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Posts posted by Cutlaw

  1. I just want them in for hte roleplaying sake. It  will as you want, i just want it for people to roleplay with them! 4 will do the job!

    It is your opinion, but stop bringing up past shenanigans.... the past is done, no one can redo it, the future is important... so many -1, i dont think we will achieve the goal, because of the past experiences in


  2. I mean stop thinking about the minge, just think about the roleplay, the minges can be always dealt with, they come and go.. I just don't know why you don't trust people ;/

    After all we know the slogan of Synergy, it ain't ICEFUSE or some other server

    Synergy Roleplay is the new hope, a place where your voice can be heard and brought to life. As a community, we work in synergy to bring the game play you enjoy day in day out.

    Do NOT think about the minges! They can be jailed/blacklisted/banned! The Astromech suggestion will not last forever, it's either accepted or denied, if we want this really and NOT think about the minges,you can voice your opinion for! I will continue saying it to everyone who doesn't read the replies.

    Please consider this as an actual thing, don't think about minges!!!!

    Have a great day!

  3. I explained with the replies that the minginess can be controlled and how would it ruin an event? Also we don't have them.... they arent active or anything. Okay i understand taht both of you -1, because it can be mingy and stuff like that, but that controllable, staff will deal with them, and i am sure that it cannot ruin an event, if it's in good hands. About roleplay it won't bring any sorts of negative effects on the ship... I don't know why you don't trust people.. I am quite sad right now, but yeah.... your choice... bring some fun and creativity on the server, some roleplaying experience or just -1, because people will ruit everything.......
    Have a great day!

  4. Uhm, I don't know about that person, but I asked some people about it, haven't sent any links or something like that, and they think that it would be great to be a droid, and I haven't seen a droid being used in an event, passive or not passive, except the CIS and the bad guys, It will bring more diversity on the server, not just clones and naval on the ship, but actual diversity, people will roleplay with their astromechs, like helping GM repair a skygate, helping jedi/ clones to prepare their ships, doing ER routines, keeping the ship's system on and running, all around helping everyone. It may  introduce a whole new level of gamemaster ingenuity or maybe even an ordinary trooper may start roleplaying with an astromech, I see them as actually doing something for the people on the server, not for themselves and just doing what they want. It won't hurt if we try it at least, but lets not consider being inactive on the job, as it may be IRL stuff and something like that, or just bored of being astromechs, there will be almost always people who would like to try it and see the experience. I think the R2s are inactive, due to IRL stuff/getting bored, or just that events do not include the roleplay for R2... and I don't know who were the people and they personality.. soo I don't know, I just want diversity on the ship




    • Agree 1
  5. If you would like a suggestion to be implemented into the server, you MUST follow this template! Any suggestions that do not follow this template will be denied instantly.


    Name: 501st Jedi Padawan Ulnar/501st PLT SGT Cutlaw

    Suggestion: Adding the astromech droid job and  playermodel for roleplaying purposes

    Implementation: Uhm, I do not understand that section, but I think to add them to the add-on pack?

    Lore: http://clonewars.wikia.com/wiki/Astromech_Droid

    Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820347922&searchtext=Astromech
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

    If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

    Add or Change: Add astromechs as a job

    Job: Astromech Droid

    Model:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820347922&searchtext=Astromech ( It is the same as the first link ;3 )

    Weapons: A jetpack ( optional, but would be grateful if we had one ), a grappling hook ( optional, I don't know that you used to use the hooks, and I joined somewhat after they got removed, so I am just putting them ), and a repair tool

    Other: Uhm, nothing more, just wanted to make the jobs more diverse and with roleplay, wouldn't be cool if we had droids running around repairing ships, not just changing names as staff and doing it, it's going to be so fun! I hope you guys will like the idea, it will be a lot of fun!

