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About Skjoldur

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  1. 5/5/5 super duper fun and spontaneous. This was honestly more fun than the events we've done that have whole documents written about them. It was super fun and it really shows the passion that the community has for events and patrols. I love how it started out as a battalion thing and other admins were like: "we're bored, lets make this an event" and it happened. Super duper fun.
  2. 1/1/5 Didn't know what was going on the entire event other than "Ooo navy ensign on a diplomatic mission got kidnapped" No one was telling me where to go and even when I asked people if I could tag along they never responded. Enemies had far too little health and could get three shot by a westar. Overall, it's not the Game Master's fault that I'm rating it so low, but at the same time I can't bring myself to rate it any higher without knowing what was going on during the event.
  3. #############################

    Proud Icelandic Citizen! Proud Muslim!

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    الحمد الله رب ايلمن
    الرحمن الرحيم
    "In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful."
    "Praise be to God, Lord of the right."
    "The most merciful [God]."


    GM ARF SGT ulfr


  4. 5/5/5 Super duper fun! I had a lot of fun messing about with climbing and sniping the droids haha
  5. 4/2/3 Event was pretty predictable and the spawnpoints for AI looked really bad. Other than that it was alright.
  6. 5/5/5 Couldn't have been more perfectly timed! I got ARF trooper right before this and got to learn some practical positions and tactics with this event! Had a ton of fun.
  7. 4/4/4 Me and Scrapper annihilated that commando droid with an elevator, that shit was hilarious
  8. 3/3/3 I didn't really know there was an event until mid way through but what i did get to experience was quite fun and I loved how GM worked together without a leader and just flowed together like a river. It was very nice and interesting to watch.
  9. 4/2/5 Gameplay: Was fine, a bit boring at times and redundant as well. Took some time before people realized something was going down at Village. Effort: Just felt like things were thrown around and I even had some of the enemies spawning on top of me at one point. There were a couple of antlions atop a curtain thing in Village that no one can shoot through unless you're on top of the buildings, limiting the destruction of those bugs to jetpack users or force users Performance: Perfect, nothing wrong on my end.
  10. 4/5/5 loved it! I had a great time protecting courtyard and clearing the mining device that the CIS used. Overall this event was a blast and a great introduction to this server. Keep it up!
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