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Everything posted by Baller

  1. Baller

    Saint App

    +1 Good application and good guy
  2. +1 Active, would make a good addition
  3. +1 Good trainer, nice guy, would make a good addition
  4. +1 Active AF. (So much pilot training) would make a good addition to the staff team.
  5. +1 Good trainer, would be a good staff as well
  6. +1 Active and would make a good addition
  7. Name: Fleet Admiral Yularen/Baller Event Name:Grievous Raid Summary of the story: Grievous, and his droids found the venator and assaulted it. Grievous and his men attacked the venator and they dealt a lot of damage. In the end they captured Grievous and interrogated him (and for some reason took his arm). They proceeded to interrogate him and they found out nothing, so the clones took it into their own hands and were about to blow up grievous when they were given information that there was a trial awaiting grievous at corruscant, So they took him to corruscant in an LAAT, where the LAAT was assaulted by the CIS and they took grievous back. What was the result of the event?: The Republic took grievous's arms and legs. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: This was more of a shoot em up, because the majority of the event was grievous assaulting the venator.
  8. +1 Would make a good addition
  9. SECOND best admiral? REEEEEEEE
  10. Name: Fleet Admiral Yularen Event Name: Brain Worms Summary of the story: One of the naval was attacked by a 101st trooper, The 101st trooper escaped and was getting all over the ship. When they finally caught him, they executed him and a brain worm came out of his head and quickly went into the vents. When they entered the vents, they went up to 3rd floor and first reachede the admiral. The admiral spread it to the naval and the naval spread it through the entire ship. Finally Dash made a cure and it was administered to the rest of the ship. What was the result of the event?: ATC and other parts of the ship got destroyed. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Roleplay
  11. Name: Fleet Admiral Yularen Event Name: CIS Attack Summary of the story: A Commando droid killed a 101st while he was on his mission off of the venator and stole his armor. That Commando droid found the previous flight records of the LAAT that he stole and went to this venator. Upon arrival he slipped into comms deck and made a transmission to the CIS to bring in the fleet. The CIS fleet arrived and began their assault on the ship. They sent in bombers, Droids, etc and attacked MHB but were stopped before they could move to the rest of the ship. The CIS used a lot of forces but they were soon depleted. The CIS were forced to retreat and enter hyperspace to get away. What was the result of the event?: The CIS lost a lot of forces attacking us and found out that Admiral Yularen is on this venator. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up (there were 10 people on the server so it was more something for them to do)
  12. Name: Fleet Admiral Yularen Event Name: CIS Invasion Summary of the story: 501st along with some 101st were sent to a planet for a mission. They stayed at a republic outpost with a light defense and as such were infiltrated by droids. They knew of nothing and they were called back to the ship after the mission. While they were preparing to head back, commando droids killed a few of the 101st, stole their armor and jumped on the LAAT back to the venator.(this is all backstory) They arrived at the venator, and got off the LAAT. They imedietaly went to ATC and took two naval hostage. Then they opened the skygate and procceeded to activate a tracker that they had with them calling in for CIS reinforcements. The naval were rushed and ended up dying but the commando droids also died. A CIS Command ship then exited hyperspace and began their assault on the ship. They bombed the engines, assaulted MHB, bombed the bridge and just reckt havoc. What was the result of the event?: The CIS found the ship and attacked us. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up
  13. Name: Fleet Admiral Yularen/Baller Event Name: Umbaran Data Attack Summary of the story: R2-D2 and C3PO were at a refueling station for their ship, when they spotted some umbarans also refueling there, they went over the umbaran ship and were able to obtain some data from the ship and the memory chip on it. R2-D2 and C3PO quickly left the planet and went straight to the nearest venator to report the data. R2-D2 put all the data onto a console in comms deck so that the naval could see it. Before they got to comms deck, the umbarans found them because of a tracker they put on the ship they flew here in and invaded. The blew open the hangar and began the assault. They tried to move to get R2 but were unsuccessful in getting R2 before the data was put onto the computer. The umbarans gave a good fight but their forces were depleted so they had to retreat with no data back to their home base and be punished for them losing the data. What was the result of the event?: The republic now has data pertaining to the umbarans that might help in a further assault on the umbarans or to help defend from the umbarans. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up (lots of RP though) Because the entire first section was just RP but the last section was a shoot em up.
  14. +1 A good naval, knows his stuff, would make a good addition to the staff team
  15. +1 Would make a great addition to the team.....again
  16. +1 very detailed event, I can tell you took a very long time to plan this and I hope that you will do the same for all events that you do if you get game maker. (Just remember, that with all that planning, your event can be completely changed based on the RP of everyone else and you have to be open to that)
  17. +1 that event idea is a little bit weird but I think you would make a good game maker anyway.
  18. Ahhhhhh lew. there are definetaly many ways to improve, I do see you on and active a lot, but that doesn't mean you'll be the greatest staff member. So im going to give you a +1 but there are areas that will needed to be improved upon.
  19. Im kind of on the edge about this. I don't like some parts about the app but I think your a good guy, so im gonna give a +1
  20. -1 I just don't think your fit to become a staff member.
  21. +1 would make a good staff member, is on in GMT timezone (big +1 for that) would be a good staff member
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