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Posts posted by Gadget

  1. Event job +1

    A weird interview process just to be a fucking droid on a CLONE WARS: CLONE TROOPER ROLEPLAY SERVER is big dumb and really pointless. And no one would remain in character as a droid going beep boop all day. It would just be for events and jedi had them in there star fighters not as companions, thebone exception was R2-D2 but he was also Padme's astromech soooooooo -1

  2. 1 hour ago, Pythin said:

    Yes they should be all the same. The ONLY people that should be buffed is SOBDE. They Did the Hard Work to get it

    I dont know if that would actually damage SOBDE as people would basically hate you for being OP, well more than usually XD

    Battalions bonus are so battalions arent literally, what's your favourite colour, mines blue so I'm 501st . 

    Also a lot of non SOBDE battalions have requirements before you can access their better classes. Mainly GM and Rancor comes to mind. GM need GMACT, they may not be as hard as SOBDE, I've never been to any, but I know of many previous GM who, along with ARC successfully become RC.

    Saying SOBDE earn them is kind stupid as you dont join RC as an enlisted like your join a batt and earn trainings and experience and shit.

    SOBDE takes already capable soldiers and gives them good shit. The tryouts isn't a trainings it's an elaborate test of varing difficulty based on whether you are good at what ever elements are tested.

    SODBE is hard for the facts of its exclusivity, status and reputation, in lore anyway. 

    GM is hard as they where the most versatile troopers that could do anything, never surrendered, no matter the odds. [New Bornalex, battalion if B2s, weapons disabled for the GM, used power enhancing prototype suits to first fight the droid, 99% casualty rate =victory (slight exaggeration)] GM was feared.

    Rancor and ARC is hard as it was a training that changed the perception of the soliders to be more independent and smarter as well as dealier.  That's why most commander where ARC trained and many of them are some of the best fighters you see in the TV show and comics and other media.

    • Winner 1
  3. This is a difficult predicament for me, as I could end this boys already ended career about past experiences I had with him being in GM, why he was blacklisted, blah  blah. 

    But there are about 20 of those by now. 

    I'm not going to be vindictive and say good riddance and the likelihood that I will speak to you again, being honest, is slim.

    But you did have your good moment, like how getting serviced by a women on a railroad track is a good moment before you are hit by the oncoming train and turned into a red mist. 

    So I suppose this is good bye,

     good luck

    and stay away from girls on train tracks.

    • Agree 2
    • Funny 2
    • Winner 2
  4. I would rather see a lore/RP friendly lightsaber duels and suffer some lag rather than seeing glorified jousting and a hallway of clones being killed as a jedi chances a Sith or the Sith walks through.


    It's not the mods fault the map can't handle it. It works fine on previous maps and the base.

    • Agree 1
    • Winner 2
  5. 21 hours ago, Alexz said:

    ewwwwww wtf, they tried purposing that shit before based on some loose lore and it made absolutely no sense on the context of how the server works. At that point, a battalion should just get canned lol. Forcing 2 completely different battalions together would probably hurt both of them more than anything.

    Not really and the lore for the 2 to be linked is really concrete. SO is part of the 21st Nova Corp, Bacara is Marshal Commander of the 21st Nova Corp, GM is a section of the 21st Nova Corp. It  checks out.

    Sith was a bad idea is some sense as a lot of the time they do what they want and just troll people.

    Flametheoqers are annoying but only because of the screen affect when your on fire. Bungie please nerf.

    I've had an invisible Westar for about 6 months or so and it really breaks the immersion when I'm shooting lasers from my hand and mind to kill droids. Like what is this? Dead Space?

    Military RP could have been good but had a poor launch and a delayed update/development period for new content. Thw new content wasn't attractive enough and by the time the update was near the damage had been done.

    SCP server should come back, me want die by spoopy things. And if you say play SCP secret laboratories that is just people shouting memes through the mic. I was playing a game of that where some on sand country roads NON STOP the entire time and through the broadcaster. He didn't die and was the only survivor.

  6. And eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


    Just because someone calls you a dick doesn't mean you put do them with another insult. Also calling someone a "fag" generally isn't a good idea.

