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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Welp here we go. I'm going to have to +1 this app Because. i knew noodles as a Captain? (i dont fuckin remember bein 3 years bah) of mine he's a dedicated to this battalion and always has bein. he knows how to rule a battalion he also knows what hes doing. but who cares what i think i'm apparently a former battalion killer lol
  2. Name: Reaper Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:119739801 Staff Rank: SA Were you VIP: Yea i am. still am Date:5/1/19 Reason for leaving: Just have to much shit going on right now to do staff work and stuff like that. im sorry i cant help much but i need to get mys hit together Farewells. Love yall ill still be on the server
  3. +7 decent but could be a bit more rp related :3
  4. Reaper

    Gungan Junkers

    Name: Reaper Who helped (If applicable): Carvis Killjoy Event Name: Gungan Junkers Summary of the story: A bunch of gungans decided to move down to the lake and live there they ended up stealing data fro m charlie gicing the sith a holocron and many other fun hijinks. What was the result of the event?: Gungans were executed for stealing data. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay galore then shoot um up
  5. im pretty much back now @Jags did 2 events so far this week
  6. Yea i agree it just was really late night if you have a idea for one give me a pm
  7. Name: Reaper Who helped (If applicable): Salaxs Event Name: The Senate Commando Betrayel Summary of the story: Senate Commandos decided to show up and protect padme but ended up luring her outside for snipers to shoot her. Then took her hostage in medbay What was the result of the event?: Shoot um up and A bit of Rp Because I wanted to give them rp Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot um up/rp
  8. Title your LOA as: [NAME]'s LOA [START DATE-END DATE] Reaper LOa Name: Reaper Staff Rank: Senior ADmin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): Till the 1st i'll still do stuff stuff while on it. Reason: Sigh i need to find a job im ultra stressed and i need to work on getting a job for now. once i get a job i'll be able to play more. i just if i don't get a job im basically homeless. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes i understand Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: I dont have one but sure
  9. Name - Reaper SteamID: STEAM_1:0:119739801 How long have you played on the server: about 1900? From 1 - 10 7-8? How good are your communication and leadership skills?: Im Fine with that i should be fine with doing that. i enjoy leading events and helping people Do you understand if you are inactive you will be removed from the program?: yes Give us an event idea that you would like to produce: The event would start on the base and end up on a venator for the event. A admiral will come crashing down in a pod and ask for help taking back his ship. I want to be able to do a massive ship take back. have a lot of engineer Rp Tech rp Stealth for Spec ops. Maybe a sith or two for jedi to do something. Traps all over the ship and everything. The Trandshans shall have hostages in different area of the ship with different situations. Maybe a trap for one and a whole different trap for the other. i just wanna be able to do a massive event. I will also need about 6 event jobs and 2 other game helpers to be able do this massive event.
  10. uhhh no i just cant type
  11. oh that? i accdently put myname as urs lol
  12. Reaper

    Adding Poof

    finee for you nightmare +1
  13. Rofl shut up i just relized
  14. RP Name: Shock 2ndlt Reaper Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:119739801 Age:30 Gender: M Timezone:EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be able to help the Server Again. I miss being able to help people with their tickets. I miss Doing fun events and helping people with events. I use to do so many different things for the server. I just wanna be able to do so much more for the server. I'll be able to do a lot of events late night. My events have a different flair to them then most because im able to think of different things that can change the outcome of the event. I miss helping the server. i'm gonna be active because im looking for another job so ull see me alot more. i also want to be able to help with shadow and doing shock stuff. doing new trainings for them and everything. Do you have any previous staff experience? Synergy Vet Admin Icefuse Vet Admin how many hours. Since it restart i have about idk 1500? Tell us a little about yourself. Well lets see i'm 30 years old . i live with a roommate and i play gmod alot. i also am a asshole at times. but i'm a nice asshole. I'm a nice person who helps out people and i can help others. i feel like i would dedicate a lot more time into staff. and i want to just help others. Honestly my last job was a stressful Shithole and it hurt me because i cant help people that way and i want to help in this server
  15. to be honest i really want them to come back... i miss the battlions but the server is laggy as fuck right now and what not. im gonna +1 it. if it does come back ill try and go for bcmd again lol
  16. eh fuxk it since noodles aint running +1
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