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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Jax


    If I understand what you're saying is that you didn't find chargebacks were against the rules. It in the ToS that refunds aren't offered unless its a mistake on the servers end. It also common practice on Garry's Mod servers to instaban any chargeback attempt due to some people using them in malicious ways.
  2. Jax

    Ban Necro-Posting

    Name: 91st BCMD Neyo / Jax Suggestion: Ban necro-posting, people keep bringing up old topics recently that mislead people. Implementation: Make a new forum rule.
  3. +1 That shit is fun as hell.
  4. -1 Lol no. Mamba's gets on a lot, its just that time zone difference, even then I see him a lot. -91st BCMD Neyo / Jax
  5. First Part I loved the hell out of this part. It allowed for strong game play and immersion through out the whole event. The event was amazing because it challenged me as a leader, which most events don't do. With most events I can give out orders with basic thought and little care to complete the mission successfully. For this event, I was thinking 24/7 on where and how to position my troops. I had to use lots of organization, such as splitting my battalion into four squads; Charlie, Echo, Hades, and Jedi Strike. Due to the fog used on map and the thoughtful placement of the droids, each squad had to be moved to thought and care. Fuck that really gave me an immersion boner. My troops were finally doing all the recon we had prepared and have trained for. The take over of the base was intense, especially since it was one line. It really gave me the strong sense of the clone wars when I moved 4 squads in and left with 1. The final minutes were intense with only two jedi and two clones left. Also props to you on having SC & RC stealth squad sneak into the base while 91st gave them the information. Second Part Also amazing, thank you for letting me do the briefing lol, although i'm sure my in game mic probably didn't work/was too quiet. It was a event with speeders, so of course that'll always get a +1 from me. Also letting me lead the charges with the AT-TE was pretty cool lol. Of course it was a difficult due to lag, but thats hard to avoid. There was a decent amount of balance between NPCs/Vehicles and server performance, but otherwise it was pretty good. It was a good to see Marshal CMD Lazer with his assassination at the end, luckily I didn't receive a public court marshaling from him. Overall +1, would like more events like this where is challenges me as a leader. -91st Battalion Commander Neyo / Jax
  6. I mean considering they all know and work with that person, chances are they'll +1 it and would rather have them and instead of an applicant from another battalion. Isn't much of a surprise tbh.
  7. o7 I still remember on your first days when you crashed the L.A.A.T into the teleporter and crashed the server lol.
  8. Jax