    A 4000 minute ban is just 3 days. Take a break, reflect and come back with what you have learnt from your mistake, not attacking the people who do a very good job on the server maintaining peace and harmony on the server.



  7. Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable):  Carvis [a bit]

    Event Name: The Zann Consortium and The Eschon

    Summary of the story: The Zann Consortium and the Trando clan Eschon were at end planetside, fighet near the base, the republic went to deal with it and the CIS arrived to support the Trandos

    What was the result of the event?: Zann defeated the Trando's, The Zann Consortium and the Republic make a non aggression pact.. for now, and the CIS are defeated. 

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up with some RP



  8. Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): Dolvek

    Event Name: Grievous and Deceit

    Summary of the story: An Acclamator is attack on it way to resupply the base, as it arrives the CIS surprise attack the Acclamator [The Resolve], destroying the damaged ship. then the CIS attack base with the help of General Grievous.

    What was the result of the event?: CIS defeated. Grievous escaped on the Deceit.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up



  9. A combination of lack of impatience and boredom means a lot of people don't want passive RP and want shoot 'em ups and more dangerous RP, like EOD.

    Negotiations seems to be interrupted on a regular basis because people think they are going wrong.

    case in point [This isn't a dig at the individuals involved]

    I was doing an event and had some event jobs (3 Commandos) who managed to take a BO Major and Wolffe as hostage, a 104th was then negotiating with them and they hadn't even really started and then some SOBDE ran in with some other clones and shot then place up killing the droids and ruining the RP.

    • Agree 2
  10. Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): No one

    Event Name: Judgement's Call

    Summary of the story: CIS Fleet Judgement arrived in the system. Upon discovery that the base was experiencing some issues involving kidnapping and hostages, the CIS attacked.

    What was the result of the event?: Fleet heavily damaged, Republic victory.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up



  11. Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): None

    Event Name: CIS Fleet Malice

    Summary of the story: a CIS Fleet by the name of Malice attack the base by first deploying cloaked Commando's as Espionage agent to disable comms and gens and then a main bulk attack on the base.

    What was the result of the event?: Comms disabled, gens damaged, commandos dead, fleet destroyed, Republic battered but victorious.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up

  12. And a Commando in CT armour is incredibly obvious and hard to ignore, they look quite considerably different to a normal CT.


    They should have more body groupers for the different basic troopers, like 212th, Nova Corp, 501st, etc.



  13. If you like FPS survival horde style games like Left 4 Dead then try Vermintide 2. 4 players, fast paced, ranged and melee, communication. almost everything you need in a game and it is really good at revealing stress as you just chop through waves upon waves of enemies.


    Just cause 4 is a great game also and it now part of Xbox Game Pass, just ignore the story and have fun smashing stuff



  14. Name: Gadget

    Who helped (If applicable): Halzor

    Event Name: Courage's Final Mission

    Summary of the story: a Acclamator known as the Courage arrived to deliver supplies to the base, upon delivery the base was attacked.

    What was the result of the event?: The Courage was destroyed and so to were the CIS, the Paladin and the Righteous Fury  came in to assist the base also.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up

  15. -1
    If you are using the logic on 1 shot kills on B1 then everyone should be 1 or 2 shots to kill as well

    Game Masters can't spawn then in large groups (max of about 20 at a time) due to the server lagging if too many are spawned at once or are on the server.

    Using different media yields different results, Republic Commandos has pretty strong B1 and ridiculously powerful B2. Even lego games do it so a B1 is one hit and a B2 is 2 hits or so. Star War Battlefront 2 has the player controlled B1 on strength level the same as a Clone and the B2 is far stronger in comparison.

  16. I like Carters|Chambers idea, mainly the second one.

    I would say it should be just GM to be able to drop armour as it is already a GM bonus, but i am aware there is only 2 or 3 ENG jobs, 212th, base ops and another i think.

    And this kit that would slowly fill up someones armour like Med kits.


    +1 to that

  17. 22 minutes ago, Arroyo said:


    is this rumor still going on? The other week I killed myself to fall damage 

    I thought this was true, i was the one who said it was true to Matra. my bad...


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