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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Name: Moos Staff Rank: Admin Are you VIP?: yes Date: 3/9/23 Reason for leaving: Being staff honestly sucks Farewells: what
  2. Name: Moos Staff Rank: Admin Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 1 and half weeks maybe Reason: Moving Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes
  3. osted 5 hours ago Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Zombies came and ate people Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)
  4. 5/5/5 Wolfpack are awesome
  5. Squid

    Hunt for Poggle

    4/3/1 Too much lag mon
  6. Squid

    Vientam Blues

    4/4/1 The baby killing might've been the best part of this
  7. Name: Moos Staff Rank: Admin Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): about a week and a half Reason: Just got my wisdom teeth removed so kinda filling like crap right now and I'm flying out to arizona in a couple of days Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position?: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes
  8. 5/5/5 Killed bunch oF stuff
  9. 5/5/5 best loader racer in the known universe
  10. Squid

    CIS factory

    5/5/5 Killed a bunch people very fun
  11. Squid

    DW Captured Lux

    3/4/4 goofy ahh event whole thing disappeared
  12. Squid

    CIS Camp

    5/5/5 Very fun
  13. Squid


    1/5/5 I didn't win
  14. 5/5/5 killed so many people
  15. 5/5/5 Very fun killed a bunch of stuff
  16. 5/5/5 Simple but still very enjoyable
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