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!Return - Raider

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Bug Type: The bug type is a New-Adminstrator power.

Severity level: I would rate the severity level at a one.

Evidence: Evidence #001.

Description of the bug: The description of the bug would be that New-Administrator's cannot "!return" themselves. This is a big issue for some of us because we either have to walk back to our bunks, kill ourselfs or do "/cc" then join our job back to return where we were.

How can we recreate it: You could set yourself to New Administrator and try to return yourself.

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I just use "!respawn Qal" when i am done with a ticket because it gets me to bunks and i can do whatever from there. (Its with the Admin System we have, You can not Target anyone of the same rank as yourself, including yourself.) If you can respawn (cant remember and am not looking at the doc atm), use /ct, then join correct job again.

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