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Everything posted by Bobonater3

  1. You were both knight 2 when synergy was created but how about now, Cmo is High General and i believe your still a knight. He made great progress
  2. First thing first, Applications are to be judged on the individual who is applying, not judging them to others. And that is an amazing reason to -1 someone.
  3. in a month or when g-life comes out. ill probably also apply for staff again. lmoa
  4. name: Bobonater3 Steam id: cant afford one last day: a week ago server: none, TTT already died -So back in June of 2016 i started playing on crapfuse and played for 9 months. Got admin and then said screw this and left. -6 months late i came back and played for another 3 months. Got admin again -2 months later at the end of January i came back (im retarted). tried to apply for staff but found out that <3 RON <3 blacklisted me from staff -Synergy came out, got New Admin. Got my way up to Admin. I resigned and then 2 weeks later i took my resignation back LOL. -1 week later i got promoted to Vet Admin LMAO. The powers were fun but i got tired and resigned. -2 days later i became Plo Koon so i took my Vet Admin back, yeeeeee. -Later i transferred over to TTT, i became Mod on TTT and i still had Vet Admin on CW. (IM A BOSS AS BITCH) -TTT is now gone and the rule was that you can not transfer back to CWRP so i am now done. Thank you! Bobonater3's Stats Icefuse- Staffed 3 times Synergy- Tricked the staff team and stayed as staff after resigning 2 times. transferred to TTT and said i was gonna main TTT(good joke). Now resigning for the 3 time.(maybe)
  5. +1 dargon will do great but............... now we have to change yoda's salary to 1 credit
  6. Bobonater3


    +1 youll do good
  7. noooooo, not allowed. on the bright side I can now abuse the grandma of the order
  8. @levelupjoel I'm really going to miss playing with you. please come hangout in TS with me. You were an amazing player and made m day many times. don't leave forever, you will be greatly missed
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