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Posts posted by Trixx

  1. +1


    I appreciate you taking the time to think on things and want to come back and help. Please know that straight up leaving the staff team only hurts the server we all love and the players, if you ever feel like you're going unnoticed or anything like that feel free to contact myself or another VA to talk. 

  2. You want a higher chance of survival, join DU but a unrealistic boost is ridiculous. We did NOT ask for a buff we're getting and it was news to us too at the meeting.


    Plus we will lose the majority of our Z6's so your point of shooting Z6s over shields is not realistic anymore for DU




    PS: I am not saying that a small buff is an issue but we literally are losing 80% of our Z6s lmao not sure if you knew that, and also I was not trying to publicly fish, I never would and I would not start today good sir! lol but yeah this particular suggestion aint it chief

  3. This is a touchy subject for some people and I am going to overall comment on we don't need a new battalion added or one added back YET. Keyword is YET.


    I have Willy in DU has a Commander now and I will say he has earned my respect so much, he is a hard worker and busts his ass for sure. I had no problems with 327th and it was kind of sad to see it go the way it did, but in truth I am happy Willy came over because he is one of my most valued officers now.

  4. If this is something that Delta really would like to try out i don't have a problem with it. Iv been watching this post for a minute now and im going to +1 


    As long as this new job doesn't act like a twat I'm cool with it. I will say from my POV SOBDE has been much better with respect and shit in character.

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