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Old Spartan

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Posts posted by Old Spartan

  1. Name: Spartan | Wolffe

    Who helped (If applicable): Scarecrow

    Event Name: CIS Fleet Battlegroup 1

    Summary of the story: We jumped to get into a fight with the CIS Fleet Battlegroup 1. 

    What was the result of the event?: Droid repeled from the ship.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  2. Name: Spartan

    Who helped (If applicable): Ben, Pratt, Cyclops

    Event Name: Hacked and Smacked

    Summary of the story: Our Venator Received its bi-weekly shipment of training droids which were stored in MHB. Mean while a small unknown ship experienced an engine failure and crashed into the open SBH of our Venator. Immediately the crew bailed out and began trying to escape. The crew was made up of bounty hunters and wanted criminals alike. With their leader the famous slicer Jahnn Hannak. 

    What was the result of the event?: The crew split up and fought their way through the Venator slowly being picked off. Jahnn tried to used the shipment of training droids to his aid but they merely delayed his eventual death.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootem up, with a little RP.

  3. A hesitant +1 while I do not doubt your leadership capabilities, or your ability to accomplish the goals you've set for the squad. I think its fair to consider your tendency to bounce in and our of positions, as well as your difficult if not awkward schedule. You did say you brought your schedule up to your  squad and that they agreed it wouldn't be an issue. In the end I think you can succeed and I want you to prove the concerns about you wrong.  

  4. -1 To all the rank changes. We dont need 5 different WO's, 1stSgt is a rank and not a title, XO is a billet, they are a CMDR but have more authority than a regular CMDR.


    +1 To changing CC to CR. Helps to remove some confusion.

  5. Name: Spartan

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35798040


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 902:01:21


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7.5-8


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: 8.5-9

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

    This is an event idea thats got alot to it, including plot twists and such so im only going to be giving vague information on it. I already have a completed doc for it but I dont want to spoil it.  As the Clone wars continue to rage on, the leaders of the CIS forces are harassed by the need to increase production of B2 battle droids due to the ineffectiveness of B1 battle droids. As a result of this need the CIS forces have expanded their Duranium mining operations from the asteroid belt of Geonosis to the planets in the surrounding Arkanis sector. Multiple deposits of Duranium were discovered by the CIS on the surface of Andooweel. They were quick to set up multiple mining operations on the surface of the planet to satisfy the demand of increased B2 battle droid production of the Geonosian droid foundries. Republic intelligence received an anonymous tip off containing the locations of these mining outposts on Andooweel. Republic forces of the Venator Resolute have been ordered to the Arkanis sector to track down the CIS mining bases and destroy them, in an effort to cripple the CIS’s ability to manufacture B2 battle droids. 


    Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):



  6. Name: Spartan | Wolffe

    Who helped (If applicable): Sinister, Bro, Woeny, Valkyrie

    Event Name: Gungan Does An Oof

    Summary of the story: JarJar and Lux Bonteri arrive on our Venator from Coruscant and asked for a tour of the ship. During the tour of the command bridge representative Binks tripped and smashed his face into the hyper space terminal launching our Venator into hyperspace towards unknown coordinates. We arrived to find a CIS fleet surprised by our sudden arrival but they quickly moved in to attack.

    What was the result of the event?: Binks was shamed, and they CIS was fought back

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Light RP with Shooting

  7. 1 minute ago, MercyXD said:

    I got annoyed because he wrote all that, yet his actual opinion at the end was legit "You don't need pilot." No explanation behind it, at all.

    I have a feeling that's because everyone who has -1'd this prior to him has said everything already. 

  8. This is basically background on the situation and my feelings towards shakes about this.

    So I am little salty about this. There was one incident with one of my pilots and yall trying to transport a trooper. So I go to you like a man and we talk about this like men. We agree that a pilot in the front has nothing to do with the CG securing a prisoner in the back. We also agree that as a solution to prevent further conflict when CG has someone to transport they would check to see if any pilot jobs are on (if so call them to the laat to fly and the pilot follows the orders of the CG commander in the back) If no pilot jobs are on then it defers to a trained CG pilot. We also agreed that after that discussion the issue would be dropped. Yet here you are bringing this up again in your second server suggestion. Its nice to know you cant stand by your word. Lastly what I really don't appreciate (on top of you going back on your word) is during my conversation with you and the conversation chop had with you is threatening us with going to the Directors or Zim to get this rule changed because you quote "Don't like it".


