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Posts posted by Trixx

  1. 1 minute ago, Punybob said:

    Yes its fine you replied I asked a direct question I was mentioning it as for the pasted text below!

    Outside of the server and game I am a Regional Corporate Manager for a mid sized movie theater company, I oversee 9 locations and over 100 employees and I absolutely love my job it allows me to make my own hours so I have time to be here more. 

    Oh I see what you mean now, had I played here a year ago then I would tell you that I probably would be too stressed out, however now that I am where my boss was I can work at my own pace. I also have an assistant that helps my day to day operations and honestly it isn't as much stress as it used to be when i was an assistant.

  2. 1 hour ago, Punybob said:

    Love the app +1 put the effort into being a staff member. I do however have a question being in said position do you feel like adding more duties to your already presumably hectic day is a good idea?

    So I hope this is okay because I'm answering a question directed towards me.


    I actually don't find training CC's and such to be stressful. Leading part of DU as an Officer has done nothing but made me strive more and work harder. 

  3. RP Name: TR 2ndLT Trixx / TR DU Jedi Padawan Trixx

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102554730

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 20

    Timezone: Eastern Standard

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to become an administrator because I believe that I have what it takes to help the Community and maintain order on the server. I fell in love with Synergy and to be completely honest I was on the fence when I first joined but seeing how respectful everyone is and how friendly the staff are it makes me want to become apart of that fully. Being involved with the roleplay aspect of the server has been amazing so far and will continue to be amazing down the road, but now that I have achieved an Officer position within Dooms Unit I would like to go for staff and achieve my goals there. I have past experiences within staff teams that I can bring over to this staff team, I know right from wrong and I know how to enforce rules by being fair yet strict when required. I am very mature for my age, I love to have fun but I can also be very strict when necessary. And finally I think I would make a great fit to the rest of the team, I really want to help out on down times and I am always training CC's when little to no other TR's are online and by being part of staff I wouldn't have to bother an admin to come whitelist super late.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 20 years old, I started playing GMOD about four or five years ago and I fell in love with CWRP my very first day. I have 1,700+ hours on Garry's Mod and I don't feel the need to stop any time soon. Outside of the server and game I am a Regional Corporate Manager for a mid sized movie theater company, I oversee 9 locations and over 100 employees and I absolutely love my job it allows me to make my own hours so I have time to be here more. I have been on many different CWRP servers within my 4 or so years on Garry's Mod and I have been anywhere from SGT to CO, to Grand Admiral.

    Do you have any previous staff experience?

    I do have staffing experience and I will list the communities I have staffed for in order:

    GRealms- Moderator, Gamemaker

    Phenomenal Nations-  Admin, Senior Admin, Super Admin, Owner

    Nebula Charged Gaming- Admin, Head Admin, Head of Staff

    Last Bastion- Super Admin, Head of Operations, CWRP Director, HWRP Director

    MadHouse Servers- Super Admin, Owner

    Ascendant Servers- Global Admin, Community Manager (And CWRP Director)

    These are all the servers I can remember off the top of my head, may be edited if I can remember more.

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  136 hours played.

    Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) I am not.

  4. +1


    The thing is, the main reason everyone had an issue with the event was the lag which was something out of staffs hands. I think it is ridiculous to blame a GM for his event lagging when really he has no control on the server box or anything.


    The droid spawns were a bit off putting but overall I think it was good.

  5. Well hello everyone, I'm Trixx. Not sure if many of you know me just yet but I am making this kinda late, I am a SSG in Dooms Unit and have most likely protected you from getting shot with my shield and or healed you.


    I am still fairly new to Synergy but I fell in love with the serious RP, is the best RP I have seen on a server.


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