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Shiny Keldeo

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Posts posted by Shiny Keldeo

  1. [ 5 | 5 | 5 ]

    For a generic hack and slash with a BBEG thrown in, was still fun. Use of Music is always a plus, and we got to *try* to talk the person down though we didn't get past asking what was happening before the guy was lit on fire multiple times and went full evil mode.

  2. [ 5 | 5 | 5 ]

    Even for just a basic idea, went off pretty much without a hitch even with lots of players sneaking behind and detonating the walkers early on. Music was also a very welcome touch, really set the tone. We don't get music in events a lot anymore, we need that again.

    • Friendly 1
  3. I'm voting for Corellia, but I definitely agree with everyone who wants Anaxes. Though I do not really think switching maps will be the magic fix.

    Onderon has far more issues when it comes to function than Corellia. The tree hitboxes make combat outside base tedious and difficult as you can never be certain what gaps you can fire through as you try and take cover, and never know if that cover will *actually* be cover. The base itself is just a hole straight down, with only one entrance. Corellia has the entrance issue but at least there is more diversity with area placement. If there were more ways to access the base (vent system comes to mind, but other auxiliary entrances and exit points for maintenance and emergencies could help) I feel like the gameplay could end up being more varied.

    When it comes to lack of entertainment... there is a whole portion of the base that goes almost entirely unused on most days. It's more the attitude of the playerbase than a fault of the map itself. No one does basic things like guarding the perimeter, patrolling to the village, etc... unless there is an active threat. I call both this and Onderon base the Anthills because I swear that's all troopers do is run around inside until someone kicks it over and they all rush out.

    The faults of Corellia though shouldn't be ignored either. Lack of availability on the extra planets makes a lot of RP and Events difficult. But we wouldn't even have those on Onderon. There are only a few key locations otherwise, being the slave camp and village as typical targets for events. The village itself is rather bland, and is very disconnected from the Guild. That would be the only real positive I'd give Onderon over Corellia right now, as I can recall so many moments in the Onderon Village where as you'd be lucky to see a Clone Patrol pass by if it's not getting wrecked. And of course the Jedi Temple having no real direct access to the base is rather annoying, though if I recall it was the same on Endor and no one really minded.

    All in all, I don't see a lot of things changing with a map swap. The attitude of the players is what I feel like is leading to a lot of the problems. A focus on Trainings and 'Entertainments' over actual roleplay and normal military duties is more of a detriment than an incentive to do better. At least that's my view on it all. We're not clone troopers in the clone wars anymore. We're not Jedi fighting for peace, Bounty Hunters trying to earn a score. It's just people with Star Wars Skins and guns ready to shoot whatever moves first.

  4. [ 5 | 5 | 5 ]

    For an event that just kind of went with the flow off of a basic idea, went about as well as it could have. A few parts felt a tad forced but that's just the way things go.

  5. [ 4 | 4 | 3 ]

    Was fairly laggy at several points during the event, did not help that the content for the map was improperly mounted causing many of the solid props to become not so solid making it hard to take cover.

    For a first deployment overall was pretty decent. Objective was clear though there were points where a lot of people seemed confused. Can say I experienced at least one instance of having NPCs spawned on top of me out of nowhere. Not bad, but plenty of room to improve.

  6. [ 5 | 5 | 5 ]

    Easily incorporated ongoing Passive RP into an event that everyone was able to enjoy. Many lessons to be learned from a simple event like this. Hope to see better integration between player RP becoming events in the future.

  7. [ 5 | 5 | 5 ]

    Probably the best Flatgrass Prop Map I've ever played on, despite the few instances of incorrect collision and some of the props being difficult to traverse. Didn't have any significant issues throughout the entire thing, which is a rarity personally. 10/10 would run again.

  8. [ 4 | 4 | 3 ]

    Lack of clear direction, half the time was running to a position only to be told we needed to be somewhere else. Ending was a tad laggy and the server did crash. Not bad, could be better.

  9. [ 4 | 5 | 5 ]

    Simple fun late night event. Jedi got spawncamped for a bit by the DRG Droids until Courtyard could be cleared, which is really the only complaint. Got to take control of a Munificent-class Frigae and use it to destroy a second before making it self destruct which was fun-

  10. [ 5 | 5 | 5 ]

    Fun little romp, totally missed the part where the different branches were supposed to split up and do their own separate things but other than that very well done.

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