    1 hour ago, Spooky said:

    -1 you already get your own LAAT and you can set up a PLT program for CG

    theres not even a pilot in the video lol

    This was literally the purpose of the discussion I had with Shakes but that was thrown out the window, also your correct there isnt a single pilot seen. Were assuming that the pilots that are in the laats are cg because everyone else is.

    1 hour ago, Zyner said:


    First you guys ask for an LAAT to be added just because it has your markings/colors or whatnot. Now you want a job specifically to fly it.

    On top of the whole argument that previously happened over piltos, it's clear you're not over it as you stated you were and still seeking to remedy it.

    CG goes into the LAAT and secures the person inside, you don't need an actual CG pilot (or to make it where only CG can fly). I haven't even seen a CG Pilot in lore because they would just get clone pilots instead because they're trained for flying.

    On the opposing side, if the entire purpose of the CG Pilot is to fly the CG LAAT, this means he would be useless during events or deployment because other Pilots can fly the regular LAATs since he's restricted, or specifically brought in, for the CG LAAT. Of course that's an extreme view but why would it not be a thing since you'll make it where only CG Pilot can fly the CG LAAT, may as well make it just that.

    As i've previously stated an indecent happened and we resolved it, apparently that wasn't enough. As well as Zyner is correct here CG's job is to secure the prisoner not fly them. There isn't a correlation between that and flying.

    1 hour ago, ImDazed said:

    lol all of these arguments are stupid af, I think every battalion should have pilots honestly.

    but +1

    Almost every battalion did at one point, and everyone chose at some point or another not to have them or to remove them for other things.

    49 minutes ago, ImDazed said:

    In CG we have people who have been pilot trained, but whenever we try to fly a prisoner out of the ship for 10 seconds before the laat is deleted or something that is more of a CG matter with flying. People who have actual pilot jobs try to take over the matter which cool youre a pilot in all but it doesnt mean you MUST fly every time theres something to fly. The reason we are trying to get a job in CG for pilots is due to this main reason.

    Yes they should be able to fly anytime there is something to fly, ITS THEIR ONLY JOB. While it may only be 10 seconds or what ever that's their 10 seconds that's being taken from them. The server has strict rules about flying vehicles so their opportunity's are limited.


    1 hour ago, Shakes. said:

    I was told if I want to use my LAATs I should get my own pilot job I am now here trying to get one.

    CG has 6 lore characters 4 sub classes and 1 trooper. Compared to other battalions that have 8+ lore character. 8+ sub classes and the 1 trooper job.

    CG are a highly lore heavy battalion and Palpatines fist this is something to help my guys have more fun and make CG look better as a whole.


    Your correct you battalion is very lore heavy, so why make a suggestion that has no lore to back it up. While simultaneously ditching the agreement we made.

    1 hour ago, Asus said:

    The reason why we made it is because certain individuals say we cant fly because pilots have priority which is right but we would like to transport our VIP's and our pilot trained people would like to fly

    This is literally an attempt to circumvent the current rules about pilot jobs. Because named pilots have the priority and y'all didn't like that or the AGREEMENT I made with shakes this suggestion was created.

    Lastly -1 for everything stated above.

    • Winner 4
  9. Name: 104th BCMD Wolffe | Spartan

    Who helped (If applicable): Tommen, Elijah, Wagner

    Event Name: Outer Rim Intervention

    Summary of the story: The Republic received a distress call from a few republic ships under attack in the outer rim. The closest Venator was dispatched to aid them in their defense. Our Venator arrived to the death of the remaining republic forces leaving us alone against the CIS forces. The Droids blew open skygate after heavy bombardment and deployed droid drop pods in MHB, and SBH.

