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Everything posted by Luckyy

  1. Steam Name: Lucky Tombstone RP Name: Hunter Steam ID (SteamID Finder) STEAM_0:1:79579134 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Bad Batch How many terms you've held the position?: 1 Why do you wish to maintain this position?: I believe I can continue to improve upon my position and can try to improve my stature on the server as well. I also believe that I can continue upon the RP Bad Batch Provides. I also believe I can continue to improve upon relations with other battalions on the server and do more outreach programs with them as well as trainings. Current availability: Weekdays 6 PM EST- 10 PM EST Weekends All day What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?: Outreach work has increased ten fold that us allowed bad batch to branch out our outreach positions to other battalions. A lot of that can be attributed to my current Crosshair (Killjoy) who has done a lot with other battalions. I’ve filled my squad, removed inactive members and continued to improve upon trainings that bad batch does for other battalions. Especially with 501st,212th,and DU I feel we've done well with these 3 especially and work with these battalions can continue to prosper What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?: I won't sugar coat things with higher ups in certain battalions have turned stale. We've been able to solve most but some still hold bad opinions about SOBDE as a whole, especially bad batch. I want to try to repair those failed relations and help restore our image to the entire server not just 75 percent of it. I’ll put it into a plan Improve relations with a few high up members on the server Improve upon myself so that these things don't break down again and situations become fewer and far between I’ll be honest, I got to try to act less stupid, I like leading my guys and I want to try and improve and since I'm the Squad Lead I have to represent the squad and not show it in a bad light. Crack down on stupidity with in the squad to help better image and relations Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes
  3. Luckyy


    -1 gotta agree
  4. +1 cool guy, fuckin retard, big boi, easy +1
  5. Luckyy


    Turkey and yogurt
  6. I was a part of a thing called Squat Squad xd
  7. 8/10 invisible barriers kinda ruined it
  8. This is for all who in their lives start to feel uncomfortable with themselves and for me to show ya'll that you have to put mind and spirit into something and only you can help yourself, you have to push yourself and not rely on others to compliment or help you. If you know something is wrong with you and your friends tell you're perfectly fine, its good to listen to them but you must realize they're saying that not to hurt you but sometimes you have to kick your own ass to help yourself. Only you can better yourself in life for me it was my weight for you its whatever you can dare challenge.
  9. Dab o7 Glad I could crush your face
  10. They hated him because he spoke the truth
  11. Luckyy


    It's becoming a Subunit of 501st
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