    Staff Apply

    Tfw when you've gaming for 17+ years but are only 15. Language barrier or am I stupid? +1 i've seen you around, you're would be a nice fit for the staff team.
  9. Completely agree with you on you points. I agree the battalions has been lacking in discipline the all of that can be attributed to me. Concerning the Night situation, I was trying to wait to handle it after the simulation, but in hindsight I should've reacted earlier. Thank you for the feedback, i'll try to improve.
  10. Steam Name: Paster Jax RP Name: 91st Lightning Commander Jax Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:57099075 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 91st Reconnaissance Corps Experience: I've spent about 9 months in 91st now with a 2-3 month break in between. Honestly I don't where to start, so i’ll begin with the my return from my break. I worked my way up the ranks on Icefuse rather quickly compared to my fellow troopers due my recruiting. We saw the battalion grow faster than ever did before once we moved to Kachiro, we went from a small group of 4-5 people to a strong to boasted a strong 11-15 people a day. We had a golden set of officers and of course the battalion wasn’t perfect, but it was damn close near it. At that time I was and 2ndLT and worked my ass off on recruiting. It was fun, I loved my battalion, it was great but it wouldn’t last much longer. The great divide split the battalion. It was hectic and our officers were confused whether we wanted to stay on Icefuse or play Synergy. Most of the officers eventually decided to stay on Icefuse, but leave the 91st in search of new things. I was left being the only 91st officer left on Icefuse at the time. I rebuilt it from the ground-up. I designed a whole ton of documents for the 91st. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y8itYO7XqOTQ4x07cQAbBfEJiIqYamGAyXP8l-wpVE4/edit#) I spent about a whole day just writing up documents. I brought some amazing NCOs and officers into the 91st revived it on Icefuse. However, I didn’t want to stay on Icefuse. My plan was just to build the 91st up a bit and not have it left in pieces. So, I switch over to Synergy permanently after bouncing between servers for about two weeks. When I came over to Synergy the 91st was in the same situation it was on Icefuse before with no real organization or members. Me & Noto did some work but mostly waited for a new BCMD. Once Zander jumped onboard I assisted him in everything I could. I made a whole new roster, and just redesigned it recently once again to optimize it and create more organization in the battalion. I was trying my best to recruit and working tirelessly trying to better the battalion. Zander decided to promote me from CPT straight to CMD for my work. I still kept working constantly leading in events and giving NCOs the chance to show their skill. Due to Noto’s ROA i’ve been in charge of running the Lightning Squadron. Despite the “meme” of me hosting Lightning tryouts once in a century, I worked my ass off to make them immersive and design a whole new style for them. I just held one recently and it was great and the participants enjoyed it. I’ve also kinda held the position of being the “chief commander”. I’ve made a lot of decisions for the battalion and was told I had final say of the commanders in absence of Zander. Naval: Honestly haven’t been active on it as I should, and am probably leaving it. But for about the week I was constantly on it I adopted its strong sense of seriousness. I held assisted in Naval tryouts almost every time they were held and also ran a few sessions of Naval engineering training. I ran the events I was in charge of with common sense, and I listened to the battalions requests and called defcons logically. Jedi Oof, another thing I should’ve been more active on. I don’t hold any high rank on it, i’m still a padawan. I not part of any branch, just a lorekeeper. I’ve loved being the lorekeeper program so far, although i’ve only held about three sessions. But i’ve designing and working on some news docs for it, I love immersing myself and interacting in it. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: There is a shit ton of things that need to be done. The other officers in the battalion who are able to run honestly in my opinion don’t have the drive or motivation to run the battalion. The only person I think could run it besides me would be Razor/Russell. I’ve put a lot of time and effort in this battalion, and honestly right now we're skating on thin ice right now in my opinion. I have a strong sense that unless we change some shit the battalion might go dead. I interact with all my battalion members no matter their rank, i’ve become good friends with some of the officers and higher NCOs without them I probably would’ve left a month ago. I've kept strict against minges. Although there are a few that stay for a while they always get kicked out after one warning and PT. I’ve learn a lot on my journey. I’ve served under three different BCMDs (Black, Thexan, and Zander). Honestly all three had different styles of running the battalion, and I believe I can combine the best of each style to make the battalion stronger than ever. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes Availability: Available weekday after school from 3pm-12am. Available every weekend from usually about 12pm-2am. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Been here since the first night of the TS3. I joined icefuse back in December though. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Honestly would love it to be a mega battalion with 20 people on at peak hours. But realistically I want to see it doing well with 8-10 people on at peak hours. I also want there to finally be a good organization structure. There is a lot to be done, and I hope I can accomplish all of my plans I have for my battalion, with officers who are ready and prepared to become the next BCMD after I would resign. In addition to all this, I want the 91st to have a good reputation and be the ones who everyone wants to participate and have fun with. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yep, I'd rather resign then become inactive anyways.
  11. -1, haven't seen you on the server since you got master. There may be a timezone difference or something, in which case let me know and i've reevaluate my -1. But for now, I can't support this.
  12. Jax

    What is This?

