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Posts posted by IKE

  1. 1 hour ago, Baelfire said:

    +1. It could have been handled a lot better by both staff members in this vid. Then idk why dex didnt even utter a sound when he arrested you, espeically since you were NOT AOS'd. Also wtf is this Honorary CG bullshit lol


    tbf i dont even know how to read the logs(granted i have never tried lol)

    The first staff member couldn’t do much. But besides that +1

    • Agree 2
  2. My game crashes whenever I try loading into the server with the error KERNAL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR. Now there is a sight called ErrorFix Kit, but that, well sots omeny and im a cheap stake. Anyone have a fix to this?

  3. Well you see the way I got my name is a extremely long story. I was in my home wondering what I could do to make my life more exciting. Because my life was pretty boring, and then it suddenly came to me. I need to go climb the highest mountain in Russia and slay the most feared bear then so my life will be more exciting. I set out by buying my climbing supplies in the dangerous land of Asda with their treacherous 2 for 1 deals which lur poor, unsuspecting moms into the bargain traps. I journeyed there in hopes of gaining the proper equipment I need in order to fulfill my epic quest. I slayed the evil beast which layed there known as the kids ile. I then finally discovered the gleaming light which bestoud the mystical tent bag. Though there was a vicious amount of tourists fighting, brawling for the tent. I quickly extinguished the bests and claimed the tent as my prize and used the magical coupons to pay for it. My quest for the equipment was complete and then it was time to execute the beginning of my journey. I then went on the nearest bus from England all the way to Russia in hopes of completing my desire to climb to the tallest mountain and slay the best. I then found myself standing and trembling at the foot of the mountain as I heard the spine shivering screams of victims of the bear as I heard the bear roar in cruel delite. However I wouldn't let that stop me. I climbed on the enduring mountain for days, nay weeks. It was a hard journey. On my way to the top I met a man eating owl, traps (Not the ones that trap you), people who still dab, old lady hooker and most of all people who still own fidget spinner. I killed the people with fidget spinners with no hesitation. I then found myself to the top to where I saw the bear, a yellow bear, one with a red top and a fake friendly smile to ler their victims in. Ill put up a image right here.

    Image result for Winnie the pooh

    I quickly slayed the beast and took it's head as a reward. I had no way of getting down the mountain though. As I lost all hope I formed a idea inside my head. I would use the bears body as a slay to get down. 

    As for how I got my name it's my nickname.

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