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Kates' Formal Apology

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Hello, my name is Kates and I am writing this formal apology to apologize to those people who had to put up with my immaturity, minging, and whining. I have played SynergyRP for quite a bit now and I love the community. I have made tons of friends and had tons of fun during events, although I have been a pain in the neck to some people and I am apologizing about that now. It started out as my Jedi where I would go around making stupid comments for laughs and jumping into ships I was not permitted in. I was yelled at by multiple masters such as Yoda, Kenobi, and Hett. I thought nothing of those warnings and just kept on being the annoying minge I was. Then it began moving over to my clone life where I would not follow orders from my commanders, make them put up with all my drama, and have them constantly yell at me and give me PT when they could be helping the battalion. I have been a pain in the butt to battalions such as Coruscant Guard, RANCOR, and 91st. After being constantly demoted and kicked out of regiments I moved back to my Jedi life. Then came the Order 66 event. I was pulled over by a clone trooper and he told me to join him, being the idiot I was I changed my name to "Darth Kates" and started killing Jedi. I got pulled over by Yoda and Ki Adi Mundi and I just played the 'he told me to' card and it was immature. After that incident I was demoted to Youngling and kicked out of RANCOR. This caused me to get really mad and I did not control my anger, leading me to create chargeback cases hurting Joah and wasting his time where he could put valuable work into updates. Even though I cancelled the cases it did cost him fees and valuable time which I apologize for. After that situation I was permanently banned from SynergyRP. Now that I have told the apology to the general audience, I would like to apologize to the specific few higher ups who had to deal with me.


Tyzen (Yoda) & Medic (Sharad Hett)

I would like to make a specific apology to these two main Jedi Masters because they were the main ones who had to put up with my mingey acts and complaining on my Jedi life. I would constantly annoy Yoda following him and harassing him and I give him props for not demoting me sooner. Day after day I would give him crap to worry about such as me being blacklisted. Then when I made my name 'Darth Kates' and killed Jedi he had to step in and discipline me when he could have been having fun during the event. Yoda would also receive tons of complaints about me as well as Sharad Hett A.K.A Medic. Medic admitted to me himself that he had received many complaints about me and he was supposed to demote me sooner. I would be yelled at him all the time because I would always say a stupid comment or do a stupid action. Finally, enough was enough and Medic had to pull me aside and demote me for mass minging and failrping, after that I harassed him saying it was unfair and that I should get a second chance. I apologize to these two individuals especially, for putting up with my bullshit the most and I hope you can forgive me.


Fizzik (Colt), Repent (Thorn), Panzer (Fox), and Prince (Kal Skirata)

I would like to apologize to these 4 individuals because on my clone life I created a lot of drama wasting their time. Whenever I would break PTS, break battlecomms, or failRP, they would always have to deal with me. I am going to go one by one with the situations with each person and apologize for my actions. During the event when there was PassiveRP in Hangar 1 and everyone got drunk, I went on top of the fighting cage and was told to get off but I did not listen because I thought I was being targeted. Due to those actions Kal Skirata had to waste his time and set an AOS on me. When I was arrested I created a huge rant in OOC chat causing everyone to have their chat spammed with my obnoxious comments and ruin their roleplay. I kept ranting until I was finally muted by Kal when once again I was wasting his time in the event. Secondly, I would like to apologize to Fox and Thorn. I am putting these two together because they both had to put up with my bullshit at the same time. As I was in CG, I would constantly break PTS in DB in TS, and break Battle Comms during events. Adding on to that, I got into a fight with two of our own troopers, one being Raider who was later banned but that is besides the point and Une after I did not follow his orders during an event even though he is a higher ranking. After this problem, Fox and Thorn had to deal with me, when once again high ranking officials wasting their time on my stupid actions. Finally I got removed from CG, and when I was ranting in OOC when I was demoted from Jedi, Thorn kept telling me to shut up but I would not listen. Finally, I would like to apologize to RANCOR Commander Colt AKA Fizzik. I would like to apologize to Colt for having to put up with the most shit out of everyone. He had to deal with me, 1. Minge when the 501st tried training, 2. Get removed from Jedi, 3. Get reports from troopers, 4. Get reports from JOAH HIMSELF, 5. Deal with me complaining to him to not let me leave. I would like to apologize to those commanders and officers and I hope you can accept this apology.



My final apology goes to the Chairman and Founder of SynergyRP himself. As 501st were boarding the LAAT to finish the Order 66 event, I kept getting on board and harassing Joah AKA Rex at the time. He kept slaying me but I would just walk back and get right back on. After that I was reported and called by Fizzik AKA Colt who I talked about above. Then after the whole rant I created four chargeback cases worth 80$ in total. This wasted the time of Joah, when he could be working on the new update and servers being made for you guys. But I had to be the asshole I was and waste 80$ of his money and cost him chargeback fees, typing to PayPal to keep the money, and call Paypal himself to deal with the issue at hand. All these issues were caused by one ignorant and immature kid behind a keyboard. Me.

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  • Coordinator


 Good for you man for owning up to ur mistakes

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