on and they will probably come back because most people do.

    • Winner 1
  3. RP Name:

    Battalion Commander Doom

    Steam ID:


    VIP (Y/N):





    Eastern Standard

    What was your previous staff rank?:

    Veteran Administrator


    Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT):

    Why did you leave the staff, team?:

    I left because I was burnt out and I didn't feel that I was needed at the time.


    Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?:

    I would like to rejoin the team because I have noticed a certain lack of organization and help to the playerbase. Obviously I am not targeting any person I am simply saying what I have personally noticed. I would also just like to help during late times when there are players wanting to do things with the majority of staff dead. In short however, I just want to come back to the team and help out the best I can and stick around for as long as I can.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?:


    • Agree 1
    • Funny 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

    Then what’s his actual rank, if it’s not COL why can he act as one in the battalion? This has been brought up before in a commander meeting that if such an honorary position existed in a battalion then the rank given as honorary will be their established rank. 

    Honorary or not, he’s a COLONEL in DOOMS UNIT (tm)


    Thats such a silly thing to say Carvis, so silly xd

    He was an honorary colonel at the time of this application yes. I wont comment further on that because that shouldn't be the highlight here what matters now is what's nest for 501st.


    Overall since i can't give neutral anymore I am going to -1 as the other applicant has more experience with the current 501st and their systems, he is highly respected and I believe deserves a shot at the position.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Juan_Cena said:

    We don't need to remove batts we can combine them. 91st and Green company 41st and lighting squad. DU-212th 501st-187th.  It seems like a compromise that everyone would like. The hardcores would just join the batt and go into that subunit while the lessers just join diffrent batts. If you really want to remove 212th as a batt add it under 9th assault corps or something? Compromise men please

    Interesting, and okay but now my question to you is who do we put in charge of the combined battalions? Each BCMD has been elected into that position because that person worked hard for their battalion. If you ask me I would not feel at all comfortable having another BCMD just railroad me and take over all the systems I have spent over a year creating for DU and smoothing out.

  6. 1 hour ago, Alexz said:

    I think people can have a reasonable discussion on this topic without getting all pissed at each other. The general consensus is that people on the server want less, it all just comes down to who should be removed and why.

    I think a good portion of people can yes just a handful of individuals.


    Also I do like some of the points others are making, and of course this is like a hypothetical post at least for now. I am interested in seeing other peoples thoughts tho on the subject  

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