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Everything posted by Punybob

  1. How can you say that? Naval is trying to call out something is wrong with engines and people don't do anything. I choose to believe some other battalions are pointless but I don't shit talk them and then proceed to not listen to them! Every day when I am on for around 10 hours obviously until my college starts tomorrow I drop everything for people who PM me about training. I give attempts to start RP and am shut down. If you where naval how would you deal with running from nose to bridge 100 times in a day dropping things for someone random for the sake of RP and training to be shut down when you want to have your fun. I joined for the sake of RP because of the state of naval under a bad leader. You guys associate naval to the bad blood we had that ended with maymays there's change and you guys are ruining it because you think your cute and or funny. I truly want naval to be better and RP more but you can't forget about our past and that's on you then. We attempt to fix it and get rid of the bad blood involved with naval and you truly make it tough for those who want to fix it to stay @Washington
  2. I demand to be listened to. I dont need your respect I earn that shit and if you don't want to give it to me so be it its a video game. All I ask for is people to allow naval to do our jobs its sad unacceptable and just quite frankly annoying that when I am conversing with an event job people butt in just to have a funny one-liner completely messing up what I was trying to do.
  3. Voiding this request apparently people hate naval and dont allow us the time and opportunity to do our job
  4. Update for you all miscommunication on my part it sounds stupid asking for respect really Naval just needs to be listened to and allowed to do our job. We tried out for it and passed. We have our own rules and regulations so don't act like a know it all and disrespect us and laugh about us. It's offensive and rude on all accounts. Update I meant to write listen and give us the chance we deserve but apparently 3AM writing post after partying not smart my apologies but look guys. Give us the chance to do our job especially when we let you guys shoot up droids and do yours.
  5. Then whats the point of naval or base ops? To just sit with our thumbs up our ass because I feel that's what a bunch of people want us to do!
  6. No but I am tired of people saying we don't have to listen to naval when I am trying to do my job put yourself in my shoes If I go and ask because that's my job for people to get to Battlestations and rancor replies "We don't have to listen to naval" how would that make you feel? It would just piss you off.
  7. That's why I said respect but when I call defcon that's me telling you to defend the ship I don't want people coming at me screaming about how they don't need to listen to me
  8. That's why its called respect when I call defcon 3 I don't want in chat after the fact "we don't have to listen to naval" we have the power to call defcons and stuff I am tired of people disrespecting my position by saying "we don't need to listen to you"
  9. So then whats me calling defcon 3 and people listening?
  10. If that's what you calling me out my grammar kudos to you but the naval officer decides when those jets can take off the pilots listen to the naval officer a whole different military division ran by someone completely different is telling them when and what they can do.
  11. Never said I wanted power I want respect. I am getting sick and tired of calling a defcon and people reply with we don't have to listen to you. It's disrespectful and just annoying
  12. Not trying to force respect just said show it because if you don't recall that is what is said in the roleplay rules number 3 to be exact. I ranted about this and how people say we don't have to listen to naval.
  13. Name: Punybob Who helped (If applicable): Hero, Bacara, Minesweeper Event Name: Attack on the Cube Summary of the story: The Venator gets a request to investigate a cube orbiting a planet. Upon arrival, the cube is on meltdown and a cultist leader in stasis. Droids are on the What was the result of the event?: The cube exploded killing some people Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup with some ENG MED and TECH RP
  14. Just curious who uses light vs dark for the theme?
  15. Name: Punybob Suggestion: More people actually let us do our job Implementation: Troopers actually listen and don't reply in an advert about how they don't have to listen every time Lore: IRL stuff Workshop content if applicable: N/a (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") Note: Keep in mind on an aircraft carrier the navy has dominance over Jet pilots on board apart of the airforce the pilots salute the naval commander and listen to him if he asks things. I just want to stop people commenting after I say "I need people to ER" with "We don't have to listen to naval"
  16. Punybob


    can i get oofs in chat for bolt?
  17. +1 love ttt needs some good staff!
  18. +1 Nice app lots of work and dedication relay that to the staff team and you will do well!
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