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Max - Finding the unknown (Part 2) (CG)


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Name: Max

Who helped (If applicable): Rogue

Event Name: Finding the unknown (Part 2)

Summary of the story: The CG had to do a stealth mission to find data on the scientist who is doing recent attacks on civilian. 

What was the result of the event?: The CG got the data and held off the enemy attacks.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

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+1 Loved the splitting of the squads, approaching an enemy base and taking out enemies together timed on comms. Was very cool, especially uncovering the horrible experiments. Very fun! The gunships at the end broke my game but all in all was great. (P.S. Sorry I totally lit up the Scientist)

Edited by Xray
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*Cough* I split the Squads *Cough* *Cough* This felt like a Special Forces mission to me. It was really immersive and I loved every minute. The story, the recon, everything. It was overall amazing. Every event Max does is spectacular and I couldn't ask for a better Game Master. Although it was "TOO ORGANIZED", LMAO!


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