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Everything posted by Kelso

  1. It was a really good and enjoyable event. We also have a new disease in the database, sooo nicely done bro. 8/10.
  2. Really enjoyable event, had a lot to do in terms of RP even though it was mainly "Shoot em up" oriented. Good job mate.
  3. "The power went bad" 8/10, cuz why not. PS. It kinda took too much time. It was aight tho.
  4. Just to clarify: The screenshots of our dialogue with Perry is the only attempt of communication with me regarding the situation, and I responded to him as quickly as I could. Perri's first message regarding the situation ("..." one) was sent on October 2nd, at 8:31 AM, I respond at 8:41 AM and then tell him that I am unable to transfer the docs as I wasn't home. I was traveling to my house from my summer-house via car, which took about 10 hours, as I was also sick, I went to sleep as soon as I got home. The next day (Oct 3rd) he says "ok. how long?" at 1:11 AM, while I'm asleep, then the emoji at 7:48 AM. I respond about an hour later, stating why I was not able to transfer the docs that day. I give him the ownership of the files, but do not realize that transferring the files do not affect the docs themselves. Perri realizes this and tells me so at 10:46 PM and I tell him I will transfer them as well. I guess at this point I should've told him that I was going to sleep and would transfer them the next day (but too late for that I guess). Now I'm not going to say that I DID NOT remove the edit access permissions of people, and not going to lie either, I don't really remember why I did so. But I did not hold the docs hostage or did not have the intentions to do so. I also am more than certain that they did NOT recreate the docs from screenshots. I know this as Perri did send me an invitation to collaborate to the newer folders, most likely without meaning to do so. He had duplicated the documents as I had thought. If one goes to view the historic meetings, some of the only documents that Perri did not transfer to Striker as they are mostly unuseful, they all have the same date of October 2nd, because that's when Perri initially duplicated the documents. Striker did take screenshots of the docs, good on him for acting cautiously, but did not need to do so. I did not pursue the matter further as Perri went on to ignore me, and I was already burned out from the server, and mostly because of the prior reason the outcome didn't really bother me. I did not attempt to contact Striker as he did quite dislike me.
  5. RP Name/Steam Name Kelso/ZT Death Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60324373 Date of Ban: Not really sure. Length of Ban: Permanent. Offense: The reason given for my blacklist in 212th was "Holding 212th Intel Docs Hostage", Chambers' interpretation was; "Fucking with Documents..." Banned By: Don't know. Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I believe my ban was a result of a misunderstanding. What happened was that I had the ownership of all of the 212th documents as I was the Intel Director, I then had all of my ranks and titles removed as I went increasingly inactive. During that time I didn't only stop playing GMOD, but also anything else on my PC. After some time they realized I still had the ownership of the documents, a fact that I forgot about as well. I was later asked to give the documents to Perry, which I partially (1) did. As I had given Perry the ownership of the folders, he was able to duplicate the docs and create new folders instead of waiting for me (I assume this is what he did). Now I'll get back to why I think all of this was just a misunderstanding. As there's about an 8-hour difference between USA and Turkey, Perri might've thought that I was ignoring him on purpose since the timestamps of the messages he'd sent me vary from 2:58 PM to 6:46 PM. Things would probably work better if he did not ignore me afterward as I think I would be able to explain myself better. I was banned for "holding the docs hostage", but that is not the case whatsoever as even I had no idea that I still had the ownership of them. I also would not hand them over if I was, in fact, holding them hostage. I poured hours of my time, even pulled all-nighters at some point (which might not seem too extreme to some of you) to support and grow not only the 212th itself but the community as I was also a staff member at some point. Evidence to support your claims: I sent the last 2 messages at 10:58 PM, then logged off to go to sleep as I was sick. (1) I said partially because I did not know that I also had to transfer the ownership of every single document. Timestamps for the first 2 messages after he says "yea its weird" are 11:11 PM and 11:14 PM and the other 2 are 1:58 AM and 2:15 AM, while I was asleep. He says that he's got them at 2:46 AM while I was still sleeping, I ask whether I was banned at 6:09 AM. Last 2 were sent at 2:08 PM. Months later I asked Chambers whether I was banned: I believe there is nothing to clarify about these messages.
