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About Kosmos

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  1. Hope you get it, you derserved it +1
  2. +1 I can see you as a good leader due to your understanding of the role and how active you are. I wish you good luck in the interview.
  3. +1 I've seen him doing a lot of tryouts helping the newer players out, he is good man and i wish you good luck on your interviews
  4. I edited it and i forgot to put not a perfekt human oops
  5. RP Name: SC PLT CPL Kosmos/Loose Steam ID: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:175012132 Age: 16 Timezone: Cintral Time/CST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wanna be a respectful admin who never forgets the rules and help the community with honor, i take the server and the job really seriously and will not abuse admin powers.I fell in love to the server and respect it really much, so taht i can help the server by helping it run easly.I will protect the server from minging, rdm etc and i will do it with respectful passion. I will answer every staff tickets taht are not taken.On my staff it will be my duty, when i will decide with honesty and not with favoritism.It willl be my responsibility to withelist CC or Well earned Troopers.I will be on every meeting for staff.I will work hard so the server gets more good reviews and gets more people and eventually could be the most played on server in gmod.I fell becoming a staff its not for the reason to teleport or noclip its more for withlist and continue helping the server. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I will start by saying i am not the perfect human, i can some times make bad deciscions, i am not really the smartest of them all but its all good.I am born in Germany and fell in love for videogames but my parents not so much.My first consol was the Xbox and later the Xbox 360.My parents was really strict about videogames so i dident have to much time playing it.But when i discovered Pc and Steam.I realax a lot with videogames and with food.I love the Star Wars the clones wars series and the movies. Do you have any previous staff experience? I was a Star WarsRP Admin but i dident grow so well.
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