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Everything posted by Evan

  1. Weeellllll except for that one time when a certain ARC trooper ran from the ST and Shaak Ti because he believed that he was wrongly convicted and wanted to avoid capture... I kinda feel like if the clone (given they didnt commit MAJOR fail RP) feels like not being arrested, they should be allowed to run for it, and the CG have to track them down the same way they did with Fives and Ashoka. Short cutting these situations with tps and admin powers (when no such things existed in the SW universe) shatter immersion and deny CG the ability to perform their duties. Not all arrests are gifted to law enforcement on a platter (which seems to be the only time CG are allowed to make rp arrests) so when a person escapes and is hiding, naval or whoever is in charge can call defcon 4 and have CG clear the ship while the other battlions retreat to their barracks. We need as much immersion on this ship as we can get and this (IN THE RIGHT SITUATIONS) could provide it. Sorry I know this isnt the place to make a suggestion like this but ive had this on my chest for a while now. Please dont Ron me for my opinion.
  2. Looks really good but real goals would be a more realistic Kamino Citadel Sim (and possibly a button in the third floor viewing room that when pressed spawns droids around the sim, gives Naval something to do). Basically if we could have the room layout accuracy of the Kamino standalone map's citadel room combined with the room size of the Venator's citadel sim room/CSR, that would be absolutely amazing.
  3. And by blast you mean blasting anyone who faces us into submission, we are gonna make Palpy broke as hell when we win this.
  4. +1 doesnt understand the meaning of the word now but a good guy for the job nonetheless
  5. Hey maybe an epic update or two will bring you back, but for now, sad to see you go mate.
  6. Its not fully finished yet, but ill make a formal suggestion for it if this post gets good feedback.
  7. I know that lol, I mean where do I find the addon itself, I need the files if Im going to make a deployable turret for the engineers.
  8. Im trying to make deploy able versions of them but its like they just dont exist. Anyone who knows where there are or how to get them pls let me know.
  9. I only ask because engineer is mostly rp at this point(Unless you're an admin and can spawn in stuff) and this would finally give engineers a practical way to help their squad mates. Please at least take a look lol, I worked somewhat hard on this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1115553718
  10. Just an fyi the sooner you cam let me know whether you want to do this the better, I leave for college in a week which means I wont be able to code anymore.
  11. I could do that or make it so they could "build" it with their repair tool Don't take this the wrong way, but it's annoying af having to have admins do stuff like that for you. Not to mention it reduces immersion. I'm all about teaching the engineers to fish rather than having them rely on admins to give them fish.
  12. I made this one lol, I had help but I think Im capable. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1115553718 Id just rewrite a few lines and move some code around. And its up to you with the repair tool, I can do it if you want me to.
  13. If you want. If you just want to be able to place it and pick it up without using the repair tool I can do that too.
  14. I could make it so its a swep that is placeable and pickup able sorta like this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1115553718 but with turrets and walls for cover
  15. I can start to work on a system that will let them do that if they do.
  16. Watched it three times got chills each time
  17. Ye. Like if its too open and theres no cover they could put down a wall for cover then pick it up when its time to move on, wouldnt require spawing stuff in through the q menu, would instead be a swep
  18. Using alot of the same code I could also make another addon that allows engineers to place and pickup props for cover. Thoughts?
  19. They engineering the future of Synergy right here
  20. Did the server just crash?
  21. The Generator is something that will operate like the police shield addon where you can pick it up and set it down.The engineer uses his repair tool on it to "build" armor which is displayed by a percentage and an amount. It spits out armor when a player who isnt the engineer presses e on it given that it has armor in it. I want to know what you think before I finish this as I made it with Synergy in mind. Just realized I posted in wrong forum. Can someone move this to off topic lol.
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