  6. You've been a part of the 212th High Command (XO and BCMD) as long as I've been in the battalion, and you helped the battalion prevail when faced with hardships. Even though you were here for a long time, that does not change the fact that you were and are very inactive. Of course, who am I to judge your inactivity as I've been inactive myself because of medical and personal reasons. But I've been excessively active on my way up to the rank of CMD, and hardly saw you online. As XO, if I remember correctly, you were hardly active, and as Cody, now, you've not been active as much as you are now during the time that led to, as I said, now. Don't get me wrong, you are not a bad battalion commander whatsoever, except you became one when there wasn't any competition. With this, I'm not trying the disregard the fact that you probably would've gotten the rank anyway, but probably wouldn't have an as easy time as you had. The battalion is now full of very capable people who are not only innovative, but also quite active. Granted, you didn't really have a lot to do when you have these people running the battalion, as they should, why would they be where they are right now if they weren't able to? What I'm really trying to say is, your leadership of the battalion has just been you approving ideas and 'things' that have been already done/created/planned for you. We had CBlake before you, he introduced a lot of new things, and Mamba before him, who also added a whole bunch of new things. I think you had a good run, but it is time to step down and let someone else have their chance. Therefore, I will -1 your application. I would say hopefully this won't hurt out friendship as some have, but truth be told, we were never as close as friends would be. Consequently, I wish my thoughts will not scratch our acquaintanceship. Good luck to you nevertheless, as it seems that you do have quite the support. Also, I'd be very much obliged if you wouldn't demote me after this.
  7. Hazard's not only a great member of the battalion, but he also helps anyone who is in the need of it. Personality wise, he's a great judge of character, very friendly as well as helpful as mentioned before, and one of the main reasons why people stay in the battalion as long as they have. He has been inactive, true, but that doesn't really overshadow the fact that he has done more for the benefit of the battalion, comparatively to many if not all of 212th. His work alone as REGL is enough to leave most in awe. As the Documentation Team Leader, he kept almost every document up to date and aided the other branches of the Intel Team in various ways, he also implemented systems and incentives regarding the whole battalion. Not to mention that he's only done these things of great significance in a very short time. He also got his activity back on track. -1'ning his application by holding his latest inconveniences accountable and let them shroud all the work he has put into this battalion is not only unethical, but also unintelligent as the act of such simple-mindedness also lowers his chances of reaching the position he undoubtedly deserves. I believe that Hazard will make sure the battalion goes above and beyond if he should receive the position, therefore I give his detailed and more than adequate application a well deserved; +1
  8. Name: Kelso Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): Unknown Reason: Construction workers next door cut some cables while digging, internet's not working so I can't get on. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes.
  9. Name: Kelso Who helped (If applicable): Laski, Rick, Thermite, Albaber, Kazuto Event Name: Arumishi Rescue Summary of the story: Arumishi, a research base that has not contacted Republic in months, sends a transmission to the Venator asking for help. SO, DU and GM gets deployed to investigate. What was the result of the event?: Battalions rescued a scientist, and a security guard, base was cleared and the artifict that caused everything was successfully destroyed. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Would say both, but more shoot em up oriented.
