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Everything posted by Gadget

  1. Shit, dam. Enjoy your family time and maybe see ya later. Didn't know ya well but you seemed like a cool lad o7 Never Forghetti, Rest in Spaghetti
  2. I can understand the logic going through Matra's head, getting on the server and calling yourself "Sicko mode" or "MoBamba" hints to the fact that you may not be here to actually role play and are probably just a minge or a troll waiting for his buddy so they can do more damage. I also feel that a 3 day ban is a little extreme for this kind of offence, but i also see how arresting them may have just escalated things further resulting in worst behavior. maybe a kick would have been more suitable. I doubt that you couldn't switch jobs thou, as switching jobs is really easy, just "/CT" in chat, I've loaded on the server with awful load in lag and got on my job in under 20 second. with my limited knowledge and understanding of the situation, i feel like they should be un-banned +1 As they have, hopefully, learned from his mistake and should have just waited, hanging over a TR while he is training and CC is incredibly distracting for the TR and the CC. He should have just waited in his bunks or where ever or do something to pass the time, the TR room is meant for CC who need training and TR+/admins, so normal troopers shouldn't be in there, yet alone swapping jobs in an attempt to bypass it.
  3. As EOD is GM jurisdiction and i don't want Base ops to have even more on there plate, I'm -1 GM host it when requested as well as every now and again, we regulated and we monitor the training to the best of out abilities and we have been doing it for a long time. Having an EOD trooper seems pointless, just adding a job that probably won't ever be used because everyone who is trained can disarm a bomb. Adding a job when more jobs is not what we need, in my opinion. is a really stupid idea and will just make it more confusing. GM love EOD and TECH RP, do it get used in events a lot, NO. that's where the problem lies, not in the training not being done, most people on the server have EOD or TECH, It's that no one really does bombs based events or events with bombs in them.
  4. I will miss you bud, even thou you stirred the pot a lot, XD. If you're ever on Xbox and you wanna chat just ping me an invite
  5. +1 interesting concept and allowed everyone to do something
  6. the tactical droid use the RC- what ever its called, has, the really OP LMG thing, and that technically isn't created yet in lore, if i'm not mistaken But i may be wrong
  7. Gadget