    Have a nice day! Also READ THE REPLIES


  6. The A.N.Ts can be just the normal ones, I didn't know it cannot be miniaturized, sorry. About the part 1 and part 2, they are both seperate events, part 2 will be a continuation of part 1, and about details I don't know much about staff in general, but about the droid dispensers, they are drop pods, like the episode, where Grievious crashlanded with a drop pod ( just an ordinary prop, that resembles a droid drop pod ). And the transition to the event server, while the main republic cruiser is going down the fleet would've let LAAT gunships down to the planet and then ship's would roam around the main cruiser, while we change to the event server. I am at a loss right now, because I have some problems and I am not going to bother you with this, so love ya :3

  7. I don't understand the quote, but i have a document that i use to store event ideas, when the server is mostly AFK. I am not copying anyone! ;<

    OOh aand also i use my old event ideas from servers that didn't respond to my event idea.

  8. Quote
    501st Pilot Corporal Cutlaw
    Event Name:
     In a sheep's clothing
    Summary of the storyline (The Game Maker who chooses to run this event should contact you for more info):
     Resources running low, men starting to starve, engineers cannot cope with the ship's systems, navals are disoriented anda hidden threat will be right next to them.
    The venator has fought valiantly and with honor for the Republic, but resources running low, not enough men to keep the ship prepped and in a good shape for an offensive, and that's when the abominations of Nal'Fera will as a weakness that has to be exploited. For the abominations of Nal'Fera is known almost nothing, only a handful of jedis know about some of their secrets. The very few jedi have sweared not to tell anyone of this, as it will unleash Hell. The Nal'Feratians ( Fer'atians ) is known that they use some kind of a rift portal or an opening in the known space and universe, but cannot open a rift in a enclosed space, like the venator. The very few jedi that came back somehow from that wretched place state, that Nal'Fera is nothing like the CIS or the Republic, it doesn't know mercy, nor any human emotion, only labour. They give the story, that long before the first jedi to step on Nal'Fera, there was a great war that eliminated 67% of their species ( Fer'atians ) and since then they have lost all hope and emotion and only seek to rebuild their once majestic planet. After the first jedi stepped on Nal'Fera through an undesignated rift opening in a Republic territory, there were 2 factions :
    The Cer'Mark ( The Freedom preachers, lead by Mar'k )  and the Cer'Berdun ( The slavers, lead by Berd'un )
     As soon as he stepped on Nal'Fera, he immediatly sensed something extraordinary and felt pain. When he started looking around he saw a frame of some kind and there was Nal'Fera in the middle that was cut half, and there was an untouched piece of land, and then a scorched earth on the other side. When he saw the frame, visions started to mock him and then plead him for help and fell unconscious, after he woke up he was in a eco-system, never seen  before , where "The Freedom Preachers"  live. They were the masterminds of the fallen Nal'Fara, a myth, and before the great war they were everywhere, sharing knowledge, but from the marks of war they became weak and pale, fighting only with shaman-like magic and sorcery. They treated the jedi and showed him around and told him about the war that has scorched half of the land, and where "The slavers" live. When the "tour" finished they, in some kind of a strange language, said to him " There are many like you looking outside, but not here, you are the chosen kind by "The Slavers" and they are running low on slaves... you will soon meet them, master ( and here should be a master of the order, who has experience )... we cannot fight with words, we are weak, and soon your kind will be....." and then the master went into a trance and when he woke up he was on this venator.
    From the words spoken to him by The Cer'Mark, the master became paranoid and was only thinking how to prepare for the upcoming mass enslaving of the Cer'Berdun.... 2 cycles passed and the master was becoming crazy and the troopers on the ship could easily tell by the tongue and in a preparations to jump into hyperspace, the master heard "We have arrived, master (and his name)" and after that very sentence a rift opened in the middle of space system, unknown ships poured out from the Rift, abominations started hitting the ship and then at the very end a republic ship exited the rift and around the places where lasers stood, there were tentacles. The stolen venator with the organic tentacles was called Me'r. Me'r wasnt actually a ship, but a biological mass, controlling the ship. Me'r and the venator were nose to nose, opening the nose gate, from where the abominations poured in and overtook the MHB and later the ship... after the initial surrender of the venator, the rift started acting strangely, and thats when then the master jedi knew, that they have been enslaved, without telling anyone the truth... yet.
    After the rift closed no signs of a fight remained in the system.. nothing....
    When the venator and Me'r exited the rift... below them was only scorched earth and ashes, but there was life.. After all members of the venator exited, they were immediatly sent to do the dirty work for the Cer'Berdun.. and they became slaves... after a brief amount of time, the members of the venator found rebel groups, created by the Cer'Mark, without the knowledge of the Cer'Berdun.. and later in a short period the time with the members of the venator and the Cer'Mark, the Cer'Berdun became overwhelmed and surrendered ONLY to the Cer'Mark. The Cer'Mark gave knowledge for the jedi as a gift, because of the master jedi, but in return, they will erase all the memory connecting the troopers and the jedi to Nal'Fera. The jedi will have knowledge, but will not know how they got it.. and the troopers will have one trophy in return that will be given to  the highest on the venator, whom shall swear that he will protect his men to death. And after these offers and gifts for the venator, a rift in front of their ship will open, granting them the way back home... but the time through the portal, their memory will be erased and will think that they went to battle againts the CIS, and eventually won and will act the same, not knowing the deeds that they have done, but with one exception... the master jedi, whose memory wasnt erased. Nal'Fera was never to be heard again...


