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Posts posted by Quillhan

  1. 838CE4868BE2BF5022EC5E8F4253FE11295F1EF85FBC87370EBBBA4CFC898465688FC363062EBBF0 Halloween 2018. 501st and 91st dressed up as one another.74FC898369BE82FD3F9F670F8D0102FD2924DA59 @Ratio@Scrape 85996BA419C3E3B3353A8B0EF5F73E186332F6DBThis pic can be seen from the cameraman's perspective in the 501st TS. E830A4B00833E9D848990E775C6CE053697E9E412AEF31BFA18D714F871E5EF51034137D13544289The origins of the Torrent Company Turret. EBFA273EC77906229C965248C13E9D125831B0C3 Attack with 327th for the first time on deployment. F9FDEE14AD872AC7CAF38E9D73951D3D47F0065C 3nd round of the first BvB.

    84FB77130C5E7E4D0E11BB6A09AE3932F67E6AEDThis one makes me feel old and misty-eyed.

    This DB is just nostalgia. 13958C9635A0C080DD51F5BFF9DC9E31A8479829 



    A lot more screenies on the laptop. These are just the public ones I could find on my profile. Not many from the Palpy term that are public.

  2. I think this is a great way to say it. Ultimately everyone comes to a game or community with their own agenda, but I have met very close friends here that I talk with daily. People who I know and care about dearly. I know about their personal lives and I care. I have always preached as a BCMD to walk away from the game when it comes to much or to keep it fun, yet serious, etc etc. The point is so that you can enjoy it with the people you want to and not get caught up in the drama of it all. The first year I spent in this community I had little to no friends IRL and I literally cried once I got promoted to ATK Reg from Rex because I felt I was leaving my family.

    Gamers will be gamers but care about your fellow person. Keep up with people and check in. Send a message on discord, join a channel, say hi. Do these things IRL and in our community and you will be happier. I do here and IRL and I stand by that. 



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  3. 56 minutes ago, Husky said:

    Generally if something is doing bad you're supposed to help it out, not just remove it omegalol. Especially something thats supposed to be RP focused. I dont really have a say because im retired from the community and all, but its a -1 from me. I get that base ops has been inactive and all, but this is just another step away from the serious RP we moved to. But hey, whatever.


    Edit: also, just to add on, forcing a whole battalion to be training robots is obviously going to kill its popularity, along with the community labeling them button ops. If I had more free time, id come back to try and help it out. A new system was also proposed very recently that would add additions to Base Ops concerning encounters, which could easily boost popularity. @Chambers


    Look. If the server doesnt want base ops, fine. Go ahead and make them an event job, and relegate things to your command and all that. Just know that the people that have been trying with base ops have made quite a few attempts, and are frequently beat on the head by higher command that they "arent doing enough". This is a battalion that is almost entirely centered around RP. We're not even allowed to go into combat 99% of the time. Similar to senators, we do our best, but there isnt going to be quantifiable evidence unless you started rummaging through chat logs. The server is meant to be fun, does it really impact the community at all having base ops in the first place? What does "bloat" even matter? How will this improve the community in any way? This seems pretty ill advised.

    Some valid points.

  4. Overall Brooklyn I think you did fine. I think that what Trig posted is valid, but understand that somethings are not able to be fixed in a single term. My personal opinion is that Egg should have his chance. I appreciate what you tried to do and did, but my vote is a -1.

  5. HOT TAKE:

    Inactivity is valid to a certain degree. It's hard to compare activity. I can imagine for people like Tetra who plays a large amount per day, much higher than most of the server, it's not often he says many 41st on at all. Egg is obviously not gonna be online that often if he doesn't have people to play with. Back in the day, when 41st had low numbers or activity or was bored of Synergy they took a break for a few hours and played other games together. This is a great tactic to build relationships between battalion members. Egg was always someone I looked up when I first started on the server and I mirrored a lot of the mentality that he had within 41st during his time as Gree, when I was Rex and Palpatine. Activity is one thing but should not be the only reason to write someone off. 

    Egg did not promote bad behavior. I was not only an HA, but an officer during the end of his time as Gree. The behavior of individuals was out of his control at certain points and he did give them punishment for it. I have always said to people in this community, the server should be fun, yet serious. This means that there should be no problem with having a laugh, but no when it's the right time.

    My final point is that there was a time when SO was doing really bad. It was rare to see anyone on, but there was 1-2 very dedicated individuals who remained hopeful the battalion would not be removed. After my 2nd term as Rex I approached them asking if they would like my to apply for the position to aid them as I did 501st. Some reacted with positives, others were hesitant, but most were completely against the idea. It's understandable that the current 41st, much like SO were against having an outsider come and take over, but IMO I think it can be helpful. Ultimately SO was moved under GM which I think we can all agree has worked out really well and I am happy for them. What I am trying to say here is that y'all need some help based on what I have been seeing when I get on, which isn't a whole lot, but Egg could definitely bring some positives into the mix. Edit: To add on to this point, you can see most of the +1s are from current 41st members, but -1s coming from the rest of the community. In my eyes Tetra seems to be the most reasonable and willing to understand out of all the current members. Good on you sir.


    To sum it up, get to know the guy before trying to cancel him. It's a two way street and Egg could probably do more to be seen in a better light by y'all. but figure out a way to work together if he is gets it or doesn't. I am in no way writing this to be disrespectful to the current 41st, but I'm with the boomers on this one. +1 to Egg

    • Winner 2
  6. When I truly love the content I will watch whatever they put out. I used to watch the filler of Naruto all the time. I think that the only actual problem I have had with any content put out for Star Wars was Episode 8, which I felt was trash, despite having it's moments. I grew up with the Clone Wars animated show and the prequels. I don't think they are ruining it, just some poor decisions as of late.


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  7. Triggered Andy. Boys, just have 2 batts per regiment. Sorry to say, but there is a lot of things that y'all hold near and dear that are irrelevant in the grand scheme. People can pick up up where your batt left off. If people cry in the future about wanting to add battalions then just say no. Sorry if you put time and effort into something, I get it. I came back to do another term as Rex to do that exactly. I didn't wanna see something I worked so hard on get removed, but the server needs somebody to get yeeted. We will honor the fallen battalions ofc, but it's an L.

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