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Everything posted by Punybob

  1. Yes its fine you replied I asked a direct question I was mentioning it as for the pasted text below! Outside of the server and game I am a Regional Corporate Manager for a mid sized movie theater company, I oversee 9 locations and over 100 employees and I absolutely love my job it allows me to make my own hours so I have time to be here more.
  2. That was delt with ❤️
  3. I will remain neutral on this I would like to hear more about you as a person! I undertand you have been staff elsewhere but I am curious to hear what drives you what you enjoy outside of synergy. I am not trying to scare you but I feel like you as a person is more important than why you want to be a staff member. If you chose to pm me or comment and quote this responce please do so!
  4. I am going to remain neutral I am a police explorer (IRL) with my local police department. I am very strict on mingis that break server rules. I have zero tolorance for this. I have experance with making a decision that is usially tough to make. I.E. Baning people that are saying two diffrent storys. I would like more about you... what drives you and what is school is like for you... I understand what the minimum is but do not shoot for just that as a staff team we want over achievers! Also look into Grammarly to spell check! Also kudos for being a police explorer!
  5. Love the app +1 put the effort into being a staff member. I do however have a question being in said position do you feel like adding more duties to your already presumably hectic day is a good idea?
  6. Name: Punybob Who helped (If applicable): Exhalted Event Name: A new world Summary of the story: People captured and a oppertunity of a life time the republic attacks a deathwatch sea prision in hopes to set up a FOB What was the result of the event?: Fob set up and deathwatch ded Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shootemup
  7. I didnt incentivize you to not fight I warned that killing would require a whole new form of RP called medical revives. I will keep this in mind!
  8. Name: Punybob Who helped (If applicable): Bolt Sinister Alpha 77 Exalted and Longshot Event Name: Return of the scientist Summary of the story: The science team returns and converts more the clones remain semi-brainwashed more to come What was the result of the event?: Station blew up Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP
  9. It was an okay event. Breifing was bad and DB had event jobs that distracted DB! I will +1
  10. Imma remain neutral on this-this shouldn't be a fight or power grab I think that RCMD is okay it's not much other than you won't get the final say. You should be thankful now you don't have to deal with BCMD positions duties...
  11. Name: Punybob Alfa Who helped (If applicable): Exhalted Polar Event Name: Total Control Summary of the story: Evil scientests convert Bro, Cody, Alfa, and Rong they want to sell the tech but fail as one silly clone hacks the terminal! What was the result of the event?: They escape and all captured remain captured Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP hard RP
  12. Being apart of CG there is no such thing as an Honorary CG position. People go onto the job when no one is on to keep the peace this is unacceptable so I will be looking into this myself!
  13. o7 May your path be lit by your internal fire and may no man stand against you!
  14. Name: Punybob Who helped (If applicable): Mereel Stone Event Name: Saving the scientist Pt.1 Summary of the story: A republic scientist has found something new and rushing back to Republic space found himself in an ambush he escaped to coursount where he used an escape pod to flee a falling station. Mereel shoots a box and becomes possessed and the scientist is recaptured by a coursount citizen! What was the result of the event?: Republic lost the scientist for now Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup
  15. o7 hero may you carve new paths but always remember where you started!
  16. My god to many people bazoo I feel like Thanos snapped just for our staff team o7 may you find new paths to travel bazoo! May you always remember you home no matter where they take you!
  17. Welcome to synergy I hope you enjoy your stay! I feel like you will enjoy it here!
  18. Where is Etain Tur Mukan the almost nonexistent Jedi?
  19. Lots of props will refine for later!
  20. Darn right <3 means sort of stops working
  21. Name: Punybob Who helped (If applicable): Square, Asus Event Name: Saving the Senators Summary of the story: Senator Amidala and Aang went on a good faith mission they lost contact with the republic. The resolute tasked with finding out what happned is sent to deep space outer rim to explore and find them. Station found and raided senators aboard where held hostage. The CIS using their time since the entire ship was there assaulted the ship. What was the result of the event?: The CIS where sent home crying the republic victorious Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Rp and Shootemup
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