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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Hey boys, never thought this day would happen but ya know what, it did. I woke up one day and realized that the server just isnt that fun anymore, and in my eyes its failed to turn into the community it once was. The entire server just feels like a cock measuring contest between the bigger battalions with the smaller ones suffering for it. I will still be on time to time, Im down if someone wants me as a battalion advisor or some shit. @Kain Honestly dude you're a gigantic fucking cuck, theres better people fit to lead your battalion and the fact that you gave negative feedback to GINYU of all people proves that you have garbage judgement @Joah Please remove the weapons vender and wipe permaweapons, that shit makes RC and battalion classes fucking useless @Zomb You're inactive @Alistair Best ponds hands down, you did so much fucking work for RC just to have it go down the fucking drain. Honestly a tragedy. @Duck Get active or step down from your positions. Also learn how to put your foot down, "Well I dunno.." is a phrase I hear way too much from you. @Llama/Yoda Yoda could use force lightning in lore. Memes aside I fucking love you man, hands down best yoda and anyone who contests that is a fucking retard @Jagger Best fucking SMB this side of the galaxy, overall just an amazing guy @Billiam Clinton You did a good job as Cody, just dont fucking slack as SCMD or I will fucking kill you myself @BCNS Talk to Mocaris, Nightmare, or any other GM on how to make better events. Stop with the super scripted BS and ESPECIALLY STOP GIVING FUCKING IMPERIAL WEAPONS BECAUSE ITS AGAINST THE FUCKING GM RULES YOU CUCK. @Jek I get mixed messages from you sometimes. Sometimes you act alright and other times you act like a fucking prick. @IndoX Seeing you openly spar Grievous in the Jedi Temple as Palpatine gave me fucking AIDS. Never do that again please. @Max Stop AFKing, get off when you dont plan to play and get on when you do. That simple. @Baller Next Admiral for sure, least retarded Naval Ive ever seen. @Rush Cat Do me and everyone in RC a favor and either get fully active, and none of this (Be active for 3-4 days then inactive for WEEKS bullshit), or step down from Darman @Dargon You're up there with Llama my guy, honestly an amazing person @Punda Best trap. @Zyner I like you as a leader but you say some fucking dumb shit sometimes @Jayarr You're a cool guy @Vint Never step down from Colt, its just who you are now. I love you my guy @Dondi Why the fuck did they make Core Havoc @Kazane I enjoyed our conversations about RC and Null, even though it may seem like I get heated, Im just passionate about stuff I care about @Dragon Best Ordo. Next one is gonna have big shoes to fill @Ginyu No words can describe how fucking hilarious you are. Best roleplayer on the server and easily the friendliest guy. @Nightmare The Fan Fic God One of the better GMs currently, make sure not to burn yourself out kiddo. @Gene_Starwind I feel like you have some fucking wierd thing against RC/Null that you honestly need to get over, because everyone else has @Baxter Already a better Keller than Tank ever was <3 @Trig A battalion like CG is never easy to run, and people will always give you shit. Just gotta roll with the punches and learn to not give a fuck @Egg Best memelord @Peacock Minge @Kane I hope to god Im on the server for the day that you tell someone to eat your ass on Shaak Ti @Weeaboo I fucking hate anime but you're a cool guy @Faoeoa King Roaster, you give me strength to keep being toxic @Naavi Incredibly hard worker, keep up the good work but be careful not to burn yourself out @Callsign False Crucify another youngling for me pls @Halpert Also a minge, but mix in staff powers and it makes a deadly combination @Fizzik I wasnt around for your "peak" times or whatever so I will say this from my point of view. You're average. @Fours You're up there with Jagger in terms of being an awesome person @Styles12 I concede the race towards Fordo my friend. @Chumbus Im glad you're back <3 @Autistic Bruno Some days I wonder how the fuck we let you pass RC tryouts. And anyone else I missed, Im sorry. But I feel I covered most people I wanted to cover.
