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Posts posted by Mech

  1. +1

    Bana is the best candidate by far, his activity that he has stated in his app is his biggest contributing factor, as you have to be there and active to run a battalion. Personally I can see just from the position he has now, that he is already setting up the things he has promised. Currently me and many other NCOs are being groomed into positions of leadership in the battalion, whether it be myself or others he is laying the groundwork for the 3 best months that Rancor will have. The positive energy he creates within this battalion is second to none, it is clear the second you join a call with him. I promise you that if he gets BCMD, Rancor is guaranteed to get BOTM more than once. Finally I would like to say that so far with my time in Rancor, Bana has been that guy for me, one could say he has been that mentor for me like others were for him. 

    Mech :)

    • Friendly 1

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:173773414



    Timezone:Pacific Standard Time

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I wish to be a admin because whenever I see people arguing or being rude to eachother I want to be able to stop it as synergy should be a nice and happy place for everbody. I also want to be a admin so I can become a GM so I can make my own interseting events because sometimes I feel like vents need more of a pop or more detail to them. And I want to be a admin because I want to be able to help people if they need dupes, props, or just someone to take care of a minge or a person who does not have intent to RP. Another reason I want to be a admin is because I want to show people that kids can also have responsablities also because sometimes I feel like I dont get enough respect or gratiude. And taht is why I want to be a GM/Admin.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):Im currently switching schools, and also I do boyscouts which envloves me going camping on the weekends and helping out my community to help the poor and people who cant do normal things (for example disabled people). I also own 3 cats their names are pomengrante, Hellraiser, and peanit. I used to have 3 cats and 5 kittens. at my old school I use to be in a advanced club where I could learn about the earths history and more TECH stuff

    Do you have any previous staff experience? I have Game Master expirence as I was a lead GM I created many events and I was also a admin in the background working on making dupes and other things like Docs, or event story ideas.

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