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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. +1 We saw the full extent of 91st's rabbit heat and we must cull them once again.
  2. Or I could make a suggestion like I did and have other's people opinions on the matter also be seen. Regardless it's been done, so why you posting here?
  3. While I understand that, people who actually make that excuse are most likely minges and/or didn't listen to their TR. Regardless, I suggested this cause as DU, with our battlestation being ER, we have our shields up at the door and most of the time when enemies spawn on 2nd floor, the text screen really obstructs your view.
  4. Name: Finnley Suggestion: Making the text screen in front of ER slightly smaller and moving it up a bit so it's not in our face and blocking everything when we're defending ER from enemies. Implementation: easily done in game dudes Lore: MY IMMERSION. Workshop content if applicable: nah fam
  5. +1 I love Chop, Chop is a good boy and he's the man for the job. Go get 'em, Chop!
  6. Sorry about that, is that better?
  7. RP Name: 104th RM SFC Waffles OR Jedi P Consular Veir Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70600576 Age: Twenty Gender: I'm currently female, but please use he/his or they/their pronouns as I'm planning on undergoing FtM surgeries. Now you know. My voice is misleading so I don't particularly mind if you mess up, though. Timezone: UTC +2 However, I'm usually on every day and most of the day seeing as I have literally no life. Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The main reason I wish to be an administrator is to help other people. I know, kind of cliche, but that's really all there is to it. I usually join the server when most people are inactive, but sometimes those people need an admin as well (and sometimes an admin is inactive or not on) and I think having admins from different timezones can prove to be fruitful in the long run. If anything happens I want to be there for the players and help them in any way I possibly can; I want to show them that the server is friendly and has an amazing community even if we're a SeriousRP server. There's honestly not much else in terms of reasons that I can think of, I simply adore this server and want the best for it, even in times of its inactive (European) mornings. I have also been an admin on quite a few servers before and I can assure you that not once have I done anything to result in a demotion. Every now and then I play around, but never have I abused admin powers that were granted to me. If I am to be accepted, I promise that I will be mature and calm when I need to be. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm mostly a mature person, but I have times where every now and then I like to joke around. We all do, don't we? I don't have a job or go to school at the moment, but I am looking to continue my education next year so my activity will be slightly sparser then. You can call me whatever you want, honestly, as long as it isn't disrespectful to anyone. I'm friendly and have a slightly weird sense of humor. I also speak three languages fluently, four if you consider sarcasm a language. Do you have any previous staff experience? As stated above, I used to be staff on quite a few servers; Prophunt (admin on the 'Everyone's a Banana' server for a few years), Deathrun; Bunny Hop, etc., and have even owned my own server at one point in time. Suffice it to say I have quite some experience in being an administrator. If you've made it this far, cheers. Hope to see you in game regardless of what you think about my application.
  8. Maybe so, but the fact remains that someone RM feels comfortable with would be better for BCMD. I agree that not many of the applications we have other than Bbstine's seem like good choices but you have to keep in mind that at least we know and trust them. Maybe Bbstine is the best option right now, but I also don't think getting a BCMD at this very moment in time is necessary, especially someone that we know little to nothing about. I know that Bbstine is a good guy, I don't doubt that, but I also think he should be focusing on the things he already has rather than applying for BCMD without even being in RM in the first place. Give us time to build ourselves back together before you throw a BCMD - who is someone completely unknown to us - at us.
  9. I'm gonna -1 this for multiple reasons. The main one being that most of the people in RM don't know you. Then there's the fact that you're in another battalion at the moment and applying for BCMD before you even officially join us (back) feels a bit like power play in my book. I love RM and I'm looking forward to getting a BCMD but I honestly don't think you're the one for the job. I think someone who RM knows and feels comfortable with is someone more suited for BCMD.
  10. +1 world's smallest event. I had fun though so you get a big +1 from me, my dude. You should try to do a bigger version of this when the server's more populated, maybe? Maybe two CIS stations that are slightly larger board from both hangars
  11. +1 giant aliens burst out of avavel's chest which made a lot of sense.
  12. +1 did the test 4 times in a row
  13. +1 pushed a giant dinosaur thing down the moon pool
  14. +1 Ziro's fat ass got into a fucking LAAT.
  15. Well, I'm just a sergeant in RM, but we are trying to get everyone to be more serious. When the situation calls for it, I can assure you that most of us take stuff seriously. But thank you, I'll keep that in mind.
  16. That I understand, I'm just throwing suggestions out the window here. Then again, giving defibs to just RM is a lot different than giving it to every medic on the server. Regardless, I'm not begging for defibs back, I'm asking for a way for all of us to get along.
  17. I changed the format, I didn't know it was necessary. Anyways. Leadership and maturity are needed, yes, but that won't get rid of the problem of RM feeling absolutely unnecessary. When batt medics do get here (some batts already have their own medics) that will only get worse, and our suggestions are a way for us to feel like we do make a difference and that we're not just here to heal when the batt medics we already have aren't there. I did the evaluation sim on the server we had 4 times in a row. FOUR times in a row. Sure, when you heal people they say thanks and that's kind of enough for me but when we get to debrief and RM isn't even mentioned once, it kind of makes us feel a little but underappreciated. I'm used to it, I've been healing in every game I play that has healers, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. (Also you really don't need to -1 every post I make, for talking about maturity that's being hypocritical.)
  18. Buffed medkits that should actually be how much the normal medkits heal. Maybe making the batt medic's health kits heal for the amount RM's health kits do and then doubling that for RM's would solve the problem too. I don't know that, nobody does. What I'm trying to do is to figure out a way for us all to get along and for nobody to feel particularly left out or unappreciated. I joined RM because I wanted to heal everybody, not because I wanted to get into arguments over what and what we don't deserve. Maybe instead of just replying with one sentence to what I say, put some effort into your replies and give me actual reasons as to why we don't deserve a buff.
  19. Honestly, I'm relatively new to the server so when I joined RM was slowly coming back alive. Regardless, I don't particularly want to recover in numbers, I want to stop feeling like the battalion I love and chose to join is just a useless addition. Sure we have the medical RP, but when it comes to combat situations and healing our brothers in combat it doesn't really feel very effective. Buffing the RMs, even if it's just a tiny little bit, could make a huge difference.
  20. @BigBurner If we already got all we need then why are we proposing all these suggestions?
  21. Wait they do? It really doesn't feel like it, oof.
  22. Name: 104th RM SGT Finnley Suggestion: Some edits to how RM works maybe Implementation: Giving defibs when/if they return only to medics. Or buffing medkits in general, giving more healing to normal medkits as well as to RM medkits. Lore: We're medical experts that reside in medbay, we should have some more equipment on hand at all times compared to the batt medics. Workshop content if applicable: N/A If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Change Job: Republic Medics Model: All RM models Weapons: Defibrillator ( less defibs would cause less lag maybe ) Better health kits Other: N/A +1/-1 with reason, please. Give other suggestions too, maybe. Let's work together to make this server a more agreeable place.
  23. +1. Zach is good boi and I think he'll be able to give attention to both his positions when the time comes for it. Who cares what he applied for before? I believe that he'll do good for RM.
  24. Ruin

    Blaze's Ion Beam

    +1 But my flashlight wasn't working when the lights went out so I was pretty much blind.
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