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Posts posted by Mojavelicious

  1. Bug Type (Server:): Clipping(CWRP)

    Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Medium

    Evidence (if you can):

    Description of the bug: Sometimes when exiting the lake area, the TX-427(unsure if other vehicles) will clip into the ground at the back and get stuck/require a phys gun to get unstuck.

    How can we recreate it: Exit the lake area in a TX-427 a few times.

  2. I was unaware that Art was also working on a slowed down version of the clip so I have my own as well. I removed the extraneous audio so its only the part that Art said. I genuinely believe that this is an unfortunate intersection of Gmod proximity voice chat as well as Art's tendency to speak quickly, plus his accent playing a part as well. If you're familiar with that old Yanny vs Laurel garbage from years ago, this seems to be another situation similar to that. I do hope that this appeal is passed as I struggle with the idea that Art would be racist for no reason whatsoever as he has never said anything to indicate any sort of racism. If it's allowed, I'd like to +1 his appeal but I understand if that may not count due to submitting evidence myself.


  3. 3/2/5 I really think that would've been an amazing event if you communicated with us better. I dont think a single ticket of mine was answered by you. I totally understand if it was overwhelming but again you could've just told me that in a PM or something and I would've at least known what was going on. I did really enjoy the idea behind the event, it felt very high stakes. The holographic depiction of the devices were a really nice touch too. Overall, fantastic idea just really needed some more info/communication out there.

  4. 4/4/5 I think normally I would've put 4/3/5 however the attempt at the boss battle and the initial confusion of "Are they clones? No they just stole armor" added a nice flair.

  5. Unfortunately I can't say that we've interacted very much, however I hear fantastic things and its clear that you're well respected on the server. Sad to see nothing listed in the Experience section but I'm sure you've got plenty. Definite +1 from me.

    • Funny 1
  6. 5/5/5 Im a big fan of Shaman's events so far, Im looking forward to future ones. What matters is the little roleplay things you add in, I really like that.

  7. Steam Name:


    RP Name:


    Steam ID:


    Battalion you are applying for:

    21st Galactic Marines

    How many terms have you held the position?:


    Why do you wish to maintain this position?:

    My time as BCMD of the 21st has been some of the most fun I've had in years. The friendships and memories I've been lucky enough to make with those in it I hope will last a very long time. Nothing makes me more proud than when we have a good day of attendance and there is an entire page on the scoreboard of people who choose to work with me and the others of the battalion to have a fun and, hopefully, unforgettable experience on Synergy. There is still much more that I can do for the 21st, and I'm not ready to move on just yet. Although I'm the only one left from my group when I joined the battalion, the 21st remains just as important to me as it did back then. There are new people to meet every day, new friends to make, new memories to be had, and plenty more work to be done. I want to leave the 21st in a better place than when I got my first term, and while that's already a reality there is still much more I can do to improve it before I move on. 


    Current availability:

    In-game, almost every day after 3 or 4PM CST. On discord, almost always available.


    What have you achieved in your battalion during your past term?:

    Please understand that while this question is about what I've achieved, I do not take sole credit for many of the things that will be listed here. I strive to be as transparent as possible with the officer team and work together with them more often than not. That being said, much of the work accomplished during my first term was primarily focused on revamping the subunits, getting the 21st more involved with the rest of the server, and trying to innovate a bit with respect to how the battalion operates. With that brief, I'll get into more specifics now: New tryouts were created for both Special Operations and Keller’s Unit, both tryouts I’d say are marked improvements over their predecessors and are tailored well to what is expected of members of the respective subunit. Without leaking too much about the tryouts, the Special Operations tryout is focused more on reaction timing, roleplay, and enforcing the cloaking rules so as to ensure there are no complications with members being unfamiliar with the server cloaking rules. The Keller’s Unit tryout is squad-based and focuses on leadership and combat prowess. Alongside this, Jedi have been implemented more seamlessly with both subunits to provide a bit more variety for Jedi in the 21st. On the topic of subunits, we also managed to completely fill both Special Operations and Keller’s Unit for a time with active members that excelled at the tryouts. Although those numbers have waned, I'm confident that we can achieve this again especially now that the ARC requirement for Keller’s Unit has been lifted. In terms of our relations with the rest of the server, I've been pushing key officers and NCOs towards being more vocal with what the 21st is doing during events and operations so that other forces can coordinate with us more easily. On top of that, during deployments I've been moving the 21st to cooperate with other battalions. These things on top of continued efforts for joint trainings have led to a large increase in cooperation between the 21st and many other battalions on the server. There are a few, though, that we haven't had the opportunity to work with yet, so I'm looking forward to rectifying that. Finally, along with suggestions and examples from the other officers and past iterations, I created an experimental merit system to try and change things up a bit. In my original application, I made mention that I wanted the 21st to focus primarily on the fun of its members. In this effort, we agreed that a merit system may provide a less stressful experience rather than quota. Sadly, this experiment was launched shortly after the battalion experienced a large drop in activity which resulted in less than ideal conditions for those who took to the system. We decided it best to revert back to quota, but I do not consider it a failure. While it definitely needed some work, I'm proud of what we created in an attempt to make the battalion more enjoyable for all: both casual players and the more dedicated alike. 


    What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion?:

    The first thing on the docket is an overhaul of how the officer corps functions. Currently, certain ranks focus on specific duties such as MAJ being primarily in charge of discipline. We've decided to instead create teams that will oversee specific areas such as: Overseeing the NCO Corps, Document updates, Discipline, and Outreach to other battalions(not the same Outreach that SOBDE has of course, this would focus on brainstorming joint trainings/operations and other group activities). Multiple teams will be overseen by the Commanders/Battalion Commander in order to create a direct chain of command. Officers will be able to choose which open positions they would like to focus on the most, though we plan on starting the Warrant Officers off in overseeing the NCO Corps as is tradition in the 21st. That is the only predetermined spot, as I'm hoping that putting officers of different ranks within the same team will help lower ranking officers interact more closely with higher ranking officers which will be a learning experience for them. Ultimately, the goals are to ensure that all aspects of the battalion are cared for equally, communication is made easier, and provide further opportunities for officers to gain experience in battalion administration. While implementing this, I'll be working closely with the new Keller to start finding more members for Keller’s Unit as it has had some difficulties lately. Thankfully this should not prove too difficult a process compared to how things were before since we have the new tryout and dupe already created and ready to go. Past that, some more fun plans are being brainstormed however I don't want to speak too much on that front as I can't guarantee that they will end up the way I explain them here since they're all in the early planning phase. My final focus personally will be finding and assisting a successor with gaining the necessary experience and confidence to hopefully become the next Battalion Commander. I may bring back the XO position in an unofficial capacity to assist with this, though of course in a way that complies with the server rules. All in all, while the changes to the officer corps are being implemented and we find new members for Keller’s Unit, I will always be thinking up new ways to spruce up the battalion and/or make it even more fun for the members of the 21st. 


    Do you understand that if you go inactive you will be removed from your position?:


    • Pay Respect 1
  8. 3/4/4 Im not a huge fan of way too high health EJs, I understand that for kidnapping and holding hostage its necessary but we were shooting the fuck out of one of em for a couple of minutes in Brig lobby after the event was considered over which is excessive

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