    Jobs Required:

    Problably the most out of the alien species you have on the server. Two of each will be more than enough


    Vehicles Required:
    I dont know about vehicles. Maybe the ordirany equipment of a regiment will do that job.The time when the 2 ship's noses collide you can put like some cultist things,  if you can something like tentacles around the MHB, that will act as spawnpoint of some sort... and thats about my knowledge
    Map being used (If applicable for event server):
     A map that is dark. It doesnt necessarily needs to be scorched i am just trying to give an idea.
    Any additional information:
    .The time when the 2 ship's noses collide you can put like some cultist things,  if you can something like tentacles around the MHB, that will act as spawnpoint of some sort... and thats about my knowledge



  9. Quote
    501st Pilot Corporal Cutlaw
    Event Name:
    Meeting of upmost Importance
    Summary of the storyline (The Game Maker who chooses to run this event should contact you for more info):
     From reports, coming from the CIS intelligence, traitors in the CIS have reported that there is strange activity on Geonosis. A squad of the combined forces of the 91st and RANCOR are sent to Geonosis to scout some of the specified droid factories. After the first cycle the squad continuosly begins to loose the comms. link with the Republic, and after the 2nd cycle on Geonosis, they are pronounced MIA ( missing in action ). But after a meeting with the squad's ship, the navals agree to sent a squad of RC to search for them. They go to the squads last link, but they are nowhere to be seen. In nowhere, the RCs receive distress signals all over Geonosis, they split up to search in every place, and they eventually understand that all the signals are coming from inside the factories, and understand that it's a trap. After that, they group up at a higher spot, hidden from the dangers. Trying to report back, the RC unknowilingly sent the enemies to them. One of the RC sees the 3 people coming to their path, one is the CIS general Grievious, the other count Dooku and the last one is a man with a robe. The man in the robe spots them immediatly and out of nowhere, jedi hunter droids surround all of the RC in  a  circle, after a short fight, one of the RC makes a final distress signal. After this, they are MIA, with the previous squad... Again the ship that sent the 2 squads in the first place, order a large scale attack on Geonosis to retrieve the MIAs. Once the venator arrives on the planet, they immediatly get attacked and the whole army on the ship is given an order to search every factory. After a long fight, the republic seizes every factory but one remains, suddenly the last factory is on an open comms link, trying to connect with the republic. Count Dooku threatens them not to enter the last one, but the Republic gets too greedy, even after the jedis on the ship sense a great trouble in the force. Knowing the republic has saved most of the MIA, one RC is missing, and they presume that he is in the last factory. The troopers dont get a barricade near the entrance, and after they storm in, an army of jedi hunter droids start mowing through them, and the factory door is sealed shut, getting the troopers trapped in the factory with the jedi hunter droids. Grievious leads the charge, after the count's orders, while the man in the robe and Dooku leave the factory. The jedi sense them leaving and the force beginning to normalise, the jedi start searching for the 2, but fail to find them. While the troopers are in there, the hunter droids almost kill all of the army, but the navals order the support troopers to blow the sealed door. After the door blows up, the troopers are ordered an evacuation outside the factory with LAATs. Knowing the CIS is going to regroup in moments, the navals order the troopers to regroup at the nearby stadium for evac, the troopers get ambushed by droids, that have taken place on the seats  of the stadium, while the troopers are in the centre. After some time, the LAATs arrive and they leave the planet, with everyone, that was MIA. After the venator leaves the system, the navals and the jedi order make a meeting to discuss the strange activities of the CIS on Geonosis, trying to figure out the next move.
    The 2nd part will be coming( if accepted )

