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Posts posted by Shakes.

  1. Name: Battalion Commander Fox

    Suggestion: Add a pilot job to Coruscant Guard in order to help RP.

    Implementation: Pilots would fly CGs LAAT To transport Senators/Palpatine/Prisoners

    Lore: We have out own LAATs


    Workshop content if applicable: Possible a model made by Gideon
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

    If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

    Add or Change: Add

    Job: Pilot

    Model: A CG colored Pilot

    Weapons: tfa_dc15s_ashura, weapon_tfa_dc15acg, tfa_swch_dc17, repair_tool_evan, weapon_policebaton

    Other: My guys want pilots and CG never did have them on the server. We would like to try and get them.

  2. Name: Battalion Commander Fox | Shakes

    Suggestion: Add a Pilot job next to the the CT/CC jobs

    Implementation: Battalion Pilots could get the white list and use the  job when needed. The job would have each model for every battalion.

    Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_trooper_pilot/Legends

    Workshop content if applicable: I think the models are all on the server but they are split up
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

    If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

    Add or Change: Add

    Job: Clone Pilot 

    Model: All of the Pilot models 

    Weapons: tfa_dc15s_ashura, tfa_swch_dc17, repair_tool_evan

    Other: This is just and Idea and I wanted to see how the server feels about it.

    • Disagree 1
  3. Battalion: Croissant Guard

    RP Name: Battalion Commander  Ketchup 

    Date: The year was 2018 on the 28th of September.

    Reason: I hate dealing with little kids bitching about being arrested.

    Goodbyes: No fuck all yall 

    (This is meme) Im not leaving 

    • Winner 1
  4. Personally I dont really care either way. I see all points presented but what I want to say is that what is in lore and works in lore may or may not always work the best on a server in a video game.

    Again I dont care. CG don't even have Jedi.

    Plus I really only answer to Palpy (In Lore) but the server is a different story.

    I arrest and or "Stun" you all the same.

  5. FAT  +1

    Korm coming back or being here the whole ether way he has the experience to be Kal. Korm was gone but he needed a break as meany people do and if he is willing to come back an put in the time like the old day and the Nulls want him let him be Papa Kal'buir.

  6. I have looked into this situation and have pushed out rules along with punishments to those that I am able to punish within my power. @Carter You may close this if you see fit.

    @Chris_EST I will try and contact to but I am also in the military and work During the week if you see me on TS feel free to poke me my TS name is Shakes | BCMD Fox.

  7. @Chris_EST I am sorry for what happened I will be talking to Dex and those that gave him the power to be on the CG job. I will Clear the arrest log if one was made so you will not have anything against you. Again I am sorry as I was not on the server and had IRL stuff to deal with but this is not how CG operates and I am sorry. Please also understand that to my knowledge the server was being "Raided" and that can cause people to make mistakes in the heat of the moment so please don't take this as what Synergy is always like.

    Thank you for letting us all know this happened if you want to you can talk to me on TS any time you see me about anything you need from me.

    • Agree 1
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