    2 points
  2. Name: Defense Regimental Commander Koval Reason for stepping down: Sigh. Where do I start. When I first became the Defense Regimental, I had a vision. I slowly started to create that vision and then Icefuse fell. Joah and his staff quickly made this server and gladly said that I would still be the Regimental Commander. So a BIG Thanks goes to Joah. After a few weeks I started to realize some stuff. I'm not going into the details but what's done is done. I just want to thank everyone, including all my beloved defense battalions, 187th, 327th and 41st. I love you all. And Thanks to @Llama/Yoda and @Medic for giving me the opportunity to become the Defense Regimental. I Recommend CHUMBUS AND FAOEOA. They are amazing leaders and know how to get shit done. I Date of full Resignation: 8/27/17 Where do I start............ @Egg My bro and first commander. I'm coming back home. @Llama/Yoda You guided me all the way until I eventually became Regimental. My dude. @Trig One of my best friends on the server, sad to see you resign from fox. @Beastly aka my brother. Nuff said @Kane One of the best memes and fellas on the server. Great Shaaki and friend To the 187th - God I love you guys. Every 187th CMD is so dedicated and determined. I will miss you guys To the 327th - Hudson, you might be the best CMD I've ever seen. And your singing is outstanding Bananaberry your funny af too To all the current 41st - Every CMD Lighig Prado, you guys are outstanding. I'm coming home @Nightmare The Fan Fic God You are the best step son anyone can ask for. @Dargon I met you when you became barriss, ever since I have talked to you and remained close to you. @Chumbus You were my mentor on Icefuse and still my mentor in life @Mocaris One of the hardest working jedi on the whole server. and also a good friend @Tybo Also one of the best jedi on the server, and a great guy and friend @chew and @puffin and @iceman You guys are my sons. I love you all To the 212th (my favorite attack battalion) - You guys are the model battalion, lead by @Fours,@Cabrera, @Shockpoint, and all the 212th. @ginyu You're the best role player on the whole damn server. also a good buddy and person to talk to. @faloobala aka faoeoa You're my favorite british dude @Flynn You're my favorite scottsman and a great jedi And to all the former 41st who already resigned. Pyle, Ryan, Doug, Reptilia, you guys are fucking awesome. #GO41st To everyone else good luck
    2 points
  3. -1 I do not believe you have been Captain+ for more than a week or whatever the requirement is, unless this has changed? Also I believe Bazoo would be a better choice. - Grand Master Of The Order Yoda I AM
    2 points
  4. Those were simpler times... *stares off into flashback*
    1 point
  5. The good old days, back when I was good old Cooker and it was nothing but memes.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. It was the greatest meme love the last pic btw miss those times
    1 point
  8. @Llama/Yoda Third picture, such a throwback
    1 point
  9. picture #4 when we used to have insane models and events were dope.
    1 point
  10. +1 good shit - Grand Master Of The Order Yoda
    1 point
  11. +1 Bazoo has always been a great leader, and he has the experience.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. as vanhorn would always say +Support
    1 point
  14. +1 bazoo is a great guy he even has his own box in my bunks
    1 point
  15. +1 the best person for this Job This guy is a good leader... GOOD LUCK MAN
    1 point
  16. In a quote from Vanhorn Naval Tryouts(tm) EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH +1
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. +1 One of the best RP in the server comes from him.
    1 point
  20. +1 Go for it, I remember dealing with you in some situations and you were always cool and seemed to make the right decision.
    1 point
  21. As if Shutting down game makers would ever be the right choice, that would just be a surefire way to kill the community, i love ya Russell but @Beb should honestly be the chief of game makers he is the most committed and one of the only TWO fucking game masters that regularly make events.
    1 point
  22. Okay. @AllYouHighAllYouHighStaff if y'all think the reason half the people who are staff became staff because they wanted to "help the community" you are stupid. Now, I'm not saying all staff because there is a lot of staff who genuinely want to help synergy. But a good portion of the people who join staff do it to BECOME A FRIGGIN' GAMEMAKER. Once they realise how long it will actually take them to do that, they give up and just sit on their butt all day and noclip when they're too lazy to virtually walk. If you want staff who actually is dedicated, make this happen so you wont get autismos who just want to make events.
    1 point
  23. Hope to see you around, Trig. Also that's Necriss training you in the first pic!
    1 point
  24. This statement right here is exactly how I've felt for a few weeks now. I've been talking to a few people about it, and in my opinion -- I'm sure you'd agree -- if Icefuse was a 10/10 (hypothetically), then Synergy is a 5/10 right now. While I recognize the server is new and things are being worked on, I don't get the feeling that the owners/developers are really trying all that hard to make it better than a 5. I have been trying my best to use my weight on the staff team to change things and improve the server from that side, but there is little I can do on the development side to make things better. Hopefully, we'll see improvement. And if we don't, honestly, I do not see this server lasting. Best of luck, Venom. I hope to see you around.
    1 point
  25. +1 to calling out shitty people doing shitty things
    1 point
    1 point
  27. +1 Hardest working person I know to date in KU
    1 point
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