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Everything posted by Fido™

  1. honestly a Bullshit resignation reason imo but it whatever you were an admin there are stuff you can do you can become a game helper and do events its no better when you dont try to help get stuff accomplished and try to make the server an enjoyable place(one of the main purposes of staff) and if you arent trying then you arent fit to be staff Bai
  2. well look at his profile http://prntscr.com/gfxv9y and then if you go to the cityRP staff http://prntscr.com/gfxvpt
  3. Honestly ive been on all day for the past 2 weeks and not once have i seen him on till today ive seen ERIC here on quite a bit the past couple days and quiet frankly i feel a little bad for him since he is the only one always on(at least that i see for the 12+ hours im on) and does a great job as a person in RP and ever Since AUST has been BCMD not has he once made the initiative to fix his battalion and try to mass recruit so his battalion... oh and what he had said when brought up that was battalion is dead he said "Quality>Quantity" why would that matter when the battalions dead and you have like 3 different people get on a day max? ive seen him for like the past 4-5 days? and he cant get promoted because no one else is on
  4. no he isnt new pyle just because someone doesnt use the forums doesnt mean they are new(i was apart of icefuse for 4 months before i made a forums account)
  5. http://prntscr.com/gf79uo this guy(its no secret who it is) has 355.9 hours in the past 2 weeks... how is this possible when there are only 335 hours in 2 weeks
  6. +1 with kain a lot of times its either his way or the highway because he is rex and when it isnt his way he goes and starts unnecessary drama look at anakin and ahsoka now Llama warned him and kain didnt believe him so he made them not attached to 501st he has also started manythings with RC because we did something he didnt like or it was something that has gone against something he has said to do News flash he should know better and i have also heard complaints from people within the battalion that were there forever and said that Kain was blacklisted and removed from the battalion for a reason and since a new server he decided to make a power play and slide himself into Rex
  7. Fido™


    Last i Checked you cant void http://prntscr.com/gep1fu
  8. LOL this actually made me laugh +1 tomas, he doesnt walk his cat deserves demotion... OH and it really shows your professionalism with your emails really makes me laugh
  9. Name:RC 09 Omega Squad Niner/Fido SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124900737 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: oh fuck idk since launch been pretty active(my previous 2 weeks is 274 hours and havent played much CS so) From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: im not gonna boast because im RC but 8/10(im in my spot for a reason) Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Now ive came up and had people do my events before(Like That One Rogue RC event there was @ venom #RCRunspeed) and that event had very well execution but ima present an event IDEA i can actually do on this server because #FuckGrayRC (and this is 100% and original idea so i swear if you steal my event someone finna get RDM'd) but the event will require PURE Passive RolePlay for about 20 Minutes and there will be PREP to event while the Passive RP is ensuing we will have a very faint Distress Signal Sent once Literally out of nowhere it will be a cry for help from Some Senators From Courscant that were on their way to do some diplomatic matters at a near by Medical Station (and if possible if he agree's padme will be there) and if i can get padme to help we will have R2D2 and C3PO along with a couple police droids(because they never get used for events) and at this point i would get a naval on course with me or see if they already are ensuing the PassiveRP (they will jump somewhere pressumably near their Ship) and rescue the senators and then hopefully(if they are smart enough) jump right on out. From here on out they will do Some PassiveRP(medicalRP and even engineeringRP repairing the droids) so they will for sure have some RP for them if they dont get to much during the second non-PassiveRP part From That Point The senators and naval will have a meeting in comms Deck(with Commanders or not but will be highly suggested to gather a plan and to explain everything thay had happened) and then they will have a sort of a Breifing of them repeating what had happened to them... During this meeting. After the PassiveRP During the meeting The ENemy will come in and attack and a "coincidental" time and attack the Venator In attempt to kidnap the senators and their droids(and from there is a simple ShootemUP event besides the part of the enemies trying to kidnap the senators and their droids) and if the event jobs are successful in kidnapping even 1 person which im sure would be very likely(hint its because event jobs always get more HP and can always mow down clones) as they are extracting there will be One Person to stay behind because htey wont leave until the perfect moment of them getting over ran and will take off and leave and leave 1 person behind and from there that person will be interrogated and most likely give up the location of the event jobs "ship base" on which i can continue to a Part 2 of having the venator jumping to the location of a big enough ship i can find and they will siege that ship and then in that attempt they will rescue the senator or droid depending on who they take there most likely woul be changes depending on certain events of the server if things and rules change
  10. Fido™


    READ THIS POST and yes it is in the rules to not advertise your application
  11. Fido™


    -1 sorry i would +1 but you advertised your APP in OOC Chat on the server
  13. as vanhorn would always say +Support
  14. +1 bazoo is a great guy he even has his own box in my bunks
  15. ill play... waht server and waht side?
  16. now im going to have to -1 due to the un-lore friendly use of NPC's in the video im kidding this is fucking awesome
  17. Fuck no is shit admin Jk +1 dragon is jewish dad
  18. get a better connection to the server
  19. this isnt a bug this is a client side thing of your connection to the server
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