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Everything posted by Bobonater3

  1. I think its time for you to join us, the retired cucks
  2. Heyyyyy, where have you been man were all missing you. You should come on TS and talk with us, i remember back in the day it was you llama and dargon and we were talking in TS from like 1am till 5am. Missing you man, come join the PubG clan!
  3. @Forgesorry man, i didnt know you werent the one who blacklisted me from TG but the TG is still dieing. @JirachiSirachi Fuck you, im still waiting to be unblacklisted you cuck. https://youtu.be/LuWAtdOGfGs?t=7 P.S. your now "thunder" to me
  4. As I am a lone wolf of the bounty, I pledge my allegiance to House Odinson till death strikes me down
  5. Lol I rdmed once on my Jedi. In the old days I would of got pt and yelled at but now considering @Purepwn101 got demoted to younglings because he was with someone who was MRDMing and full out minging I should be perms banned but lets not forget that this is still a game with a large player base of 16 and younger kids. And I WAS A SHIT PLO KOON. Never got any good feed back lol, @Weeaboo set the bar to high. My greatest accomplishment was when I made sentinel and TG better with the help of @Cmo @Dargon @Llama/Yodabut I don't like lots Forges changes and we can all see that the TG barely exist
  6. Lmao nah you were just doing your job. Good job, your a good admin your always on top of things and your the only one who would stop me and actually talk. The rest would just kick me without warning.
  7. So i have resigned from staff 3 times and came back, left icefuse twice and still came back but now its different the player base is different, staff, and the role playing. This will be my final resignation and good bye. I will sill be in TS for some PubG @Joah First S/O goes to you, thanks for continuing the fun with making Synergy, also thank you @aStonedSparks @Mods @Jek @IndoX @Llama/Yoda My first Brother, idk what to say except thank you for everything. You are the #1 reason why i had so much fun here. Awesome to be a TG with you, Amazing Yoda, and loved playing along side with you. I love the books bty. Best Yoda!!!!! Thanks for giving me master and thanks for all the favoritism towards me, i loved it. @Dargon We have had many memories, back on icefuse we were great, we were one of the definitions of favoritism and it was all worth it, i had a blast playing with you. Remember all those promotions outside of DeBrief lol. CT was the best battalion ever. @sugga I cant forget about you. Amazing DU's, that is what started me on CWRP. I just had sooooo much fun and became an engineer right away, i loved it so much and i was always and only an engineer. You showed me all the great things about this game and take my hat off for you. @Hell Fire you cuck, this is the only man who got away with having two words in his name. You are amazing and the top 1% in PubG. BTW you are were an amazing CT Commander. i was proud to take a step in your shoes. Fuck the Chines EVERYONE JOIN THE PubG GROUP: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ChinaNumbaOneAmerica @Medic you are one of my favorite staff members. Back on Icefuse when i was a T-Mod and you were really high up, you would always answer my PM's in less then a minute. i have very high respect for you. @Max Best Palpy ever. Im happy that i finally got to play and talk to you over here on synergy. @Tomas your awesome, i felt special when i played with you on icefuse and you were a high staff and player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg9cz11SJlU @Zander I never played much with you but the times i did was Legendary @Joah Please dont mess up the Jedis anymore. Its sad @Cmo I had great times playing with you and had a blast ranking up with you, Jedi's forever. P.S There was lots of favoritism when i try to get you a promotion. You always deserved it though. Keep up the great work man. Dont let the yoda position take over you. @Forseen Thanks for giving me staff after i left twice. TTT was great. Lets main TTT again! @Purepwn101 My best an favorite TG recruit. never leave TS. we will play lots of PubG together. You should of never left master or TG. After you TG became trash. @Ginyu awesome man right here, will never forget you @Mocaris i actually used you as a guideline when i was rying to get master. thank you it worked @Nightmare @Nightmare The Fan Fic God @Nightmare The Latina Man YOU DA MAN. Meme by the day, God by night. @Kazane TG for life @ccmonty I will continue to -1 your posts everyday forever. <3 @Bazoo Fuck yah bud, Canadians for life, eh Quebec counts @Venom @Metro you guys are amazing, im happy to join you guys @Weeaboo Best Asian ever. lets play some mor PubG @Forge Fuck you you are killing the TG and thanks for black listing me cuck, I was the one who brought TG back. you were a good TG though you became power hungry and went bad https://youtu.be/4Irs_jeRInU?t=102 i was going to come back, but i guess not anymore @Faoeoa Miss yah, Come back on TS @punda you are a good person and a great barris but i never liked you so fuck you @Bagel Love yah man @mary Loved that i joined the TG, thanks for recruiting me @Senior You were the best, i died a little when you left. @TayTay Best person i ever tried to RDM, This man right here deserves a promotion. I was shooting him for 20 seconds straight and he called an aos. HE DIDNT USE HIS ADMIN POWERS. Best non staff abuser ever. and yes my aim is shit @Ron Fuck you I would like you yell at some of you and call you all cucks but i dont want to leave forever. Im gonna miss this game SADDEST TIME EVER https://youtu.be/eaFzP3w0CZ8?t=960 Llama's resignation/goodbye
  8. Yaaaaaahhhhhhhh you have joined us to the after life. rest in peace
  9. Name. Bobonater3 steam id. STEAM_0:0:156607107 ban length. Life reason of ban. Charge back why should you be unbanned. I did not charge back. I transferred my ttt vip to a cwrp portable shield. I messaged @Joah but I’m hoping to be unbanned quicker this way
  10. Yes the Bobonater3 is truly back. I have lost the battle against TTT but I’m gonna win the war with synergy (not the g-life crap lol) CWRP. To state some facts: im the CT Battalion Commander i am also legendary but not in TS. Rip my roles are the leader of the new troops (CT) and the (bad) role model for the Jedi younglings. But I will execute the Padawans and knights if there being naughty. My jedi model looks like Darth Maul because I am Darth Maul. XOXO from: Memeiest of Memes/the legendary Bobonater3
  11. Who plays this game. Add me as an ally or let’s create a clan. My username is Bobonater3 i am level 66 with 2 seven star characters (windo and night sister) got lots of 5 and 6 star characters. My 5 character group has a total power of 50 000 and a total account with a power of 170 000 if you don’t have this game I highly recommend you to download it on your phone or tablet free game
  12. train those dum padawans, or slay them
  13. @Punda if you still don't understand the concept of +1ing and -1ing peoples applications "God Bless You" I'm going to post this for anyone who does not know what to do. ______________________________________________________________________________________ +1 if you believe that the individual who is applying will do a good job in the position that they are applying for. ______________________________________________________________________________________ -1 if you believe that the individual who is applying will do a bad job in the position that they are applying for. P.S. Give a good reason why. Good reasons- Mingy, disrespectful, not mature, inactive, not a good reason because... Bad reasons- someone else is better, just because, i don't like him/her, personal reasons. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Neutral if you don't know, they have good and bad aspects to them, you want someone else to get it. BUT it would be better not to comment at all. If you still don't understand DO NOT comment on peoples applications. Thank you... actually Your Welcome lol
  14. I think this is something that we can all agree with!
  15. Bobonater3

    Tybo's Yoda App

    +1 you would be a great yoda
  16. Also your opinion should be "what is better for the order/server" don't be selfish
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