    Ever notice how we have a general discussion area with no server discussion, only off-topic? Thats what this is for i'm guessing.
  13. +1 only other person I could think of getting Neyo. He has done great work and will continue to.
  14. o o f zander honestly don't know what to type rn besides thank you.
  15. Steam Name: Paster Jax RP Name: 91st Lightning CMD Jax Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:57099075 Battalion/Area you are applying for: 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps Experience: 91st CMD I've spent about 9 months in 91st now with a 2-3 month break in between. Honestly I don't where to start, so i’ll begin with the my return from my break. I worked my way up the ranks on Icefuse rather quickly compared to my fellow troopers due my recruiting. We saw the battalion grow faster than ever did before once we moved to Kachiro, we went from a small group of 4-5 people to a strong to boasted a strong 11-15 people a day. We had a golden set of officers and of course the battalion wasn’t perfect, but it was damn close near it. At that time I was and 2ndLT and worked my ass off on recruiting. It was fun, I loved my battalion, it was great but it wouldn’t last much longer. The great divide split the battalion. It was hectic and our officers were confused whether we wanted to stay on Icefuse or play Synergy. Most of the officers eventually decided to stay on Icefuse, but leave the 91st in search of new things. I was left being the only 91st officer left on Icefuse at the time. I rebuilt it from the ground-up. I designed a whole ton of documents for the 91st. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y8itYO7XqOTQ4x07cQAbBfEJiIqYamGAyXP8l-wpVE4/edit#) I spent about a whole day just writing up documents. I brought some amazing NCOs and officers into the 91st revived it on Icefuse. However, I didn’t want to stay on Icefuse. My plan was just to build the 91st up a bit and not have it left in pieces. So, I switch over to Synergy permanently after bouncing between servers for about two weeks. When I came over to Synergy the 91st was in the same situation it was on Icefuse before with no real organization or members. Me & Noto did some work but mostly waited for a new BCMD. Once Zander jumped onboard I assisted him in everything I could. I made a whole new roster, and just redesigned it recently once again. I was trying my best to recruit and working tirelessly trying to better the battalion. Zander decided to promote me from CPT straight to CMD for my work. I still kept working constantly leading in events and giving NCOs the chance to show their skill. Due to Noto’s ROA i’ve been in charge of running the Lightning Squadron. Despite the “meme” of me hosting Lightning tryouts once in a century, I worked my ass off to make them immersive and design a whole new style for them. I just held one last night and it was great and the participants enjoyed it. I’ve also kinda held the position of being the “chief commander”. I’ve made a lot of decisions for the battalion and I was told I would have final say on Zander’s LOA. Naval: Honestly haven’t been active on it as I should, and am probably leaving it. But for about the week I was constantly on it I adopted its strong sense of seriousness. I held assisted in Naval tryouts almost every time they were held and also ran a few sessions of Naval engineering training. I ran the events I was in charge of with common sense, and I listened to the battalions requests and called defcons logically. Jedi Oof, another thing I should’ve been more active on. I don’t hold any high rank on it, i’m still a padawan. I not part of any branch, just a lorekeeper. I’ve loved being the lorekeeper program so far, although i’ve only held about three sessions. But i’ve designing and working on some news docs for it, I love immersing myself and interacting in it. Why should you become a Commander?: There is a shit ton of things that need to be done. The other officers in the battalion who are thinking of running honestly in my opinion don’t have the drive or motivation to run the battalion. The only person I think could run it besides me would be Razor/Russell. I’ve put a lot of time and effort in this battalion, and honestly right now we're skating on thin ice right now in my opinion. I have a strong sense that unless we change some shit the battalion might go dead. I’ve learned a lot, although in OOC I may not appear the most mature, my battalion members know how much love I have for this battalion. I interact with all my battalion members no matter their rank, i’ve become good friends with some of the officers and higher NCOs without them I probably would’ve left a month ago. I’ve learn a lot on my journey. I’ve served under three different BCMDs (Black, Thexan, and Zander). Honestly all three had different styles of running the battalion, and I believe I can combine the best of each style to make the battalion stronger than ever. Do you understand the lore of your battalion?: Yes. Availability: Everyday after school, 3:30pm EST - 12:00am EST. 12pm-3am on weekends. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I’ve been here since the teamspeak came out. I was in the 91st since December though. Do you have a microphone?: Yes. What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?: Get rid of inactive officers & and people who aren’t fulfilling the role of an officer. Theres no reason for people who don’t get on or don’t do officer things to be an officer. They can stay a CSM forever for all I care until they show that help lead the battalion. Make the battalion more organized. I want to actually have class leaders and trainers, and design class tryouts instead of just having officers making up shit and going “congratulations you passed.” Have a more serious attitude. Done with the mingey shit in the battalion I want there to be PT for evening attempting it. Make the battalion more structured in events. There's a few I could name off the top my head who mute their headphones and stay away from the battalion in events. I don’t want that shit happening anymore. I want the battalion to organize and act as a team. Have promotions more based on doing stuff in the event and recruitment. There's too many people who are getting promoted for just being there. NCOs shouldn’t be promoted for being on, but rather their achievements. Too many people who just don’t recruit in the battalion and are high NCOs. Way too many people who don’t update the roster after giving promotions. I’m giving out PT to anyone who doesn’t update the roster after promoting people, giving them classes, etc. Happens way too much and then it makes shit confusing as fuck when we don’t know if someone actually got promoted and then we have to go on a huge hunt to find out who promoted them. I want to offer more things for people to do during downtime, I want to host sims and battalion training. Theres so many advanced concepts that should be taught upon joining the battalion to make events better. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yep, dealt with too many inactive people in my time on icefuse and synergy so if I do go inactive, i’m resigning.
  16. +1 is british and on 24/7, trains a lot during events and otherwise does work. Hes been great to have in my battalion.
  17. I'll try not to kill the battalion while your gone <3.
  18. Honestly, I hated being an enlisted. Sure you do not have a lot of responsibility, but a shit ton of RP opportunities were officers only. Adding on to this, I remember being constantly bitched at by the my superiors as a enlisted for issues that weren't even that big of a deal.. Theres a lot I could get into about why being enlisted sucked ass for me but I don't feel like typing it all out. It might be different for you though, since you had the role of BCMD and do a lot more administrative work compared to me.
  19. He's on LOA right now. But other than that I never saw him on when he wasn't +1
  20. Nah, its just a naval meme. Kane or someone kept commenting on how Texas sounded a lot like him.
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