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Posts posted by Gadget

  1. -1 This is one of the Battalion bonus's GM receives, GM have been increasingly active as of late and having it open to everyone or having something can can give someone full armor is a bit broken. The GM support can give the user 100 armor max and is instant.

  2. ==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

     Steam Name:

    [SR] Gadget [SA]

    RP Name:

    Battalion Commander Bacara

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder)


    Battalion or squad you are applying for:

    Galactic Marines

    How many terms you've held the position?:


    Why do you wish to maintain this position?:

    My current progress within GM has been, as many have noticed, quite good. Increasing daily average numbers from 2-4 to around 6-8+, we even achieved a total of 17 GM on the server at one point yesterday ( 3/3/2019) which is a record high, the last time we had that many was near the beginning of last year. I have obliviously not done this all alone and i can not and will not claim responsibility for the achievements of all the members of GM but together we have achieve this and have come back from the brink and into this new year with a clear head and out best foot forward. I have also assisted in the introduction of new training's such as Boarding and Gate Repair training. we are also in the process of adjusting our other training's and introducing some more RP for the server.

    Current availability:

    Sunday to Wednesday - about 5 PM GMT to 0:00 AM GMT (12 PM EST to 7 PM EST) 

    Thursday to Saturday - about 5 PM GMT to 2:00+ AM GMT (12 PM EST to 9 PM EST) 

    What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:

    1.  Achieved increased numbers withing GM and have maintained them thought the start of this year.
    2. Stabilized the Officer corp, allowing for a strong back bone for leadership to thrive on.
    3. Added GM jet trooper and got the GM specialization rebooted and reorganized.

    What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

    1. Adjustments to EOD and TECH to add more RP options to it and explain how to do these more complex option.
    2. Further improve number to reach my personal goal of 20+ GM on the server at once, all being active.
    3. Potentially reintroduce Quarter Mastery  back into the server to allow for another avenue of RP on the server for people to enjoy.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


  3. Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): Koala, Mercy

    Event Name: Scavenger's Drilling the Competition

    Summary of the story: Scavengers arrived in an attempted to steal parts from the Republics drilling systems

    What was the result of the event?: Scavengers destroyed but the mining drills are damaged and non functional.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A bit of both but more of a shoot 'em up



  4. Name: Gadget | Bacara

    Staff Rank:  Senior Admin

    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 1 week (7 days)

    Reason: I have a lot of uni work to over this week I have off and i am unsure about how active I can be. I am also attempting to fix my sleep schedule also so they may also impede my activity. as well as family coming to see me next weekend.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes

  5. 41 minutes ago, KaneKi said:

    GADGET my man how's you doing

    Eh, not much. Ruing my sleep schedule and getting annoyed with people. The only difference is I got Bacara and SA while you were gone.


    What about you man, what you been up to?

  6. This is a pretty easy response to make.


    As it had disheartened me when you left GM for attack regimental (only for use to change to specialised and you join back) I can see you only doing more good as you progress upwards.

    Calms, collective and caring. Summarises Qal quite nicely. Probably the best option we have to replace Rider. Heck, even rider told me he suggests Qal for this position.



    • Friendly 1
  7. A few of ya mentioned lore.

    If we followed lore to the letter then a lot of the names characters would be dead or missing. Prime example is rancor after the battle of kamino. The server is a hot mwaa of nonsensical shit sometimes. Sith, jedi, clones, all on one planet. 10 battalion, 4 SOBDE squads and base ops sharing one small to medium base.

    Even ranks and stuff like that makes no sense, Bacara, Bly, Cody, Neyo and Gree, I think, are meant to be Marshal Commanders. Technically GM should be on Mygeeto fighting most the time, not even on base. 327th should be on felucia or that area. 

    Using the excuse of lore is more of just a guideline to follow or a certificate to signify that you exist. Not a written rule book stating your purpose, design, lifestyle and deed. 


    It makes sense for them to be apart if not heavily involved with SOBDE, but this is highly unlikely to happen 

  8. These are required for all events.

    You may log any fellow Game Master in your "Who Helped" section, including but not limited to ideas, spawning NPCs & even being an event job.