    Neutral The knife is just a worse version of the fists, yes they are nice to have and fun to use, but apart from in knife match sims no one uses them in combat, they are just used for stabbing walls, doors, NPCs in sims and each other, the last one resulting in many arrests, we loved it when it arrived but i had it now its staying They should increase the price so not everyone can buy it so easily, getting 1 mill is easy, make it 2 mill, its just a cosmetic weapon, no uses in actually events, just RP and designated battles for them, i.e. Knife fights in CSR
  8. +1 Good event, tough enemies, could do with cover Also, i thought they can't use perma/futuristic weapons as an event jobs
  9. I was tired and really pissed off, so basically yes
  10. GM actually RP made a bomb last week, said nay you didn't Spawns some many zombies with 2 LAATs flying around causing voice chat to stop working for some people where to shout-y and i never knew where we were mean to be The Gideon jobs didn't help by screaming as loud as possible Fail RP in the sense of no one re-rolling against infected bites Neutral but FUCK ME I HATED IT
  11. +1 just a bit more event jobs and maybe a GH or 2 could have improved it tips for next time - GHs to help with other aspects - remind the event jobs of the rules - Maybe add somemore elements, so maybe NPCs, EOD rp, etc.
  12. +1 Lots of different objectives, should have had more helpers to all more aspects to run more smoother
  13. I feel like there is a couple of factors, one being that the server is a bit lack luster due to the map issues involving crashing and the player base being less active due to school, but the main factor i feel is some people want a progression, the only progression from Reg is Marshall now, we used to have Senior which was a mid way point and a lot of people liked the way the position work, obviously i'm not saying add it back as that won't fix it, i also feel like due to IRL issue some of the Reg's just can;t keep going, they either get burnt out, lose interest or just thought the position was more illustrious and/or easier then it was. It's hard to say what will combat this issue, as a lot of the Reg's leave for different reasons, from school, to bored, etc. It not an issue with HC, it almost an issue with the server/player base. I know the allure a Reg position has on some people, i was suggested for Reg but decided not to, not saying i wasn't tempted thou, but many battalions are going through changes and many members don't want to leave at these crucial time. wants everything settles down more i feel like HC will bounce back but currently it's getting overruled by battalions, training and server changes. That's just my opinion on the matter, there are exceptions of this mold but there is with everything.
  14. Steam Name: [SR] Gadget [NA] RP Name: TR 4thKUAL ETO XO Gadget Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:89827130 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Galactic Marine (Bacara) Experience: When I joined the server on roughly the 22nd of February 2018 I joined GM, obviously as a private, I worked my way up through what was probably one of the toughest promo requirements I've seen, I got stuck at CPL for about 2 weeks, took about a month break, came back and progressed through to SGT, I then slowly made my way up and starting making friends with people on the server and in the battalion, working alongside and learning from the key figure heads of GM at the time, I got to 1SG I think when I left due to me going home for summer and I thought I couldn't get on as I would be too busy (which was kind of true but mostly false), I returned about July and begun working my way up the ranks, became the new WO, and discovered that GM had basically died or was going to die soon if something didn't change, it did, Snad became Bacara, got everyone motivated again, I was encouraging NCOs to actually do stuff apart from events, brought back NCO of the Week/Month, and generally helped GM bounce back to having number of about 4-8 rather than numbers of 1-4, I then went from WO to CPT once I felt I did all I could in WO, I proceeded to help the new WO and everyone else in the battalion by making suggestions, pushing changes and keeping up moral and numbers with the rest of the battalion. We had a mild issue at some point where GM officers got... yeah, let’s not talk about that, shortly after everything settle down and Snad was Bacara (again) I was promoted to Major then Colonel in a space of about 1-2 weeks, I then continued working hard for GM and eventually ended up as GM new XO, from here I was basically acting BCMD if Snad was busy, I dealt with conflict and provided feedback to members as well as counselling to some members. I've held this position for about a 8 weeks and over this time have had to deal with many different issues and problems and people, eventually sorting itself out or getting out of the equation. I often push my men to do more and to be active, even to the point we stop telling them when events were happening to stop us from becoming an event battalion. I am poised to take over as BCMD when Snad was done, due to situation changing I am having to take this position a little earlier then expected. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I've been running GM for the past month somewhat by myself, working on docs, helping build dupes and leading the battalion with Snad when he got on. I wish to keep GM in the direction it is heading, continue the push we have out of the shadow we have fallen into. I want GM to become more elite, to become know as the elite assault battalion and to be respected members of the community. I also want the GM members to feel accomplished in there current ranks and training, for example GMACTTs are becoming much harder. iI also want GM to be trained in all aspects of combat, we were a versatile bunch but we don't use this feature. also i want GM to have stuff to do, we used to repair sky gate, turbo lasers and board, but now we feel lost. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: GM, a specialized battalions that was originally a part of the 21st Nova Corp, GM were know and feared as a battalion as they were deadly proficient in combat, mainly in planetary assaults and ship boarding. They were lead by Marshal Commander Bacara, CC-1138, and Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi, he also had a second by the name of (Colonel but eventually) Commander Keller, Keller had a sub group called Keller's Unit who were specialized in snowy terrains and where trained to a higher level then regular marines. GM were trained in all sorts of terrains, from ground, underwater and even space. GM were also skilled marksman, this is too do with the 3 phase training they went through, called GMACTTs (Galactic Marines Advance Combat Training and Tactics) this training went over 3 main areas, they are: Marksmanship, Conditioning, Teamwork and boarding. If an Nova Corp passed all 3 phases they would become a Marine, if they died, well they're dead, if they failed but lived, Bacara would beat them half to death and send them back to Kamino. GM came equipped with WESTAR M-5s, a cross between a DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) and a Blaster Rifle (DC-15). GM also came equipped with a unique set of armour, a sturdy and sealed suit, allowing GM to survive in space for long periods on time, depending on the set up, they could last 2 hours and 1 day in space. Bacara often butted head with Mundi, as the Jedi was caring for the troops where as Bacara didn't care as long as the republic was victorious. due to this attitude Bacara had he didn't have a lot of friends within his brothers , the only other clone he formed a friendship with was Marshal Commander Neyo of the 91st Recon, this was due to the fat as they were the outcast of the commander as Bacara was brutal and Neyo was depressed. Availability: Mon-Wed : (6 pm - 2 am GMT) 1 pm - 9 pm EST Thurs-Sun : (4/5 pm - 3/4 am GMT) 11 am/ 12 pm - 10/11 pm EST Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: | TR 4thKUAL ETO XO Gadget has played for 980:03:27. Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want GM to be respected and known on the server, I want GM to have good number ever single day and I want GM to more proficient and effecting in PVP, PVE and RP. GM have been lacking in a few key areas that we hold dear and out officer core is a bit empty as of now, i want GM to be more active, have active officers and be The Best of The Best. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  15. GM have lost a key pillar today and so has The server. See you in the flip side Snad, I hope you enjoy your retirement, don't forget to hope in TS every now and again o7
  16. From what I've seen and the few interactions i have had and how you have risen through the ranks +1
  17. +1 Top bloke Top Soldier Top choice
  18. +1 good event nice features and a like the use of the lake
  19. If you look at a gate when they open you are more likely to crash When a vehicle goes through West gate you can crash With the Ewok Village I would guess you were looking in the direction of the base when one of the previously mentioned points happened I personally only crash when I stare directly at a gate when it opens but that is only sometimes
  20. Neutral, wasn't good, wasn't bad, but i feel like you didnt need everyone for this, having all batts fro attacking a base already attack by Redon for some reason was kinda pointless
  21. Gadget

    Stolen Frigate

    +1 Good event, sad about the event jobs crashing, but good recovery
  22. +1 pretty solid event, nice mix of suspense, but some better rp when it comes to people in stressful situations to prevent them from killing themselves
  23. There is the UT-AT, Unstable Terrain Artillery transport, which uses a Repulsor lift ski system, something could be done with that maybe hover balled or just invisible wheels underneath. They were used when walkers were not suitable due to the environment Here's the link if you want to know more - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Unstable_Terrain_Artillery_Transport
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