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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, or should I say Good-bye. I have been on the server for a long time, I've left once already but came back to help out the 21st. I ended up getting to invested and one thing led to another, which lead to me getting Commander then getting Bacara... I have done many things that I am proud of, getting HA and VA, being SPEC REG for 2 terms, all the work I did in the Jedi Council for my stint there, And more recently: My time in the 41st as Barriss Offee and my 5 terms as Bacara. I wish I could have finished my last term, but I honestly despise the server, well more I just don't want to play on it anymore. It has started to feel like a part time job, the 40 hours over 2 weeks is basically the same as any normal job, just working half days. I have enough going on with work, life and everything else to be worry about some insignificant (in comparison to all the other things going on in my life) Gmod server which will be here with or without me. The server is going in a direction that I personally don't really agree with and are doing things that I personally thing are counterintuitive, and damaging the server, rather than helping (For GOD'S sake, give us back the event server, main server deployments are, and will always be, dog shit compared to an event server deployment.) But I assume the developers and owners are semi-competent and know what they are doing. I am sure Synergy will be around for many years to come. The Staff team is always fun to be a part of and work for, but it's also gotten really restrictive for someone who loves building, due to many props now being blacklisted. It just destroys me when I want to make something cool, but I can't use or find something (My prop packs are broken as well, I have to search for the props I need, I tried uninstalling and reinstalls, clearing cache, etc, none worked for me.) 41st - Always fun to vibe with you guys, you will always be my second home, as I just enjoyed the more chilled vibes and funny moments that would always ensue when I ran with you guys. No one will bomb the temple better than I did. 21st - My home, my family, the place I hold near and dear to my heart. I am sure all those in it now will be able to bring the battalions to a brave and great new horizon, I am just so very sorry I could not do more. You are all my friends and I will always want to check in and see how things are going. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BAN ME FROM ANYTHING ABOVE A CAPTAIN, I DO NOT WANT TO BE A COMMANDER OR BACARA AGAIN, 5 TIMES IS ENOUGH. I have the equivalency of a Degree in 21st lore and I would not change it for the world. Once a Marine, always a Marine. Always Forward, Never Back I would do personalised thanks, but I already left once, and I am trying not to get too emotionally just writing what I did. Synergy was a large part of my life, it helped me get out of my shell, be less introverted and anxious, it completely ruined my sleep schedule... I hope you all enjoy the server as much as I did. Synergy - The name says it all - All groups interacting and cooperating together to achieve a greater goal than they could achieve individually.
    1 point
  2. Changing my rating to a +1 good luck
    1 point
  3. Stockings, Patty, and Myself are in the process of reviewing our current leads and officers and how they fit within what we envision for the future of 21st. We are probing those not in leadership positions about their interest in taking over our empty or inactive lead positions. I believe once we build a strong base with regimental leadership we can grow from there. We do have an incentive system but with Gadget’s departure we lost our reserve to pay those out and its currently on hold. In the mean time, we’re making sure our NCOs are taken care of and recognized for their work. As for my activity, reference my reply to Kaiser. Striking a healthy balance with all the things I need to do is my number one priority.
    1 point
  4. -1 reasons above > willing to change rating if i see you around more and if you can think of a way to go about implementing what you want.
    1 point
  5. Name: Jedi Master Ki Adi Mundi Staff Rank: Admin Are you VIP?: Y Date: 6/30/2023 Reason for leaving: Finding it hard to get out of bed, let alone find the drive to get on the server now. I believe it is in best interest if I resign now instead of being removed for extreme inactivity, and open up the slots that I have filled. Farewells: 21st - I know I had plans to come back with full force and do a great job, but I really just cannot stomach it. I've been really tired just all around and need to leave before this gets any worse. Sorry I wasn't the best Mundi and hope that you guys can push forwards without me. Thank you for this opportunity!
    1 point
  6. 5/5/4 Had an amazing tie during the deployment. I loved the Ashoka vs Maul fight (I was ashoka) I really think we can do more of those in to the future. Little laggy on the prop built map, but that was honestly a great time to do! Yall did your best! Thanks for giving us the time and effort for this!
    1 point
  7. 5/5/5 Had a really good time during this deployment, it was very cool to experience the Siege of Mandalore.
    1 point
  8. I've known Thermite since 2018. He'll do good work. +1
    1 point
  9. +1 I have sat by this man since I joined the battalion. There is hope for it still!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. +1 I know this man well and trust his ability to lead the battalion back to greatness
    1 point
  12. Haven't seen you that much, I wish you took some time to get your activity up before you applied or I would support you. I think you're great and I do think you're the next best option for Bacara but I would like to see you on more often. -1
    1 point
  13. Yeah I can tell, you said a lot of "I want to" but not really a lot of how I'm going to. You don't need a every step plan but some ideas of how you're gonna do these things other than a wide array of promises obama-style. I've seen this cycle for every single battalion ever, you're htiting every point people care about but basically saying nothing. I'm sure you could bea good BCMD but this app speaks nothing off that. all of these are in other apps and are just as vague and get implemented 0%, you need to show you know how to do these things but this app shows none of that. You aren't gonna be the first guy to get people to properly implement subunit or regimental roles if you have no plan of how to do it. -1
    1 point
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