    You must name the thread "(Your name)'s - (Event Name)"

    If you used an idea from the  event idea section, please credit the original creator in the AAR

    Event Idea by: 
    Link to the original idea:


    Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): No one

    Event Name: The Red Dawn Virus

    Summary of the story: Scrildar Nemoir released his modified strain of the Blue Shadow Virus onto the base, infecting a larger number, then he released his "pets" and filed experiments onto the base as a distraction.

    What was the result of the event?: Cure discovered just in time, Nemoir was foiled an the planet was safe.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay mainly, but had shoot 'em up elements

  9. These are required for all events.

    You may log any fellow Game Master in your "Who Helped" section, including but not limited to ideas, spawning NPCs & even being an event job.

    You must name the thread "(Your name)'s - (Event Name)"

    If you used an idea from the  event idea section, please credit the original creator in the AAR

    Event Idea by: 
    Link to the original idea:


    Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: Debris Field

    Summary of the story: A Debris field wondered too close to the planet and started raining the remains of battle onto the planet, including drop ships and Bombs..

    What was the result of the event?: All threats eliminated.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both in a sense.

  10. These are required for all events.

    You may log any fellow Game Master in your "Who Helped" section, including but not limited to ideas, spawning NPCs & even being an event job.

    You must name the thread "(Your name)'s - (Event Name)"

    If you used an idea from the  event idea section, please credit the original creator in the AAR

    Event Idea by: 
    Link to the original idea:


    Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): Techno, Marvel

    Event Name: Fat Malony's Endor Expansion

    Summary of the story: Big Mac Malony, a rising crime lord and leader of the Malony Mafia family, see's the untamed and wild forest moon of Endor as a great place for a hideout and base of operation, depending on local attitudes, he originals takes over a empty outpost and cloaks all signals heading to base, then he'll take the other outpost and then attack the main base in an attempted to take it as his new base. His second in command was also here, Jawa Joey, an exceptionally smart and strong Jawa.

    What was the result of the event?: Base withheld the attack and the clones won out, even with reduced numbers, The Sith did help as well.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: More of a shoot 'em up but with some RP Shoot 'em up.

  11. These are required for all events.

    You may log any fellow Game Master in your "Who Helped" section, including but not limited to ideas, spawning NPCs & even being an event job.

    You must name the thread "(Your name)'s - (Event Name)"

    If you used an idea from the  event idea section, please credit the original creator in the AAR

    Event Idea by: 
    Link to the original idea:


    Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): Zodiac, Apex Tank, Merrill (Helped/Shadowed)

    Event Name: Bounty Hunter CIS Blunder

    Summary of the story: Bounty Hunter were tasked with killing a CIS admiral and steal some Intel, it went wrong, the admiral survived but they got the Intel, they were  followed to Endor and that's were the story picks up from.

    What was the result of the event?: Bounty Hunters survived and made a deal with the republic, The admiral is dead and the CIS is defeated.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Bit of both.

  12. These are required for all events.

    You may log any fellow Game Master in your "Who Helped" section, including but not limited to ideas, spawning NPCs & even being an event job.

    You must name the thread "(Your name)'s - (Event Name)"

    If you used an idea from the  event idea section, please credit the original creator in the AAR

    Event Idea by: 
    Link to the original idea:


    Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): Apex Tank

    Event Name:  CIS 2 Pronged Attack

    Summary of the story: The CIS try a sudden attack on the base, attack Bravo then sabotaging the Gen room and assaulting the main base.

    What was the result of the event?: They failed in there attempts but escaped with Intel they gathered from the attack.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up.

  13. Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): Koala, Juicy, Poe

    Event Name: Cult of the Forlorn

    Summary of the story: A unknown Sith cult known as the Forlorn arrive on Endor to reek havoc and attempt to destroy the reputation the Republic has with the Sith currently, aiming to kill key target, such as BCMDs and other high ranking individuals. They do not come unprepared as they bring with them a Force produced curse that kills anyone who goes to close to the source who isn't force sensitive, but only those attuned to the dark side of the force may approach unscathed.

