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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. ehhh weaboo might be right.... i think it does reset... but you have my +1 dude no matter what :3
  2. Fuck yes im gonna +1 this one. benjans u deserve this :3
  3. ITs bein awhile and i feel like its time.. ive bein Battlion commander for 7 months and to be honest im so burnt out its not even funny anymore. i had so much fun with the 187th for so long but. i feel like its time for new things and greater things try and new battlion work on the jedi. enjoy myself for a bit maybe get rc lol? i just want to help. and have fun and fool around and do other things Personal goodbyes @foaeoa Bro its bein fun being battlion commander. i leanred from you and well you might disagree about this but i want to do other thenings and im burnt out. @JirachiSirachi my doc keeper and like my best friend on here @ginyu still one of my best xos and will always be a great one. you made the ginyu force it was so fun for me. @sugga you made the battlion fun and you really did alot for me when you were commander. @jason you so much better i hope you run for my spot and get it my dude you would be a amazing commander @halo i love you bro. i mean it run if you want ull do great things for the 187th. @joesph i love you cuck :3 @bazoo you french canadian god i loved your accent asnd you were a damn good commander @hellfire loved you as attack reg and my xo you did amazing for me. you were a damn good advisor oh and i love your speeches. @ultras u were one of the best arcl i had and i miss ya. @Dargon You were the best mace windu i have ever had and u were one my closeest friends @Hudson i love you dude. u bein one my closest friends on here @Stout i love you buddy still one of my closer friends on here. ur good at arc and u were a good mace windu and to everyone one of my former xos. i love you all guys and i miss you yall at the same time. ik i fucked up shit. but i always had youg usy like family To everyone in the 187th i love you all and you mean so much to me dont act like this is a good bye ill always pop into the channel and say hello to everyone cause ur family
  4. +1 dargon is a amazing mace windu and i think he gonna be a great yoda. he was one of the best maces for the 187th ive had :3
  5. Zomb to be honest with you... maybe it is time for a new person from a different battlion to take over and give this a shot someone who isent in the battlion. its not bad to have new eyes come in and control a battlion that be perfectly fine i feel like joesph will be able to do a lot for the balttlion. if you don think so. what if joesph does get it are you just gonna abandon it or are you gonna be there to teach him. thats the honest question right there. +1
  6. Reaper


    +1 i have to say this they need a active commander. to be able to save his battlion
  7. Kain im posting this at 530 in the morning so here it goes. as a friend uve bein always great to me. as a battlion commander u were great as well u gave the 501st a great system and im going to miss seeing you as rex but why the hell did you pick smb as your rank in game lol.
  8. eh i like all three of you so im goign to +1 all yall
  9. ehhh... im gonna have to -1 this reason because the drama i was abit salty cause everyone was joining 501st it wasent that i was mad at kane or anything it just was a bunch of stuff. plus kain is a good commander in my eyes and he is fun to talk to all the time.
  10. we basicly were one on the other server as well. all we did was sit in the engine room lol
  11. to anyone who dont think im active.. look i just went through alot of shit.. and to be honest my dedication to this server has bein always good. i just sit in teamspeak if i get a poke i talk to my battalion and whoever poked m e and stuff.. you can ask anyone in m y battalion im always there if someone needs me to be.. im on the server for atleast 8 hours a day and as for it being a new transition from being a attack to a def battalion all the 187th did was sit in the er the whole time on the other server. and for 3 months on here. we were basically a def battalion with just a attack battalion name to be honest. im gonna be on the server for as long as i can be on every damn day and i feel like i can do the def reg spot. i feel like i can do it.. ik i can.. i just want to prove to people who think im not ready for something bigger then 187th bcmd i wanna be able to show everyone i got what it takes to do this job. im friends with most of the def battalions i go in and check on them as well to ask if they want help or anything.
  12. Steam Name: RP Name: 187th BCMD Reaper Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:0:119739801 Battalion/Area you are applying for: Def Regimental Commander Experience: 187th BCMD For 5 months now and still going Why should you become a Commander?: i feel like i can make the defense battalions grow into something huge again make them well organized and work together as a massive team. and make sure they all run effectively and greatly. i want whats best for all of the defense battalions. I feel like it be better if i was in charge with all of them so i can help make the changes they want and the changes they need to make them in the monster battalions they use to be. I feel like i have the experience and time now that i need to be able to do all of this and do it effectively. To be honest now that all that crap that happen today and this weekend is done. my son will be in daycare for the whole damn day.. so I will have nothing to do but be on here with all of you. All of you in this server are my family. To be honest I wanna be able to help the attack battalions as well. I want to be able to do all of this for everyone and everything. i want to help make this server great make the defense battalions great so they all have fun. I want to be able to run drills for everyone and help them with there coordination. i wanna help all the battalions in a way help them grow and become big battalions. I want to be able to work with Billiam and do alot for every battalion of the servers. i wanna promote happiness. in all the battalions make sure they stop fighting with each other other stupid fuckin drama. im sick and tired of having everyone fighting like wahh some battalion did this and some battalion said that im gonna stop them from doing that and help with them all making friends on this server. because what i s this server honestly its no competition its a well balanced family that everyone will have there fights and everything. Honestly to everyone on the server. I know some of you hate the way I command the 187th and what not. I changed everything from how it was back then my battalion loves me and i love each and everyone of them on the server. All i ever wanted to do on this server is help battalions grow and make everything better. for all of them as a defensive reg i can do that. and i really wanna be able to show all of you how well I can make battalions grow by doing this. if you have criticism about how i am as def reg you can easily. Pm me or tell me how I can change it so im better. I wanna make it all better between everyone and I am willing to listen and change to how people want me to be. Do you understand the lore of your battalion? i understand the lore for all the defense battlions Availability: 12pm to whenever i decide to go to bed. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: about since it began so basicly 2 months Do you have a microphone?: yes What plans do you have for the battalions you are applying for?: My plan for all the battalions that will be under me will to make them grow and work together and help each other and make them better then they are now. Alot of them are great right now. but i want them to become the monsters they use to be. Have great numbers have great people. Them all happy again. in this way i want to help every battalion under me. I want to make them grow just like the 187th has. sure it has its off days and what not. But i want to make sure they all grow and be happy. I want to be able to have them do drills and everything like that. Have them coordinated and help out with everything. If a battalion is doing bad or someone did something bad to another battalion i will act on it and be the in between them. I'm gonna host sims and what not for the battalions to have them learn how to work with each other. maybe get them all in my chat and everything. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position. Yep. i understand. gonna be a bit busy this month but ill be fine to get on the server
  13. Name: 187th BCMD Reaper SteamID:STEAM_0: 0:119739801 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: about 50 hours since the server started From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: my communication skills are good due to being a Battlion commander for the 187th so im good at communicating and having the event jobs do what they need to do. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: yep i understand Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: i want to do a few events to be honest at night to keep people entertained and what not on the ship when its late at night. i kinda wanna do one which a bunch of 101st commando droids come onto the ship and are givin acess to the ship and they sabotage the hell putta the ship and everyone has to repair it. but while they are doing this dooku assaj and sith are attacking the temple at the same time to give both of them something to do
  14. +1 bro was a great xo in my battllion and he will make a amazing bly
  15. 187th battlion commander here just wanna say hi and be able to say hello to everyone :3
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