    What was the result of the event?: Two commando droids dead, the CIS forces in tatters, and another victory for the Republic.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  10. Breakfast at work

    • Coffee
    • Orange Juice
    • Water
    • 2 Pieces of white toast
    • Bowl of fruit (blueberries, pineapple, grapes, watermelon, and apples)
    • 1 Bowl of Grits (With pieces of bacon, and goat cheese mixed in)
    • 2 Sausages 
    • 1 Piece of ham
  11. Spartan's Commander Wolffe Application 

    Steam name: [SR]Spartan[A]

    RP Name: Wolfpack Lead XO Comet or Spartan

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35798040

    Battalion or squad you are applying for: 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion


    104th ARFX and ARFL: This was my first real leadership position in the battalion. During my time as ARFX and ARFL I like to think that I took what was given to me and continued to improve upon it. My numbers in ARF stayed consistently high and the quality of my ARF troopers was outstanding. Our numbers and quality were maintained by advertising ourselves as the best branch in the battalion (we were btw) and continuing to recruit from outside our battalion. We also worked with and consulted with ARF and SS branches in different battalions to look for ways to better ourselves and improve upon our training. (Thank you again Grum and Ms. Fox for your help and answering my questions) Our ARF continued to evolve by including EOD and TECH training to the repertoire of all ARF troopers in 104th. This made ARF the most flexible and lethal fighting force in the 104th with EOD, TECH, SS and ENG we were prepared for everything.

    Wolfpack Lead: This was by far the hardest leadership position I held in the battalion, and I feel like due to the difficulty of this position it helped me grow as a leader. I was handed an inactive and inefficient squad that had no leadership and required favoritism to join. The first thing I did as Wolfpack lead was completely gut and restructure the tryout and application system for Wolfpack. The original tryout system was based on favoritism and an appointment, with my new system I created a simple rank and training requirement to start the process. Then I created an completely original WP tryout dupe that included combat and RP to test the metal of applicants (Thank you again to Stix, Black, and Turbine for helping me with the creation of it on the server since prop whitelists are broken).  Then I reorganized all the named positions to place them as the REGL of each REG within the 104th. Updating the requirements and training for the old named characters and then creating a brand new position with training and requirements for our new named position. Wolfpack was then wiped and retryouts were required for all people in previous named positions. This set a standard for how I wanted the Wolfpack to be and to be fair to each person who previously held a named position I allowed them to retryout for their named spot if their activity improved. Currently 2 members of the Wolfpack have retryed and 3 more are awaiting their retry. My plans for the Wolfpack looked further toward the future and the creation of a series of hostage negotiation documents to be distributed to other battalions, game masters, and their event jobs. The purpose of this was to help educate people within other battalions while also creating an SOP for negations in general. Furthermore creating a training the would be hosted by the Wolfpack to give to people qualified to perform negotiations in our absence the skills to do so.

    XO of the 104th: This was a step in a new direction for me within the 104th. XO of the 104th was exciting and challenging, it was my first time being a commander. As XO I am responsible for all the senior officers in the battalion, I kept an eye on our three commanders listening to their reports and giving my advice when asked. Turbine and myself chose people for commander who were more than qualified and had both our trust and confidence. XO of the 104th has been a short time in my career within the 104th but it has helped to develop my leaderships skills and given me more experience within my battalion.   

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I believe I should become battalion commander because I know I can put in the time, and the effort to achieve my goals for this battalion and take it to an even better place than it is at right now. As the XO of the battalion, current Wolfpack lead, and former ARF lead I have both the experience and the leadership ability to take command of this battalion and steer it in the right direction.  I know with the support and guidance of the former Wolffe's and the hard work and dedication of my both my officers and enlisted we will continue to make 104th an amazing battalion.  

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


    CST, Monday: anytime before 5:00pm, Tuesday: All day, Wednesday: All day, Thursday: All day, Friday: anytime before 9:00pm, Saturday: anytime after 7:00pm Sunday: All day (Just as a note my schedule for work is semi-flexible and irregular so their will be days where I will be gone from 6:00pm - 6:00am the next day) 

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: About 3 months and 13 days.

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes 

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I would like to see the 104th at a higher standard when it comes to training's and co-operation with other battalions. I would like to see an increase in the number of training's happening within the battalion but also an increase in training's with other battalions. I would also like to see our numbers increase on both time zones. 104th has been known as the eastern battalion for so long and I would like to change that to a battalion that is present during both time zones. 

    Do you understand that if you  go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

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