    What was the result of the event?: The Forlorn was defeated and the base is once again secure. the Orb/Shrine was destroyed.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:, bit of both but mainly Shoot-em up.

  14. Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): Koala

    Event Name: A Royal Visit

    Summary of the story: The Royal Family of Sarkhai come to visit the base, as a Republic controlled planet they are granted permission to land and head around for a tour. An extremist group know as the Sarkhai Assarai Followed them to the planet in an attempt to Kill the King and Queen, if possible.  The Assassins where found out and killed, the bounty hunters were captured and the mercs killed, the king died, plunging the planet of Sarkhai into mourning and economic and political crisis.

    May result in a event server  deployment


  15. Only Senior Admin+ may apply for Gamemaster for now. If not it will be denied.


    Name: Gadget

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89827130


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:  1358:15:50.


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: My knowledge is at about 7.5/10,.But i am always learning more and more.


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?:  I have fairly decent communication and leadership skills,  this is mainly do to IRL experience as well as in game experience of being a BCMD in GM

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Royal visit gone wrong.

    The Royal family of Sarkhai (Mid-rim planet) arrives at the base for a visit of the base, they begin with talking about politics, training, the war and the base itself. A short period after they land it is discovered (via them attacking) that a Extremist group from Sarkhai, known as the Sarkhai Assarai. The Assarai are here to assassinate the King and Queen as they are against the Royal family,  They have enlisted the help of a mercenary group Known as the Purple Dawn (I've used them in a past event) they have a bit of a vendetta  against the clones, Jedi and Sith of the world as they prevent them from getting there target of a Grey Jedi. They attack with the Assarai assassins. from here it will depend on player choice and how good they are, if the king and/or queen dies, then the Assarai are successful to an extent. If the King dies, the economical and political stability of Sarkhai is plunged into chaos, if the Queen dies it's the Army and services that are heavily impacted. If both die then Sarkhai undergoes a revolution and may result in a Event server deployment were they must save the remaining royal family members and any innocent civilian they can. If no one dies then a potential attack on the extremist stronghold may happen.

    (The Sarkhai are a raise of people from Sarkhai, not a lot is know about there planet, but they are humanoid and where loyal to the old republic, it is unknown if they still exist during the Clone wars, but i found nothing on it destruction so i assume they are still alive and a part of the republic.)

    https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sarkhai_(species) - a bit of lore on Sarkhai (people)


    Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):  


  16. These are required for all events.

    You may log any fellow Game Master in your "Who Helped" section, including but not limited to ideas, spawning NPCs & even being an event job.

    You must name the thread "(Your name)'s - (Event Name)"

    If you used an idea from the  event idea section, please credit the original creator in the AAR

    Event Idea by: 
    Link to the original idea:


    Name: Gadget, Elijah and Marvel

    Who helped (If applicable): Omalic, Chaotic, Bleach.

    Event Name: Grey Jedi comes to parlay 

    Summary of the story: a Grey Jedi arrives on Endor and attempts to convert the Sith and the Jedi into following his neutral stance on the world. This resulted in the Grey jedi getting attacked and hunted, negotiation had failed and the Grey Jedi padawan barely escaped.

    After the discussion has come to a close, it is revealed that Bounty Hunters known as the Purple Dawn have been tasked with  his capture,  but they failed due to the clones and force wielders might.

    What was the result of the event?: Grey Jedi exiled once more, Purple Dawn defeated.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

  17. 5/10 


    Seemed like an event pandering toward a small demographic of player, AKA the SOBDE, meaning about 90% of the server is was near enough screaming out for an event and something to do/shoot was left with a sour taste in there mouths and a lot of disappointment.

    I didn't really interact with them enough to gauge any of the RP as you were very quickly swanned off to SOBDE HQ and promptly never seen from again apart from the DB that happened and when you left.

    Potentially next time add something like DW or the CIS tracked them and wants to capture them to gather intel on the new tech, if one gets caught then you have a event server mission to rescue them. allows for both passive RP and shoot'em up for the pleebians.


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