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Everything posted by Fido™

  1. yes we used to have it in but was removed because there was a glitch where you can sell your guns that you spawned with and ruined the economy so had to be removed and they are called "PERMA" weapons for a reason ;^) -FIdo/FI
  2. i would but the game is still no where near optimized enough to where i can play. i cri everytime ;-;
  3. im curious but does one not read line of where it says must be 3 days later not 3 hours
  4. -1 you dont learn your lesson adn you need to wait your time out... and this? why did i quote it? oh well dont play the game then and waste your time on it if it is so trash in your opinion none of us force you to play gmod you saying that is just more of a reason to deny this ban appeal rather than accept it if it would be taken that way and go waste your time doing something else than playing a game you think to be a trash game. Please do not respond as i wont read it or respond to it as you will be wasting your time
  5. FUCK YES... +1 zander was a fantastic fucking neyo and is what is needed for 91st to be successful again. 91st was a very active battalion when they were under zander
  6. i had told joah about this and said we have enough guns already and to just go buy it if we wanted it...
  7. +1 i always see forge doing stuff for the 101st and is always on
  8. Fido™

    Ducky Staff app

    +1 it seems like he has put a decent application forward to us and is a good person in game so hopefully he isnt a bad candidate
  9. +1 i had the pleasure of meeting square today and he seems like a very good person that can do the job... he has also put forward a great application for people to look at
  10. +1 reptillia was always a bad naval ECKS DEE GOOD MEME i kid rep was always a guchi naval
  12. you havent heard my new mic then
  13. Steam Name: [SR] Fido [NA] RP Name: RC Omega Squad FI Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:124900737 Battalion/Area you are applying for: Niner Experience: First the only real meaning-able position i have ever held for a good while was Niner on IFN about 2 months ago i was the Niner for Omega Squad and practically revived the entirety of omega squad and kept it alive up to my resignation for that month and a half and not once had Omega died and was made sure that my guys had stayed active and if they were not they were removed i have also been in RC for a little bit over 4 months and gone through many changes of RC and helped with many of the changes of the RC now, i am very dedicated to RC especially Omega Squad and was always willing to help Alistair(who was ponds) at the time and has helped me through my time as FI Darman and Niner. To get to today, I am a very active Fi and an active Person On my clone in general as anyone can say they barely see me on my jedi and when i am its to swap to it real quick and do a trial for TG or Jedi or if i am needed for something Temple Guard related. Now if you dont know i have been just about every RC specialization there is, I have been Darman twice and i have now been FI twice and now you might be thinking "what about Atin you haven't been Atin and he is a tech you haven't been tech" now what we did was the Tech and EOD learned each others specialty just encase one wasn't present and the other was and then with FI that gives me the Marksmen and Medical specialty, which in my own opinion gives me a great edge on other people as i can effectivly watch a persons roleplay during tryouts and identify sub-par roleplay and fantastic roleplay in all categories and i plan on getting my guys to host more trainings again as we used to IE EOD Tech and Marksmen training(not going to touch medicalRP as that is the navals course that they run and dont want to overstep their trainings as we are mainly field medics but should still be able to operate though under tough and tense situations Why should you become a Commander?: I should Become the Commander of Omega Squad because of my long history with Omega Squad and all the success with Omega Squad. Since the Departure of Niner i have already fixed and made a new tryouts doc and am trying to work with Chris(boss) to not make our tryouts so different and have a universal System we use so that there is more transparency and stuff that will be useful for RC i have plans fro Omega Squad so we can get back to our active Squad that i have dedicated more than 600 hours to...Omega is my baby and i hate to see it where it is Right now and i would like to fix it and although am not Niner am already trying to fix stuff as Atin has been empty since Day 3 and there was No attempt to try to fix it and i couldn't do anything because Squad Lead wasn't on or didn't have permission I will still keep the tryouts as hard as they were and strive to get back to those 20+ people tryouts because I want people to strive to become an RC member but they still have to be able to live up to our standards and stuff will most defenatly change if i become Niner but stuff eternally that will have to be kept quiet form the outside for a little bit till it is fixed and would be publicly addressed and brought up and ask for any complaints or any suggestions as i know people have complaints about RC and even myself and the complaints about my self i am trying to fix personally but can only do so many things and worry about so many things at once. Now i was trusted with Niner once and i did great as Niner and held my people accountable for their acts and made sure they were not being complete minges and now i believe i can be trusted once again with the position to fix Omega Squad once again and to keep it in its glory as it should be as a well rounded respected battalion/Squad. And i know some of you will have other opinions of me than others but i know that I can do what is best for Omega Squad and what will fix Omega Squad I have done it before and i will do it again. Do you understand the lore of your battalion? Yes. Availability: just about every single day for all day might be afk but am on the server almost all day but i can hear ingame volume while tabbed out so i am always paying attention in game if i am tabbed out taking a break watching youtube or working on stuff. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since the second it has launched. Do you have a microphone?: Yes. What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?: The stuff i have plans for Omega is stuff that i have talked to some people that have complaints about how stuff has been ran and how stuff is being handled now some of it is for myself to fix for me but it is also stuff to fix to make sure Omega aren't as stuck up and as big of minges as we were publicly and will make a complaint form for people who have complaints about Any squad member including the squad lead and anyone SCMD+ and Chancellor will have access to view as they are the people above RC and people who have a say in what we do as I will make sure that the complaints are handled properly and wont be deleted and will be recorded onto a google sheets and then any complaints pertaining to squad lead will have to be dealt with by SCMD+ and Chancellor and will not be touched or deleted by Squad lead and i also have such plans to revamp tryouts to what would better fit the community and what would better draw in players to tryouts without lowering the standards that we have for people to become an RC member Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Of Course --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. and LOA's... no where for CMD LOA's just resignations
  15. but your not my favorite
  16. hasnt even been 2 weeks yet *brushes off shoulder*
  17. https://synergyroleplay.com/store/
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