    Jobs Required:

     Around 8-10 jedi hunter droids, a main droids force ( B1, and maybe commando droids at hills for sniping. I think we will need a Darth Sidius, Dooku and Grievious, ooh and RANCOR . 91st will be sent first of the event server, because they are going to be captured. Not all of rancor just a squad from both of the battalions. Then  RC are going to go to the event server.. and finally the rest of the server
    Vehicles Required:
    When the troopers get to the stadium, maybe some props, like LAAT turned around blown up, like that, we need to make it immersive . Maybe some destroyed vehicles or turned around around the map.

    Map being used (If applicable for event server):

    Any additional information: Missing


  10. Name:

    501st Pilot Corporal Cutlaw

    Event Name:

    One leads them, one fails....

    Summary of the storyline (The Game Maker who chooses to run this event should contact you for more info):

    The Confederacy and the Federation have teamed up, without the knowing of the Republic, and they are working on a new millitary strategy, that will change the tides of the space battles.The Confederacy starts to recruit more and more species for their new space program, known to them as "Program: W.A.V.E". After Dooku's approval, new frigates are moved onto the battefield, about the size of a senator trasport, that work in large groups to outnumber the Republic's large cruisers, while commanded by a single impenetrable C.I.S frigate, because of a shield prototype. The smaller versions of the frigates ( known as "A.N.T.'s ), are commanded by the usual droid personnel and a mercenary, who have been paid by the Federation to aid the Confederacy. The first "prototype" fleet of these new and smaller than the normal frigates, consisting of 6 A.N.T.'s and a main prototype-shielded Frigate, have been ordered to test the new program on an outer rim Republic planet. Everything's ready for the assault, but as we all know, mercenaries can't wait to get into action, and one of the 6 A.N.T.'s, lead by Gon'gek, an umbaran mercenary ( yes, an umbaran, he was exiled ) hyperjumps in too early and the Republic cruisers locates it coming  to the planet. Defcons raised, everything is ready, then out of a sudden an A.N.T. appears, Gun'gal's ship... the republic vessel opens fire as soon as it saw the sign of the confederacy, the A.N.T was shredded, but managed to disengage the lock for the droid dispensers. The republic moves onto a ground assault, quickly running through the last of the droids, when all of a sudden, 6 ships come out of hyperspace, while nothing was on the sensors ( 5 A.N.T;'s and 1 main ship ) and in moments the cruiser is gone and crashlanded on the planet, while the main ground force has dealt with the ground droid dispensers, leaving the space unmanned. The republic was forced to split up in regiments. All regiments have been splitted up, every battalion on their own... the droids are on the hunt for everyone, because the clones know about the new program as it must be kept a secret from the Republic. After the droids seize more and more land , the splitted battalions who have survived must regroup and alert the republic. After they arrange a rendevouz point, the droid landing ships start to overwhelm them, as the main forces have already sent the signal and must wait for support. The A.N.T.'s continuously bomb the outpost, which forces the troopers to get inside the outpost and then come out to fight. After the republic reinforcements arrive, the new prototype frigates hyperjump away, without a trace, but the main force of clones on the ground report everything back to the republic and get ready to face them again, soon. [PART 2 if accepted]

    Jobs Required:

    Umbaran, 5 random mercenaries, and general Grivious who will lead in the main prototype-shielded frigate

    Vehicles Required:

    6 resized frigates and one normal and a republic vessel, which after the 6 other ships will be place on the map. And the ordinary vehicles for a specific battalion

    Map being used (If applicable for event server):

    A large map, that will fit, after the battalion split up

    Any additional information:

    Make staff do the outposts, but they will be built while the troopers hold off their ground!


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