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Admin Application Submission 2


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Rp Name: TR Rancor ARCT PFC Flare


Age 16
Timezone:CDT Time
Reason Why I wanna Become Administrator: The reason why I want to be an administrator is because I want to help the synergy role play server grow and expand its contents and bring a safe and fair environment to the star wars rp. i'd also like to point out I love star wars role play. to its cool and layed back people who care and appreciate the things around them. the reason I think I can become an admin is that i'm a clam and collective guy who loves the star wars community as a whole. I also try to answer as many question to the people as a can. over all i'm turst worthy guy who has a big heart for the star wars role play community and also synergy role play as well. I hope you find this application well i'll try my best to increase the star wars community as a whole. ~Bryce Pratt
Hello my name Is Bryce Pratt I'm 16, I've been playing star wars role play servers for around 2 years I love star wars as a whole I try to be the nicest and most caring guy out there. Overall i'm a really Layed back guy who respects people to the fullest i'm relaxed when it comes to tense and nail biting situations, I always try to find the solution to the situation. I always try to stay active no matter what even if its just to say hello. overall i'm i kind person who really can make a impact as a administrator I try to be the nicest that I can. I hope we can work in the furture to become better friends and people ~Bryce Pratt
staff expirance: I was a helper for a gmod death run server it do'sent run anymore which i'm pretty sad about  but everybody loved me on there and i'd hope in the future i'd hope to be working with your staff and player on the synergy roleplay~Bryce Pratt
Hour played:or play time i have around 84 to 85 hour of play on synergy role play, again I try to be active as possible i've at least played around 1 hour or more per day to try to get my hours up but i have around two months of experience on this server.



Edited by Flare
needed to do corrections
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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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@Flare you can get your SteamID via in game by pressing Tab and going down to your name, right clicking and press copy steamID 32 and that is the steam ID that they are looking for this format. 

but anyway +1 I mean there is a decent difference between a RP server and a death Run server but hey maybe this mans can bring in a new idea or something into our staff team, good luck man.

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2 hours ago, Flare said:

201108044 that's the number for the 32 steam id again if its not right i'll be happy to send it again  

Ill find your Steam ID. Also put your full RP name like: RANCOR ARCT PVT Josh


Thats your SteamID 32

Edited by Joshua
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On 6/15/2018 at 10:48 PM, Flare said:

Rp Name: TR Rancor ARCT PFC Flare


Age 16
Timezone:CDT Time
Reason Why I wanna Become Administrator: The reason why I want to be an administrator is because I want to help the synergy role play server grow and expand its contents and bring a safe and fair environment to the star wars rp. i'd also like to point out I love star wars role play. to its cool and layed back people who care and appreciate the things around them. the reason I think I can become an admin is that i'm a clam and collective guy who loves the star wars community as a whole. I also try to answer as many question to the people as a can. over all i'm turst worthy guy who has a big heart for the star wars role play community and also synergy role play as well. I hope you find this application well i'll try my best to increase the star wars community as a whole. ~Bryce Pratt
Hello my name Is Bryce Pratt I'm 16, I've been playing star wars role play servers for around 2 years I love star wars as a whole I try to be the nicest and most caring guy out there. Overall i'm a really Layed back guy who respects people to the fullest i'm relaxed when it comes to tense and nail biting situations, I always try to find the solution to the situation. I always try to stay active no matter what even if its just to say hello. overall i'm i kind person who really can make a impact as a administrator I try to be the nicest that I can. I hope we can work in the furture to become better friends and people ~Bryce Pratt
staff expirance: I was a helper for a gmod death run server it do'sent run anymore which i'm pretty sad about  but everybody loved me on there and i'd hope in the future i'd hope to be working with your staff and player on the synergy roleplay~Bryce Pratt
Hour played:or play time i have around 84 to 85 hour of play on synergy role play, again I try to be active as possible i've at least played around 1 hour or more per day to try to get my hours up but i have around two months of experience on this server.



This is how it should look like

Edited by Joshua
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Congratulations @Flare Your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

You have until 6/24/18 to contact me or a HA+ for your interview

Failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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