  10. No farewells to me, fuck me I guess. o7 -Kelso
  11. I went through all the jobs on the server as well as some of the named characters I know of from 212th, and made a list to make it easier (phase II armor was introduced around 21 BBY, anything before that, I've considered phase I); Tracer, died on 22 BBY. Dash 44, died on 21 BBY, but is Legends. Dash 29, same as Dash 44. Longshot, died on 21 BBY. Gearshift, died on 22 BBY. Goldie, doesn't exist. Slasher, doesn't exist. Bear, doesn't exist. Colt, died on 22 BBY. Havoc, same as Colt. Echo was presumably KIA, but he did not die on 21 BBY. Still, he was MIA until very later in the war. (21BBY is Legends, but Canon dates seem to be 1 year after Legends dates.) My opinion; even thought from the list it can be seen that the numbers are not that high, I don't see any reason to remove said characters. Yes, they're dead, and should be removed because it's not lore friendly. Yet people like being said jobs, and I'm quite sure that they'd rather keep them. Is it really fair to remove something because a select few wanted it to? And how fair is it to keep said jobs to make aformentioned few unhappy. If we wanted to make the server more lore friendly, then we are to remove most of the clone ranks, as well as General. Promote Cody (,Gree, Bacara, Neyo) to MCMD, demote Rex to CPT. Remove most of battalion regiments as there is no mention of most of them anywhere. We also need to get rid of most of the battalions as it's impossible for almost 10 battalions to be present in a single Venator. -1
  12. Name: Kelso Who helped (If applicable): Argon Filips, Lix, Cards, Matthews, Hazard, Nade, and people who were helping Nade on the main server. Event Name: Assault on Theroyeeda Summary of the story: Theroyeeda is an outer rim planet that is occupied by the Republic, yet the civilians dislike the Republic highly. General who oversees the base of operations on the planet has come up with a training course that tests the soldiers' physical endurance. He sends word to the ship, and attack battalions alongside CG, CO and RC are sent to the planet. While they're going through the training, locals crowd up in front of the entrance, and in time, a peaceful protest turns into a violence-fest as some citizens pull out their weapons while another few pull down their pants to attack the clones psychologically. Armed men are brought in for interrogation, and then executed by the orders from the General for treason as their leader had contacted the CIS months ago, and given them hyperspace routes that lead to the planet without the Republic noticing. CIS hyperspaces in at that moment and a space battle is initiated (on the main server). Mere minutes later CIS is able to send almost a whole army to the surface. What was the result of the event?: Of course clones won, and fended off the enemies. General ended up dying as he himself was found to be treasonous. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both. Note: This was my very first ever event, hope you guys enjoyed it. Please leave CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, and not just -1s. Thanks.
  13. Let me just quote myself from another application that was for a position just as important as this; "I believe if someone was able to get to a position, especially a high one (such as commander) they must be capable of leading, and leadership requires said person to be capable of knowing their men and guide them accordingly to rules and laws as well as their own beliefs in order for their regiment to thrive." Now let me add a few things accordingly to this situation; You are inactive. Not necessarily on the server, but certainly on your Naval. For this reason you are unable, not incapable, of knowing and guiding fellow Naval. There's also the fact that a considerable amount of people seem to dislike you at the moment. Unfortunately, the people who voiced their dislike are the same people who most of the Naval look up to, same people who put tremendous amount of work to achieve their current position. With that, removing them or demoting them seem to be out of the picture, unless you're after stupendous amount of backlash as well as endless waves of people plotting against you. You will not succeed with people not liking you. Therefore I will -1 this application. But good luck to you, nevertheless.
  14. Kelso

    Taur's app (3rd)

    Quite active, and also is a fine guy. Has past experience as well. +1
  15. +1, enjoyed being a B1. Good event boi.
  16. Conillim's a great REG, and undeniably deserves this. +1
  17. RP Name: TRO 212th HVY LTC Kelso Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60324373 Age: 16 Timezone: [GMT +3] Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I'd like to become an administrator mainly because I'd like help the server more than I currently do, which I'd say is not that much as I'd like it to be. I just got TRO, which is great and all, but is quite hard when you're not an admin since I cannot directly pull/tp people without getting someone else to help. That isn't a big issue, but it is time consuming. Shadowing wouldn't be an issue either if I had admin. Other than me being a TRO, I also would like to be an admin because I'd like to not only help the server, but my battalion as well. Server by helping newcomers as well as people in general who're in need of help, and battalion by more sims/entertainments/trainings. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Currently I live in Turkey, but I was born in the US. I've been playing on this server for (about) 4 months now. I play football (or soccer as some of you call it) and also am in my school's football team where I play as a striker/winger. Do you have any previous staff experience?: I used to be a Super Admin on a MilitaryRP server, as well as Admin on many other DarkRP servers. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close): 564:18:22 and counting.
  18. You should do what makes you happy, and it seems like you're exactly doing that. Also, ehm, "212th Strong" sounds a bit...you know, gay. Not that there's anything wrong with it, just saying. Can't we say something like "big good stronk amazing 212th"
  19. I 'served' under 2 Cody's, one got perm'd, hopefully you won't too. o7, nevertheless. Thanks for helping us in every way you can, sad to see you go.
  20. Really enjoyed the event, had a lot of fun. Good job as always.
  21. I told you that was goddamn Garry, that's why you cannot remove him. It's against the game's coding. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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