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Posts posted by Cutlaw

  1. Name:Cutlaw

    Staff Rank:SA


    Length of ROA (Please specify date if possible): 5-6 days at max, from the 5th to the 10-11th

    Reason: I am starting to get sick and I really feel like resting would help and try to just not worry about anything, just trying to relax. I will be on from time to time but it won't be a lot. Thanks!

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?:  


  2. Yes, for example the frigate. I planned to make it so it is obvious that it could be crossed by using the frigate but I failed to place it at the right place, because at that time i was phys-gunning the frigate from the inside not to show my blue phys gun. I tried to line it sideways to make it perfect but I failed ;D. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Name: Cutlaw

    Who helped (If applicable): Dylan, Sanchez, Slak, Elija

    Event Name: A crisis on...?

    Summary of the story: Nosferatu was given command of the 212th and 501st operations for a siege on a CIS fortress, which housed 4 new prototypes of umbaran vehicles. The group was sent in in a secluded area, safe from the eyes of the CIS, but the CIS eventually found their location and amassed their forces. A battle insued with the clones having no support, air or ground, while the cis had a modified AAT with a front shield that couldnt be penetrated and a dozen of hyena bombers. Eventually they got a point to the bridge which was controlled by the CIS, they disabled it and in the meantime in orbit the republic was winning against the blockade, one of the frigates came in crashing down where the bridge was and kind of made a way for the troopers to get to the fortress, but it was eventually destroyed ( didnt count that in the end ) and left some for dead. After the fortress was taken new news came from Nosferatu, that the Cis is actually bringing in more frigate to their help, 3 of them were sent to the base and 3 were destroyed by the new prototypes piloted by the clones

    What was the result of the event?: A republic victory and one umbaran prototype left for search

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A little bit of RP and mostly a shoot em up

    Edit Note: This is my first deployment after I got Game Master, the last time I was staff I did some deployments I cannot remember. I just wanted to clear this out so people do not think I am making something up! :>


  4. idk how I feel, I can hear something from inside my head, wait, wait

    You are one hell of a swede, I do not know why  but I get along with Swedes a lot, you first, now Gohn, you are all cool peeps but you I watched you grow and become T H I S T H I C C and I am honestly proud of you

  5. We have 5 501st channels, we received one after the merge with 187th that is the Officer Lounge, I do not know why you are all thinking we have so many channels, before the merge 501st and 212th had the same amount of channels. 
    50st Main Legion, main channel
    Rex's Officer, meetings and talks held there
    Officer Lounge - Used for people to chill in if they don't want to be on the server but want to chat with friends
    Training Room
    We only got one because of the merge ( I am pretty sure ). For an attack battalion I think it is almost even, I said almost

  6. Name: Cutlaw

    Who helped (If applicable): No one

    Event Name: Test Fleet Evaluation

    Summary of the story: A fleet from the unknown regions came to test out their new projects ships, they did the evaluation on the clones to see how they will react to the ship.

    What was the result of the event?: 2 of the sent ships got destroyed ( prototype ones only )

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up

    This is the ship that I build that can be boarded from inside, so no longer 21st have to get on top and just rp it, now they can do it :)


  7. The point of being a CT is that you must grow and join a battalion so you can enjoy the full experience of playing SWRP. Make more friends and be included in different types of interactions and works. For example being on deployments, having a battalion with rich lore that you can make stuff with and all other sorts of things. Being a CT becomes stale and boring and people who stay on CT are people who do not want to invest in a battalion, maybe because of other aspects on the server or the work they do on the server. Many factors. But the point is, as a normal player you shouldn't stay as a CT, it's not worth it, buddy
    Consider my words 

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