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About Vyzant

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  1. +1, the RP opportunities with these models are wide. It opens a lot of doors, and solves the problem of the SG's current insufficient body groupers. 2 birds with 1 stone with the addition of ceremonials.
  2. +1, truly something that should've existed before. It will complicate some aspects of the server, and make CGs job a little more mundane but it's worth it. Make sure yall get your clipping software ready.
  3. Vyzant

    The Summoner

    I was stuck dealing with a Jedi-come-bad in the Armory and missed out on a few RP scenarios. It was well worth it for the RP we got out of it though!
  4. Vyzant

    The Summoner

    Gameplay: 3, Fighting the Sith was frustrating, especially once he decided it was beyond the point of Roleplay. It just ended with him slaughtering troopers left and right. Care and Effort: 5, GM did a great job adapting the event, unfortunately the adaption resulting in an overly aggressive Sith. Server Performance: 5, Loads of zombies, with no noticeable performance loss.
  5. As a Senate Guard within this event, I truly enjoyed the roleplay and setup for this event. It felt fluid, and everything felt dynamic. All of the punches we were dealt felt predictable, and our failures were our own to own. Truly a great event and I look forward to more like it. Gameplay: 5 Care and Effort: 5 Performance: 4 (A little bit of frame droppage.)
  6. Vyzant

    Td-34 Strike

    Gameplay: 4 (More droids) Care and Effort: 5 Server Performance: 4 (Contradicts Gameplay, but we want what we want)
  7. + 1. Irons supports the members of the 21st with all his might, a truly great leader. Absolutely deserves a 2nd term.
  8. Gameplay: 5 Care and Effort: 5 Server Performance: 4 Overall, a great and fun event. The deployment was constantly evolving, only complaint was the occasional server rubber band on-spawn.
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