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CWRP - Dragon's Staff Re-Application


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RP Name: Alpha 78 XO Valiant

Steam ID: 

VIP (Y/N): Y

Age: 19

Timezone: EST

What was your previous staff rank?: Veteran Admin


Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): TTT


Why did you leave the staff, team?: Didn't Have enough time for it.


Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I've been staffing on TTT for some time and don't enjoy staffing on that server anymore. I want to transfer in order to better serve the community. I mainly play on CWRP and feel that I would be an addition to the staff team. I am a former TRM and Game Master. I know that if given the opportunity I can really help the community and make it a better place.


Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

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The time is now 8:55 PM EST. I have been locked here for weeks.... Beaten, abused, mentally shaken, one time they even let Matchsticks off his leash and locked him in here with me. It was horrible....... he still haunts me in my dreams. *creak* Oh god I think he’s coming down here, *muffled footsteps and panic* “HHHHHHEEEEERRRROOOOOOOOO I NEED THE ARC SELECTIONS DUUUUUUPE” I scream back “I DONT WANNA”, he punches me. *oof* i start bleeding through my nose holes, “You will give me my dupe when i ask” he says as he caresses my face. “Yes Mr. Dragon Master” i stammer back. He uncuffs me, i quickly run over and put the dupe down. “Good boy” he whispers into my ear, “maybe you’ll be set for a promotion,” he says. I quickly say “pro-pro-pro-promotion????!!” He slaps me “SILENCE, You don’t focus on RANCOR anymore you just deploy us” 

“I’m sorry father, i just want RANCOR AND SOBDE to have events, you don’t know what it’s like.” I say as i spit blood out my mouth. Dragons eyes fill with rage and he yells with fire coming from his lungs, “MATCHSTICKS CMERE BOY, YOUR BUDDY WANTS TO PLAY” he unhooks matchsticks and walks up the stairs, letting me fend for myself. “OH GOD PLEASE NO. DRAGON ILL DO WHATEVER U WANT! ILL DO ANYTHING PLEASE GOD DONT SEND MATCHSTICKS DOWN HERE” i screech, “it’s too late, i already have the dupe down” He replies. He shuts the door and turns the lights off. Sealing my fate.


aka +1 

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